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November 2 nd - 6 th OLIVIA HARDISON. Seniors-Monday  Do you believe in the saying: “An-eye-for-an-eye”? Why or why not? Is it ever okay to get even.

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Presentation on theme: "November 2 nd - 6 th OLIVIA HARDISON. Seniors-Monday  Do you believe in the saying: “An-eye-for-an-eye”? Why or why not? Is it ever okay to get even."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 2 nd - 6 th OLIVIA HARDISON

2 Seniors-Monday  Do you believe in the saying: “An-eye-for-an-eye”? Why or why not? Is it ever okay to get even or consciously do the same thing that someone else did to you?  Define vocabulary: abolish (eliminate), albeit (although), bereft (deprived), blighted (ruined), clandestine (secret), combatant (a fighter), disarm (neutralize), draconian (cruel), engender (to cause something), ethical (moral).  Review literary devices: tone (serious and somber), style (Sparse and personal), symbolism, and imagery.  Motifs in Dawn (WRITE THESE DOWN): silence, hunger, a crying baby, and the dead.  Present speeches or presentations

3 Juniors-Monday  Do you believe that your parents push you to do things because they want better for you, or do you believe they are out to make your life difficult? Explain.  Define vocabulary: consolation (comfort), parcel (package), incredulous (doubtful), obliged (indebted), jurisdiction (place of authority).  Review literary devices: Imagery, dialect, symbolism, tone, allegory.  Agenda: Complete chapter two and begin partner reflections  Finish with individual journal prompt

4 Seniors-Tuesday  No journal today. Begin reading the background information in groups of 3-4. When done, each group should discuss the information and each INDIVIDUAL should create a response to the following: What is the impact of the Holocaust?  Create one sentence for each vocabulary word: abolish, albeit, bereft, blighted, clandestine, combatant, disarm, draconian, engender, ethical.

5 Juniors-Tuesday  Is it possible to escape the path of those before? As in, are you destined to live a bad life if your parents did? Or, do you choose your own path?  One sentence per vocabulary word: consolation (comfort), parcel (package), incredulous (doubtful), obliged (indebted), jurisdiction (place of authority).  Agenda:  Complete the first two chapters individual response journal

6 Seniors-Wednesday  What is your outlook on death? Is it simply a part of life, or is it an unfair tragedy?  Spelling Bee  Agenda: Research  In two groups of nine, students will watch, read, and take notes information online. They will then discuss their information and present what they learned via PowerPoint. cution.htm cution.htm

7 Juniors- Wednesday  Do you think that men ultimately depend on women? Do they expect certain things from women even though men are stereotyped to be the leader? Explain.  Spelling Bee  Read Chapters three and four

8 Seniors-Thursday  Use the laptops to research the following: What is the Balfour Declaration?  What was its impact on Israel?  Who makes up the freedom fighters in Palestine?  Why did the United Nations become involved?  Why did the United Nations want to establish an Arab and a Jewish homeland?  Is there a need for a religious homeland for Jewish people?  What was the world response to establishing Israel?  When was the first Arab-Israeli war?  Is there anything about the establishment of the nation of Israel that surprised you? If so, then what is it and why did is surprise you?  Do you think that things could have been done differently that might have lessened the conflict between the Palestinians, Arabs and the Israelis? You may get into groups of 4-5.  Complete presentations. Students will begin reading Dawn by Elie Wiesel.

9 Juniors-Thursday  Janie is in her 40’s and Tea Cake is said to be in his 30’s. Do you believe that this is okay? Explain.  Literary Terms Quiz game  Research the 1930s: racism, gender roles, slavery (abolition), Harlem Renaissance  Read

10 Seniors-Friday  Free Write as long as it is at least half a page! Or respond to the following: police force: offense or defense? OR parents lack of teaching causing young adults to get beaten by the police.  Quiz  Begin Reading Dawn  Begin reading as a class-this will insure that students read the required text from the previous night.

11 Juniors-Friday  “An envious heart makes a treacherous ear” (5). Explain what you think this mean and if you have ever experienced it before.  Quiz  Partner reflection

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