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Consumer Perspective on Dietary Fats and Health AOCS Annual Meeting Cinco de Mayo, 2014 International Food Information Council and Foundation David B.

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Presentation on theme: "Consumer Perspective on Dietary Fats and Health AOCS Annual Meeting Cinco de Mayo, 2014 International Food Information Council and Foundation David B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consumer Perspective on Dietary Fats and Health AOCS Annual Meeting Cinco de Mayo, 2014 International Food Information Council and Foundation David B. Schmidt President & CEO

2 International Food Information Council (IFIC) and The Foundation Mission: To effectively communicate science-based information about food safety and nutrition to health and nutrition professionals, government officials, educators, journalists, and consumers. Mission: To effectively communicate science-based information about health, food safety, and nutrition for the public good. Primarily supported by the broad-based food, beverage, and agricultural industries.

3 IFIC & Foundation Partners (partial list) American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation American Academy of Pediatrics American Association of Diabetes Educators American College of Sports Medicine Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics American Veterinary Medical Association Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses Center for Food Integrity Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Consumer Federation of America Council for Agricultural Science and Technology The Culinary Institute of America The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network Food Marketing Institute Harvard School of Public Health Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation Institute of Food Technologists Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners National Center for Food Protection & Defense National Institutes of Health National Policy and Resource Center on Nutrition and Aging, Florida Int’l University President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports School Nutrition Association Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation U.S. Agency for International Development U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Department of State U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Food and Drug Administration University of Illinois Functional Foods for Health Program WebMD World Health Organization

4 INTERNATIONAL FOOD INFORMATION COUNCIL FOUNDATION 2013 Food & Health Survey Consumer Attitudes Toward Food Safety, Nutrition & Health

5 International Food Information Council Foundation 2013 Food & Health Survey An online survey was conducted with 1,006 Americans about their health, diet, influences on food selection, and related knowledge and beliefs. 5 MethodologyWeb Survey Conducted By Mathew Greenwald & Associates (Washington, DC), using Research Now’s consumer panel. Population* The results were weighted to ensure that they are as reflective as possible of the American population ages 18 to 80, as seen in the 2011 Current Population survey. Specifically, they were weighted by age, education, gender, race/ethnicity, and region. Data Collection Period April 11 to April 22, 2013 Sample Size 1,006 Americans ages 18 to 80 *Weighting is a widely accepted statistical technique that is used to ensure that the distribution of the sample reflects that of the population on key demographics. With any data collection method, even when the outgoing sample is balanced to the Census, some populations are more likely than others to respond. NOTES: Respondents who completed the survey in less than seven minutes were not included in the final sample. Percentages may not add to 100% or to totals shown due to rounding.

6 International Food Information Council Foundation 2013 Food & Health Survey Only three out of ten Americans realize that all sources of calories influence weight gain equally. 6 What source of calories are the most likely to cause weight gain? 2013 All (n=1,006)

7 International Food Information Council Foundation 2013 Food & Health Survey Although the large majority of Americans remain confident in the safety of the U.S. food supply, confidence dropped between 2012 and 2013. 7 Overall, how confident are you in the safety of the U.S. food supply? 2013 All (n=1,006) 2012 All (n=1,057) O $ M Older consumers (age 50 or older), those with higher household incomes ($75,000 or more), and men are more likely than their counterparts to feel confident in the safety of the country’s food supply.

8 International Food Information Council Foundation 2013 Food & Health Survey The top reasons for considering the fat content of foods include maintaining a healthy weight and improving heart health (in general or by managing cholesterol). 8 Which of the following, if any, are reasons why you consider the fat content of the foods and beverages you buy? Base: Considers the presence of fats 2013 (n=747) O The likelihood of considering the fat content of foods to manage cholesterol and heart health increases strongly as consumers become older. Y Younger consumers, however, are more apt than older ones to believe fats can play a role in a balanced diet. O O Y O

9 International Food Information Council Foundation 2013 Food & Health Survey One out of five Americans believe all types of fats have the same impact on health. 9 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All types of fat have the same impact on health. 2013 All (n=1,006) 2012 All (n=1,057) M E Men and consumers with lower levels of education (less than a college degree) are more apt to be under the misconception reflected in this statement.

10 International Food Information Council Foundation 2013 Food & Health Survey Seven out of ten Americans claim they try to eat as little fat as possible. 10 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? I try to eat as little fat as possible. 2013 All (n=1,006) 2012 All (n=1,057)

11 International Food Information Council Foundation 2013 Food & Health Survey Americans are much more aware about the benefits of omega-3s for heart health compared to other health promoting effects. 11 To the best of your knowledge, are omega-3s (e.g., DHA, EPA, ALA) associated with... (% Yes) Correct Answer     2013 Split sample (n=503)

12 International Food Information Council Foundation 2013 Food & Health Survey Taste continues to be the primary driver of food and beverage selection, followed by price. The primary drivers of food and beverage selection are different for different subgroups of consumers. 12 How much of an impact do the following have on your decision to buy foods and beverages? (% Rating 4 to 5 on 5-point scale, from No Impact to A Great Impact) 2013 All (n=1,006) H$ YL$W OH$W Y OW O / Y Older consumers are more likely to be influenced by healthfulness and sustainability and less likely to be influenced by price and convenience than are younger consumers. H$ / L$ High-income consumers are more likely to be influenced by taste and healthfulness and less likely to be influenced by price than are lower-income consumers. W Women are more likely than men to be influenced by price, healthfulness and sustainability.

