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Deaths from Liver Disease: Implications for end of life care in England Professor Julia Verne.

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Presentation on theme: "Deaths from Liver Disease: Implications for end of life care in England Professor Julia Verne."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deaths from Liver Disease: Implications for end of life care in England Professor Julia Verne

2 7.29 End of life Intelligence Network (PHOs, charities, researchers, key users) Raising profile Better understanding Better commissioning Research Improved measurement monitoring

3 Average number of deaths per year in England 2005–07, by sex and age group Women tend to die at an older age than men – 43% of female deaths are in the 85 and over age group compared with 24% of male deaths.

4 People are likely to be older at end of life

5 Place of death by age and sex, percentage of deaths in males and females in each age group in England 2005–07

6 Cause of death by place of death, percentage of deaths from each cause, England 2005–07

7 Main causes of death in England, 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

8 Trends in death from liver diseases in England, 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

9 Movements in mortality, England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

10 Deaths (underlying cause) from liver disease types: number and proportion of all deaths in England, 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

11 Cause of death by Government Office Region: average annual number of deaths in England, 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

12 Cause of death by Government Office Region: Age Standardised Rate in Males, England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

13 Cause of death by Government Office Region: Age Standardised Rate in Females, England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

14 Cause of deaths (underlying cause) by sex: average annual number of liver disease deaths in males and females, England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

15 Cause of deaths (underlying cause) by sex: proportion of liver disease deaths in males & females, England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

16 Cause of deaths (underlying cause) by age: average annual number of liver disease deaths in each age group, England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

17 Cause of deaths (underlying cause) by age: proportion of all deaths (by type) in each age group, England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

18 Trends in death (underlying cause) from alcoholic liver disease: Number of death by age band, England 2001- 2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

19 Deaths from alcoholic liver disease as a percentage of all liver disease deaths, England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

20 Cause of death (underlying cause) by age and sex: average annual number of liver disease deaths in males and females in each age group, England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

21 Cause of death (underlying cause) by age and sex: proportion of all deaths (by type) in males and females in each age group, England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

22 Cause of death (underlying cause) by deprivation quintile: average annual number of liver disease deaths, England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality DataIMD: Index of Multiple Deprivation

23 Cause of death (underlying cause) by deprivation quintile: proportion of all liver disease deaths in each deprivation quintile, England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality DataIMD: Index of Multiple Deprivation

24 Cause of death as mentioned in any cause field (both underlying and contributory): average annual number of liver disease deaths, England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

25 Cause of death as mentioned in any cause field (both underlying and contributory): liver disease deaths as a proportion of all deaths, England 2001-2009 2 vs. 4% all deaths Source: ONS Mortality Data

26 Cause of death as mentioned in any cause field (both underlying and contributory): average annual number of liver disease deaths in males and females, England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

27 Source: Office for National Statistics, annual mortality extracts Age and sex distribution of people who died with chronic renal failure recorded as either the underlying cause or a mention, England, 2001 to 2008

28 Source: Office for National Statistics, annual mortality extracts Age and sex distribution of people who died with renal carcinoma recorded as either the underlying cause or a mention, England, 2001 to 2008

29 Distribution of liver disease deaths by place of death, England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

30 Place of death by underlying cause: average annual number of liver disease deaths, England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

31 Distribution of liver disease deaths (underlying cause) by place of death for different age band, England 2001- 2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

32 Distribution of age at death for each place of death: liver disease deaths (underlying cause), England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

33 Distribution of place of death for each cause of death : liver disease deaths (underlying cause), England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

34 Place of death for liver disease as underlying cause: proportion of liver disease deaths (place of death) by Government Office Region, England 2001-2009 Source: ONS Mortality Data

35 Summary Liver disease accounts for 2% all deaths (underlying cause) 4% (mentions) and rising Accuracy of death certificates Alcoholic liver disease is the most common (> 1 in 10 deaths in 40-49 year olds) Age, gender, socioeconomic and geographical variations >70% deaths in hospital Not yet captured how vulnerable this group is

36 Next Steps Explore characteristics of patients dying of liver disease further – other diagnoses More of place of death Patterns of hospital usage in last year of life



39 ONS HES NCPC Hospice Information Service Uptake of tools GSF, PPC, LCP Innovativ e practice QOF, EOL registers Surveys of public attitudes Complaints Marie Curie nursing uptake by PCTs Local Authorities* NCIN* Police* Funeral Directors * National audits Social care* Nursing & Care homes Coroners, Ministry of Justice Funding Prisons* Ambulance Trusts* A&E* Compendium of Data Sources



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