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Period 9 (1980-Present) – 5% of MC 1980: Election of Reagan (Rise of Conservatism) You better know about: The reasons for the rise of Conservative mvmn’t.

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Presentation on theme: "Period 9 (1980-Present) – 5% of MC 1980: Election of Reagan (Rise of Conservatism) You better know about: The reasons for the rise of Conservative mvmn’t."— Presentation transcript:

1 Period 9 (1980-Present) – 5% of MC 1980: Election of Reagan (Rise of Conservatism) You better know about: The reasons for the rise of Conservative mvmn’t -belief in social/moral decay contributes to rise of religious fundamentalist (opposed to abortion/gay marriage) -reduced public faith in ability of gov’t to solve social and economic problems (inflation, Watergate, growing deficit of GS and ND programs) The Conservatives DID achieve some political/economic victories but it did not undo all gov’t programs or social trends -Conservative wins = “Reaganomics” (tax cuts, trickle-down economics), massive deregulation, social program cuts -Conservative losses = size of gov’t GREW (Soc. Security, Medicare spending increased), abortion still legal

2 Period 9 (1980-Present) – 5% of MC You better know about: Rhetoric vs. reality of Reagan’s foreign policies -rhetoric: Reagan = hardline anti-communist, calls USSR “evil empire”, rejects détente, mass increase in defense spending -reality: develops good relations w/Gorbachev, reaches deal on arms control, “outspends” the USSR into eventual econ/political collapse Post-Cold War World led to new challenges for US foreign policy- makers -9/11 attacks = war on terrorism  Afghanistan & Iraq -Bush Doctrine = preemptive strikes against terrorist- supporting nations are permissible -concerns over civil liberties vs. national security due to USA PATRIOT Act (2001)

3 Period 9 (1980-Present) – 5% MC You Better Know About: Changes to American society since 1970s -changing demographics as increasing numbers of people come from Latin America and Asia (Immigration Act of 1965) -Continued debate over role of federal gov’t (universal health care, Social Security spending, gov’t surveillance) -loss of manufacturing jobs overseas, rising income inequality -rising concerns about climate change/global warming, energy policy, oil consumption

4 Period 8 (1945-1980) – 15% MC 1945: End of WWII (US is a global superpower) You Better Know About: Various methods US used to contain the spread of communism (Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO, war in Korea/Vietnam) How the relationship between the US and USSR fluctuated between periods of confrontation and détente (CMC, Nixon in China, SALT I) How the US supported undemocratic non-aligned gov’ts as long as the were anti-communist (Nicaragua, Iran, Guatemala, S. Vietnam, etc.)

5 Period 8 MC (1945-1980) – 15% MC You Better Know About: Cold War led to growing debates at home -order vs. liberty (HUAC, McCarthyism, 2 nd Red Scare, Alger Hiss) -Arms & Space Race (Eisenhower’s “new look army”, fed $ creates NASA -Anti-War Movement (opposition to Vietnam  Tet Offensive, My Lai massacre, invasion of Cambodia) Civil Rights activists used legal challenges, non-violence, and direct action to fight segregation and discrimination (Brown v. Board, Montgomery Bus Boycott, Freedom Summer)

6 Period 8 MC (1945-1980) – 15% MC You Better Know About: Ways that the three branches EVENTUALLY played a role in advancing the cause of Civil Rights: -Executive: Truman desegregates military (1948) -Judicial: Brown v. Board (1954) -Legislative: CRA (1964) and VRA (1965)

7 Period 8 MC (1945-1980) – 15% MC You Better Know About: Intense resistance from Southerners slowed pace of change (Southern Manifesto, Little Rock) As southern resistance continued and social/economic inequality remained, disputes arose over the difference philosophies for change -”Black Power”; Malcolm X, Black Panthers Other groups were inspired by the civil rights movement and there was growing awareness of inequalities in US society (Mexican Americans, LGBT, AIM, Women)

8 Period 8 MC (1945-1980) – 15% MC You Better Know About: Liberalism under the Great Society continued to expand the power of the Federal Government (Progressives, New Dea) -Medicare, Medicaid, Poverty Programs (Head Start, Job Corps), CRA 1964, VRA 1965, Immigration Act 1965) Warren Court Decisions expanded democracy and personal freedoms (Griswold vs. CT = birth control availability, Miranda v. Arizona = protection for accused) How the Great Society, Warren Court, and Counterculture led to a conservative resurgence movement (Goldwater campaign of ‘64, Nixon ’68, Reagan ‘80)

9 Period 7 MC (1890-1945) – 17% MC You Better Know About: Motives of overseas expansion and examples -motives: economic (raw materials, new markets), political (compete with Europe/Japan), ideological (spread Christianity/democracy), military (naval power = global power) -examples (Open Door Policy, Spanish- American War, Filipino Insurgency, Hawaii, Panama Canal)

10 Period 7 MC (1890-1945) – 17% MC You Better Know: Ways the Progressive Movement sought to use the power of government to improve society -Economic: trust-busting (Sherman Anti- Trust Act), Meat Inspection Act, etc. -Political: efforts to expand democracy  Wisconsin Idea (recall, referendum, initiative), 17 th Amendment (direct election of senators), 19 th Amendment (women’s suffrage) -Social: Prohibition (18 th Amendment), child labor laws, mandatory public education

11 Period 7 MC (1945-1980) – 17% MC You Better Know About: Reasons the US eventually went from neutrality to fighting in WWI as well as the peace process afterward -neutrality to war: sinking of Luisitania, Zimmerman Telegram, Wilson’s idealism (“world safe for democracy”) -peace process: 14 points mostly rejected by Allies; League of Nations/Versailles Treaty rejected by US Senate Impact of WWI on Homefront -Sedition act infringes civil liberties, Great Migration of African Americans to northern cities, support increases for 18 th /19 th Amendments

12 Period 7 MC (1890-1945) – 17% MC You Better Know About: How the “Roaring 20s” was a decade of not only economic prosperity but also increased tension in American society -Red Scare/Palmer Raids, Immigration Quotas, Scopes Trial, Prohibition, Revival of KKK, “Lost Generation” of WWI

13 Period 7 MC (1945-1980) – 17% MC You Better Know: The ways the New Deal responded to the problems of the Great Depression and changed the role of the federal government by creating programs to provide relief, recovery, and reform -Social Security Act, WPA, FDIC, Wagner Act Challenges to New Deal: Supreme Court rulings, Huey Long’s “Share Our Wealth”, Republicans (opposed deficit spending & large fed gov’t)

14 Period 7 MC (1945-1980) – 17% MC You Better Know About: Efforts of the US to remain neutral PRIOR to attack on Pearl Harbor -America First Committee, Lend Lease, Cash & Carry, Neutrality Acts Impact of War on Homefront -Great Depression ends due to mass mobilization -Japanese Americans internment (Ex. Order 9066) -African Americans (Ex. Order 8802 bans discrimination in defense work), Congress of Racial Equality Formed Reasons why Allies defeated Axis Powers -Big 3 Alliance, US war production, technology

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