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“The Future of Your Business”. De La Salle Corporate Internship Program Goals:  Have students work to help cover the cost of their education Find jobs.

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Presentation on theme: "“The Future of Your Business”. De La Salle Corporate Internship Program Goals:  Have students work to help cover the cost of their education Find jobs."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Future of Your Business”

2 De La Salle Corporate Internship Program Goals:  Have students work to help cover the cost of their education Find jobs and make the program easy for both students and sponsors to participate Do not compromise academics Incorporate on-the-job, “real world” experience into the curriculum

3 Job Sharing 4 Students = 1 FTE Position Student coverage Monday Through Friday Work hours are standard business operating hours (approximately 9 a.m. to 5p.m.) Each student works five full days per month on the following Monday rotation schedule…

4 Solution: The Corporate Internship Program WORK SCHEDULE FOR STUDENTS

5 Solution: The Corporate Internship Program WORK SCHEDULE FOR STUDENTS

6 Solution: The Corporate Internship Program WORK SCHEDULE FOR STUDENTS

7 Solution: The Corporate Internship Program WORK SCHEDULE FOR STUDENTS

8 Employee Leasing  Sponsoring companies contract with the Corporate Internship Program Students are employees of the CIP, not the sponsors The CIP is responsible for: - payroll- FICA - W-4 - Workers’ Compensation - I-9

9 Employee Leasing  CIP transports students to and from work site Students come to school on their work days at 7:45. Students board a bus which takes them to a pre-selected stop near their work place. Job sponsors know when to expect them in the morning based on our van schedule.

10 De La Salle Corporate Internship Program Typical Job Duties Include :   Filing   Data Entry   Faxing, Copying, Scanning   Inter-office Mail Sorting & Delivery   Back-up Reception Duties   Supply Room Stocking   General Office “Go for” Tasks

11 De La Salle : Corporate Internship Program Students undergo two weeks of orientation and skills training in order to prepare them for their job placement. The CIP Program runs annually from Labor Day through the third week of June.

12 Employment Foundations Course Description –  1 credit course - Semester long  9 th grade student requirement  Assist students in acquiring personal and technical skills to be an effective employee  Course is a “bridge” between academic, personal, and working worlds of the students

13 Employment Foundations Course Oregon Department of Education Standards Career-Related Learning Standards  Personal Management  Problem Solving  Communication  Teamwork  Employment Foundations

14 Employment Foundations Course Objectives Apply skills learned at the CIP Summer Training by: Demonstrating how to make a good impression (daily) Utilizing problem-solving abilities to handle work issues Setting goals for personal growth at work and at school Applying organization and time management skills to school and work

15 Reflect on their corporate work experience by: Writing about and discussing their work experiences Researching their company, industry & competing companies Exploring the relevance of the corporate work experience to their education and life goals Employment Foundations Course Objectives

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