13 T HE P ULSE OF A MERICA ’ S D IET Dietary Components: FATS PRELIMINARY DATA – 2014 Food & Health Survey

14 Consistent with previous years, two-thirds of Americans say they try to eat as little fat as possible. PRELIMINARY DATA International Food Information Council Foundation 2014 Food & Health Survey 14 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? I try to eat as little fat as possible. 2014 n=1,005; 2013 n=1,006; 2012 n=1,057

15 Only a quarter of Americans agree that all fats have the same impact on health. PRELIMINARY DATA International Food Information Council Foundation 2014 Food & Health Survey 15 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All types of fat have the same impact on health. 2014 n=1,005; 2013 n=1,006; 2012 n=1,057

16 Three out of five Americans are considering the fat content of foods to help maintain a healthy weight, prevent future health problems, and help reduce the risk of heart disease. PRELIMINARY DATA International Food Information Council Foundation 2014 Food & Health Survey 16 Which of the following, if any, are reasons why you consider the fat content of the foods and beverages you buy? Considers the presence/absence of fats: 2014 n=690; 2013 n=747

17 Two out of five Americans correctly believe that nuts, avocados, and olive oil contain high levels of unsaturated fats. PRELIMINARY DATA International Food Information Council Foundation 2014 Food & Health Survey 17 As far as you know, which of the following contain high levels of unsaturated fats? (% Yes)    Correct Answer 2014 n=1,005; 2013 n=1,006  Not Asked 

18 Calories, sodium, whole grains, sugars and fiber are the most common food components that Americans have considered in the past twelve months. PRELIMINARY DATA International Food Information Council Foundation 2014 Food & Health Survey 18 Thinking back about the past twelve months, when making decisions about buying packaged food or beverages, have you ever considered whether or not they contain the following? (% Yes) 2014 n=1,005

19 Less than one in five Americans has considered Omega-6, Omega-9, acesulfame potassium, or flavonoids when purchasing foods or beverages in the past twelve months. PRELIMINARY DATA International Food Information Council Foundation 2014 Food & Health Survey 19 Thinking back about the past twelve months, when making decisions about buying packaged food or beverages, have you ever considered whether or not they contain the following? (% Yes) 2014 n=1,005

20 Half of all Americans make an effort to avoid sugars and salts, while slightly more than half of Americans try to consume fiber and whole grains. PRELIMINARY DATA International Food Information Council Foundation 2014 Food & Health Survey 20 Fiber Whole grains Protein Calcium Omega-3 fats Potassium Probiotics Calories Omega-6 fats Omega-9 fats Complex carbohydrates Caffeine Fats/oils Mono/poly unsaturated fats Soy Sugars in general Sodium/salt Flavonoids To what extent do you try to consume or avoid the following? % Try to limit or avoid entirely % Try to get a certain amount or as much as possible 2014 n=1,005

21 More than a third of Americans try to avoid preservatives, saturated fats, trans fats, added sugars, aspartame, high-fructose corn syrup, and MSG. PRELIMINARY DATA International Food Information Council Foundation 2014 Food & Health Survey 21 Added sugars Trans fats High fructose corn syrup Saturated Fats Preservatives Monosodium glutamate (MSG) Aspartame Fructose Saccharin Refined carbohydrates Glucose Sucrose Sucralose Food colors Stevia Lactose Gluten Acesulfame potassium To what extent do you try to consume or avoid the following? 2014 n=1,005

22 2012 Consumer Perceptions of Food Technology Survey International Food Information Council 2012 Consumer Perceptions of Food Technology Survey 15 th Edition

23 23 Q 8. [IF AVOIDED FOODS] What foods or ingredients have you avoided? [OPEN END] Biotech foods do not make the list of items Americans are avoiding. Types of Food Avoiding 2012 2010 Subcategory

24 Likelihood to Purchase Biotech Foods The majority of Americans continue to be likely to purchase biotech foods for specific benefits. Yet a consistent minority say they are unlikely to purchase, despite these benefits. Q21-23B= All things being equal, how likely would you be to buy a food product (Q21= made with oils that had been modified by biotechnology to reduce the saturated fat content in the food, Q23=provide more healthful fats, like Omega-3, in the food, Q23B=food products made from biotech wheat to use less land, water, and/or pesticides)? * Split sample, n= 375. All things being equal, how likely would you be to buy a variety of produce, like corn, lettuce, tomatoes or potatoes, if it had been modified by biotechnology to (Q19A=taste better or fresher, Q20A=be protected from insect damage and required fewer pesticide applications

