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Advising for Pre-Allied Health Students Program/Career Options Science Prerequisite Courses BSN at UNC Other Programs Advising Points.

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1 Advising for Pre-Allied Health Students Program/Career Options Science Prerequisite Courses BSN at UNC Other Programs Advising Points

2 Allied Health Programs Nursing, BSN Appalachian State University Eastern Carolina University NC A & T State University NC Central University UNC Chapel Hill UNC Greensboro Fayetteville State University UNC Charlotte UNC Wilmington Winston Salem State Other Options Dental Hygiene Radiologic Science Nutrition Public Health Exercise & Sports Medicine Occupational Therapy* Physical Therapy* Physician’s Assistant* *Graduate level degrees

3 Choosing a Health Field (deciding on a “best fit”) Age Group? infant, pediatric, adolescent, adult, geriatric Setting? home, school, hospital, office, clinic Patient Population? acute, chronic, rehab, well, psychological Patient Contact? direct care or health education?

4 Advising Points for Transfer to Allied Health Programs Both semesters of the 2 course sequence in Anatomy & Physiology should (must) be completed at the same college (BIO 168 & 169). ACC requires completion of BIO 111 (or approved alternate) prior to A&P. Admission to health programs at all levels is extremely competitive! Meeting minimum GPA standard is generally not enough for admittance. Admission to some programs requires documented volunteer hours or work experience in a health care setting, in addition to top grades. Students do not have to have A.S. degree, A.A. w/ correct prereqs is fine. Credit by Exam does not provide transfer credit toward degree.

5 Commonly Required Courses for Health Programs BIO 168 Anatomy & Physiology I AND (*BIO 165 & 166 are alternative CC course #’s) BIO 169 Anatomy & Physiology II BIO 175 Introduction to Microbiology OR BIO 275* General Microbiology CHM 131,131A &132 Introduction to Chemistry w/ Lab OR CHM 151* & 152* General Chemistry I & II PHY 151 College Physics I AND PHY 152** College Physics II (PHY needed for Physical Therapy, Physician’s Asst., Radiography) *Higher level course is recommended when the destination school or program is uncertain! **PHY sequence is required for some programs.

6 BSN Program Requirements UNC-CH UNC-G NC CentralECU UNC-Wilmington GPA 2.7 3.0 2.72.5 2.7 BIOBIO 111 BIO 155 BIO 111BIO 155 BIO 111 BIO 168 BIO 168 BIO 168 BIO 168 BIO 168 BIO 169 BIO 169 BIO 169 BIO 169 BIO 169 BIO 275 BIO 275 BIO 275BIO 275 BIO 175 CHMCHM 151 CHM 131,131A CHM 131,131A CHM 131,131A CHM 131, 131A CHM 152 CHM 132 CHM 132 CHM 132 MATHMAT 151 MAT 151MAT 151MAT 151 MAT 151 MAT 151A MAT 161MAT 161MAT 161 MAT 161 SOC.SCI.PSY 150 PSY 150 PSY 150PSY 150 & 241 PSY 150& 241 SOC 210SOC 210SOC 210 SOC 210 OtherPED (1hr) PHI 220HEA 110 PED 110HEA110 HEA 110 F.L. (9hr)ACA 122CIS 110 PHI 240 PHI 240

7 UNC-CH Nursing Admissions Requirements Bachelor of Science (BSN) 6 terms Full-time course load May matriculation Dec. 22 deadline to apply GPA 2.8 At least 3 science pre-reqs complete with application Grade of B- required in all BIO pre-reqs Accelerated BSN 4 terms 18 hr course overload January matriculation Aug 10 deadline to apply GPA 3.0 All sciences complete by application deadline

8 Dental Hygiene Programs UNC-CH B.S. August start Feb 15 Application Deadline Prereq Courses: BIO 168 & 169 BIO 275 CHM 131, 131A, 132 PSY 150 & SOC 210 ENG 111 & 112 COM 110 or 231 20 hours of job shadowing or work experience as Dental Assistant GTCC A.S. Feb 13 Application Deadline August Start Admission is on points system* Prereq Courses*: BIO 111 & 175 BIO 168 & 169 CHM 131 & 131A PSY 150 & SOC 210 ENG 111 & 112, COM 231 MAT 110 & CIS 110 Points also awarded for volunteer hours and/or DA certificate

9 Radiologic Science at UNC-CH Certificate in Radiography June deadline for Fall class Associates degree earned Minimum GPA 2.8 Minimum grade of B in BIO 111, 168, 169, MAT 161 3 Clinical Observations Interview Work experience w/ healthcare preferred. B.S. in Medical Imaging 3 Application review cycles (Dec., March, May) 12 students admitted/year Minimum GPA 2.5 4 Math/Sci pre-reqs must be complete w/ application Pre-req courses: BIO 111, 168 & 169 PHY 151 & 152 MAT 171 & 172 W/labs CHM 151 & 152 PSY 150

10 College Specific Info & Tips UNCG…. BSN science pre-requisites cannot be repeated more than once to meet minimum course grade & GPA requirements. UNC-CH & UNCG…. science courses must be taken w/in 10 years of application deadline. UNC-Wilmington….. 2 science, 1 math, PSY 150 & SOC 210 all must be completed prior to BSN application. ECU & UNC Wilmington….. BSN admits in both Fall & Spring. Students should check with each college website to confirm admission details for every program! Small, but essential differences between programs exist. Some programs require student to attend information session prior to application.

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