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InfoDev’s work and future directions Valerie D’Costa, infoDev Program Manager infoDev Annual Symposium, 9 June 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "InfoDev’s work and future directions Valerie D’Costa, infoDev Program Manager infoDev Annual Symposium, 9 June 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 infoDev’s work and future directions Valerie D’Costa, infoDev Program Manager infoDev Annual Symposium, 9 June 2010

2 About infoDev

3 infoDev’s partners WB Group Agencies Int. Development Organizations Donors, Interest Groups and Stakeholders

4 Innovate. Connect. Transform 4 Three horizontal themes provide a broad framework for infoDev Innovate: Facilitating the start-up and growth of innovative technology-enabled businesses Connect: Enabling affordable access to ICTs and providing policy advice to governments and regulators Transform: Using ICT to increase efficiency and effectiveness in sectors like agriculture, disaster relief and education

5 Innovate. Connect. Transform 5 Individual programs and activities cut across all these themes Innovate: Enabling the start-up and growth of innovative businesses Connect: Enabling affordable access to ICTs and policy advice to governments and regulators Transform: Enabling use of ICT to increase efficiency and effectiveness, esp. in agriculture, disaster relief, education and governance Korea ICT for Development Trust Fund Finland / Nokia Creating Sustainable Businesses in the Knowledge Economy Canada (CIDA) Entrepreneurship Program for Innovation in the Caribbean UK (DFID) Climate Technology Porgram Brazil (MCT) Technology for Inclusion, Innovation and Sustainability

6 Innovate. Connect. Transform 6 infoDev’s Value: A trusted source of analyses, reports, best practice guides and knowledge resources Communities of practice: south-south networks; large, global grassroots innovation and entrepreneurship communities Public-private technology partnerships: working with a variety of partners in ICT4D Cutting edge ICT4D research and pilots: leveraging the network of business incubators

7 A trusted source 72% of policy-makers, regulators, the telecom industry and consumers surveyed say the toolkit is important, highly important, or imperative to their work 42% use it daily, weekly or monthly to Improve understanding Influence policy reform and debate Train regulators and others iDISC supported trainings of 1,800 people in 25 countries on all continents 80% ranked iDISC as important, highly important, or imperative to the development of their SME program. 91% rated iDISC as good, very good, or superior in Quality

8 Active communities of practice Started 2Q-2009 In one year, readership grew from zero to 3,200 visitors per month 92 expert-authored posts Gained 900 active members Generated 560 comments Linking over 300 incubators and 20’000 SMEs in 80+ developing countries infoDev’s incubator network

9 A web-enabled infoDev Visitors per day (2001-2010 ) Newsletter subscribers (2001-2010) 9 ICT in Education Toolkit ICT Regulation Toolkit

10 Redefining infoDev 10 Y2K, G8 Okinawa Summit WSIS New infoDev business model With its new business model and a focus on technology entrepreneurship, enterprise creation and grassroots innovation, infoDev is targeting to achieve its highest ever donor contributions in FY2010, with several new donors joining or re-joining the program

11 2010-2012 Work Program 11 Innovate: Incubating innovative SMEs and start-ups Clean Tech Innovation Centers Women and Youth Entrepreneurs SME Technology Financing Gap Global Forum on Innovation and Tech Entrepreneurship Connect: ICT Regulation Research Broadband for development Mobile applications and mobile social networking The Development Potential of the Virtual Economy ICT Regulation Toolkit Transform: ICT for education, including edutech debate ICT in Agriculture and rural development Using GIS to measure development outcomes ICTs for disaster risk management Cross-cutting “vertical” programs

12 12 infoDev-Finland-Nokia Program Track 1: Mobile Applications –Regional mobile applications labs in Africa, Asia and ECA –Social networking communities for Africa, Asia and ECA –Competition and capacity-building in ECA Track 2: Innovation and Entrepreneurship through Business Incubation –The first global co-incubation program –Working groups on agribusiness and ICT business incubation –Policy-makers summit on innovation and entrepreneurship –Regional programs in Africa, ECA and Mekong –SME Technology Financing Showcase –Country programs in Cambodia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nepal, Tanzania, Uganda and Vietnam, and in selected ECA countries Track 3: infoDev Global Forum on Innovation and Technology Entrepreneurship, Finland, 2011 Supporting Track: Agriculture Sourcebooks –ICT in Agriculture and Agricultural Innovation Systems Creating Sustainable Businesses in the Knowledge Economy

13 infoDev-DFID Climate Technology Program 13 Feasibility Assess the feasibility for establishing Climate Innovation Centers (CICs) in three developing countries to: 1.Accelerate the development and transfer of locally relevant technologies for mitigation and adaptation of climate change 2.Support green growth through private sector and SME development for job and wealth creation 3.Promote the commercialization and deployment of innovative climate solutions for use by the BOP Innovation Centre Analytical Report with UNIDO 1 Implement Based on the outcomes of the feasibility studies, implement CICs in each country over a 4-5 year period 2 Network Network centers internationally to promote south-south learning, business linkages and exploit synergies. 3

14 14 infoDev – Canada EPIC Entrepreneurship Program for Innovation in the Caribbean (CD $20M) Component I: –Support and expand the Caribbean Network of business incubators, including establishing 6 new business incubators in the region Component II: –Provide job related skills upgrading for incubator managers and resources for policymakers Component III: –Develop a regional MSME Seed Fund

15 Looking ahead 15 Broaden Deepen Expand the mobile applications labs Expand the climate innovation centres Expand the SME internationalization program Capacity-building and new communities of practice Mainstream ICTs in disaster relief and recovery and in agriculture and rural dev. BOP technology solutions Access to Finance program for technology entrepreneurs Retain Focus Trusted Source Inclusive growth South-south networks Cutting edge research

16 infoDev Symposium Clean, Green and Mobile Making Technology Work for the Poor June 9 2010

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