25 2014 Food Technology Survey 2014 Food Technology Survey Trans Fat PRELIMINARY DATA All other things being equal, how likely would you be to buy a food product, made with oils that had been modified by biotechnology to eliminate the trans fat content in the food? Very likely24% Somewhat likely43% Not too likely22% Not at all likely11% Top 2 boxes: 67% Bottom 2 boxes: 33% In 2010, we asked a slightly different version of this question with the following results: 2010: All other things being equal, how likely would you be to buy a food product made with oils that had been modified by biotechnology to avoid trans fats? Very likely 27% Somewhat likely 47% Not too likely 20% Not at all likely 6% Top 2 boxes: 74% Bottom 2 boxes: 26%

26 LAUNCHING A GLOBAL GRASSROOTS NETWORK MID 2014 FACTS: Food Advocates Communicating Through Science Integrated Enhanced Technology= Targeted Messaging Opinion Leaders Consumers Media Industry Leaders Members Global, Grassroots Engagement Leverage Allies Dialogue

27 Our Vision: A balanced public dialogue on how modern agriculture, technology innovation, and food production benefit society Meeting the world’s increasing food needs responsibly, efficiently and affordably. Alliance to Feed the Future Our Mission: To raise awareness and improve understanding of the benefits & necessity of modern food production and technology in order to meet global demand Nourishing a growing planet. Vision and Mission

28 Alliance to Feed the Future Nourishing a growing planet. 121 Members and Growing! Agriculture Council of America, Ag Day Agriculture Future of America Agricultural Retailers Association American Agri-Women American Bakers Association American Commodity Distribution Association The American Council on Science and Health American Farmers for the Advancement & Conservation of Technology (AFACT) American Feed Industry Association American Frozen Food Institute American Meat Institute American Peanut Council American Seed Trade Association American Society of Agronomy American Society for Nutrition American Soybean Association Animal Agriculture Alliance Animal Health Institute Association for Dressings and Sauces Association of Equipment Manufacturers Biotechnology Industry Organization CA Institute for Food & Agricultural Research at UC Davis California League of Food Processors Calorie Control Council Can Manufacturers Institute Canned Food Alliance Center for Food Integrity Corn Refiners Association Council for Agricultural Science & Technology (CAST) Council for Responsible Nutrition CropLife America Crop Science Society of America Council for Biotechnology Information The Cumberland Center Egg Nutrition Center Family, Career & Community Leaders of America Farm Journal Foundation The Fertilizer Institute Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association of the United States The Food Institute

29 Frozen Potato Product Institute Global Midwest Alliance Grocery Manufacturers Association GMA Science & Education Foundation Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) Institute for Food Safety and Health Institute of Food Technologists Institute of Shortening and Edible Oils International Association of Color Manufacturers International Association for Food Protection International Dairy Foods Association International Food & Agribusiness Association International Food Additives Council International Food Information Council International Foodservice Distributors Association International Formula Council International Ice Cream Association Iowa State University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Irrigation Association James Beard Foundation Juice Products Association Kentucky Livestock Coalition Kentucky Soybean Association Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board Midwest Food Processors Association Milk Industry Foundation MilkPEP National Agricultural Biotechnology Council National Association of Margarine Manufacturers National Association of Plant Breeders National Association of Wheat Growers National Cheese Institute National Chicken Council National Coalition for Food and Agricultural Research National Confectioners Association National Council of Agricultural Employers National FFA Foundation National Fisheries Institute National Frozen Pizza Institute National Grange National Institute for Animal Agriculture National Livestock Producers Association National Osteoporosis Foundation National Pasta Association National Peanut Board Meeting the world’s increasing food needs responsibly, efficiently and affordably. Alliance to Feed the Future Nourishing a growing planet. Alliance to Feed the Future 121 Members and Growing!

30 National Pecan Shellers Association National Restaurant Association National Turkey Federation The Nature Conservancy New Mexico State University College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences North America Millers’ Association Northwest Food Processors Association The Ohio State University Department of Food Science and Technology Outreach International Pennsylvania State University, Dept. of Dairy & Animal Science Pennsylvania State University, Department of Food Science Pink Lady America Produce Marketing Association Research Chefs Association Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine & Food Science at UC Davis Shelf-Stable Food Processors Association Snack Food Association Meeting the world’s increasing food needs responsibly, efficiently and affordably. Alliance to Feed the Future Nourishing a growing planet. Alliance to Feed the Future 121 Members and Growing! Soil Science Society of America Southern Food & Beverage Museum STEMconnector Sustainable Food Project Texas Tech University, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources United Egg Producers United Fresh Produce Association University of Florida Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences University of Georgia, College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences University of Illinois, Agricultural Communications Program University of Massachusetts, Department of Food Science USA Rice Federation U.S. Cattlemen's Association U.S. Custom Harvesters Vinegar Institute Women Involved in Farm Economics (WIFE) World Soy Foundation Yellow Tractor Program

31 Thank You! Be sure to follow us! Dave Schmidt For more information, contact

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