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KS3 Lesson 4 : What is ok in a teenage relationship?

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Presentation on theme: "KS3 Lesson 4 : What is ok in a teenage relationship?"— Presentation transcript:

1 KS3 Lesson 4 : What is ok in a teenage relationship?

2 Aim To explore what is OK in a relationship for young teenagers (under the age of 16).

3 Learning Outcomes I can explore my views and consider other people’s views about what is OK and not OK in a teenage relationships I can give advice for a friend who may be in an unhealthy relationship I can identify my rights and responsibilities in my relationships

4 Ground Rules Give good attention by listening to the person speaking Respect other people’s rights to speak and express their opinions and challenge appropriately Be sensitive to other people’s feelings/comments and use agreed language Take care with sharing personal information / names Keep confidentiality - but remember the limits of adult confidentiality Right to pass

5 Key Words Rights Responsibilities Domestic violence Consent

6 1. Qualities of a good relationship?

7 2. What is OK in a teenage relationship?

8 3.What is normal in a relationship resource feedback: The average age of losing virginity in England is 16 Healthy, long lasting relationships are based on trust and kindness, not just physical activity Relationships are private, the intimacy of which should not be shared with mates or on phones or networking sites

9 3. The Core Messages 1. First and Foremost: Feel good! 2. Be Yourself 3. Show Respect 4. In your own time 5. Stay Safe and Protected 6. Show your Feelings 7. Stay in Control 8. Keep Talking 9. Stay Connected 10. Rights and Responsibilities

10 Abuse in a relationship – boy Abuse in a relationship – girl

11 4. Teenage Domestic Violence These clips demonstrate the issues of emotional violence, including verbal insults and controlling behaviour such as monitoring text messages.

12 4. Teenage Domestic Violence The Home Office conducted a study to show a quarter of girls aged 13-17 had experienced physical violence from a boyfriend and one third had been pressured into sexual acts they did not want. Of course it can happen the other way round to (girls pressuring boys) which is equally unacceptable

13 4. What advice would you give?

14 4. Do you think the media reinforces what is OK and not OK in a teenage relationship? If so, how?

15 Rights & Responsibilities - examples Rights -I have the right to be listened to -I have the right to feel safe in my relationships -I have the right to have fun with my mates Responsibilities -I have the responsibility to try not to be jealous -I have a responsibility to listen to my partner / friend -I have the responsibility to avoid name calling / hitting out in relationships

16 Assessment / SUMMARY

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