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Medical Student Year-Long Research Opportunities Office of Medical Student Research & John B. Graham Student Research Society November 13, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Student Year-Long Research Opportunities Office of Medical Student Research & John B. Graham Student Research Society November 13, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Student Year-Long Research Opportunities Office of Medical Student Research & John B. Graham Student Research Society November 13, 2015

2 Student Research Day Monday, November 30, 2015 Keynote: Nancy Brown, MD, Chair of the Department of Medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Posters / Oral Presentations

3 Year-Long Research Opportunities opportunities-1/one-year-research-training-opportunities

4 Year-Long Research Opportunities Local o Howard Holderness Distinguished Medical Scholars Program o NIDDK Medical Student Research Training Program National o HHMI Medical Research Fellowship o Sarnoff Medical Student Research Fellowship International o Fogarty Global Health Program for Fellows and Scholars o Doris Duke International Clinical Research Fellowship

5 Local

6 Howard Holderness Distinguished Medical Scholars Program Description: 2-yr program with 1st yr Basic Science or Clinical Research, 5 students selected each year Purpose: To produce thoughtful clinicians and researchers who are capable of in- depth and critical independent analysis of the contemporary medical literature through bi-weekly student-presented seminars with guest faculty (1 st and 2 nd yrs) Location: Any lab/project at UNC Application Deadline: January 22, 2016 Stipend: $20,000(1 st yr), $3,000 (2 nd yr) Website:

7 Seminar Topics (Examples from 2012 schedule) 1. January 5, 2012 – When to start anti-retroviral therapy in patients infected with HIV – including those with TB? Dr. Charles van der Horst 2. January 26, 2012 – Treatment of depression in the cognitively impaired: does it work? Dr. Kizer 3. February 2, 2012 – Screening for Hepatoma in chronic liver disease: cost effective? Dr. Paul Hayashi 4. February 16, 2012 – Should the HPV vaccine be mandated for school enrollment in the same manner as dT, pertussis, etc? Dr. Peter Leon 5. March 1, 2012 - Screening for lung cancer: what is the current evidence? Dr. Thomas Stinchcombe 6. March 22, 2012 – The Medicare Advisory Board and new physician payment guidelines. Are physician’s fees the cause for increasing Medicare expenditures? Will austerity measures decrease the physician pool? Dr. Erin Fraher 7. April 5, 2012 – Systolic heart failure- is there a role for inotropic therapy? From digoxin to omecamtiv. Dr. Kirk Adams 8. April 19, 2012 - Screening for cancer in patients with Barrett’s esophagus: cost effective? Dr. Nick Shaheen 9. May 3, 2012 – Student Research Presentations Drs. Thomas, Sparling and Kizer Program Leadership: Dr. John S. Kizer ( Dr. David Gerber ( Howard Holderness Distinguished Medical Scholars Program

8 NIDDK Medical Student Research Training Program Purpose: To provide mentored training (via a supplement to a T32) in diabetes, digestive, and kidney diseases to medical students interested in taking a year off to do research. Program Length: 9-12 months. Application Deadline: January 15 or April 15 of each year. Stipend: Current published pre-doctoral stipend level ($22,920 for 2015) + $4200 (research support + health insurance) Website: mechanisms/t32/T32-MSRT/Pages/T32-medical-student-research-training- supplement.aspx mechanisms/t32/T32-MSRT/Pages/T32-medical-student-research-training- supplement.aspx

9 National

10 HHMI Medical Research Fellows Program Purpose: To allow medical students to conduct research at any academic or nonprofit institution in the U.S. or abroad, except the NIH. Select own mentor and develop a research proposal. Application Deadline: January 11, 2016 Compensation: $30,000 + $11,000 (moving/travel + medical insurance + education-related expenses + research expenses) Website: program/year-long-program program/year-long-program

11 Sarnoff Fellowship Program – Research Training for Medical Students Purpose: to engage medical students in a personalized research experience with cardiovascular scientists, and to foster the next generation of leaders in the field. Location: Any biomedical research institution in the U.S (other than med school in which they are enrolled). Application Deadline: January 6, 2016 Stipend: $30,000 + allowance up to $3500 for travel to select a Preceptor and Fellowship lab/moving expenses/health insurance + allowance up to $1350 to present at two national conferences. Website:

12 NO prior research experience needed to apply. Each Fellow is paired with a member of the Foundation’s Scientific Committee – these are physician/scientists who will provide you guidance and mentoring throughout your Fellowship year (website has a list of Scientific Committee Members). Sarnoff’s greatest strength is its lifetime commitment to its fellows by interacting with alumni and board members at the Sarnoff Annual Meeting, alumni retreats, and other conferences for years to come. Sarnoff Fellowship Program – Research Training for Medical Students

13 International

14 Fogarty Global Health Fellowship Purpose: To experience mentored clinical research training at top-ranked NIH- funded research centers in developing countries (80% of awards must focus on HIV/AIDS) Location: 3 week orientation in Bethesda, MD at NIH campus and 10+ month intense research training at one of 9 sites in low- and middle-income countries (South America, Africa, and Asia) Application Deadline: November 1, 2015 Stipend: Monthly stipend dependent upon experience, research funding, health and emergency evacuation insurance, and re-location funds. Website: Contact:

15 o Participants become part of an amazing network of global health researchers. o Opportunity to live and work in a developing country. o Develop own project, from IRB approval to data analysis and manuscript preparation, or integrate into pre-existing work. More basic science oriented opportunities in Botswana, Bangladesh, South Africa. Project does not have to be related to infectious disease, though most are due to location. o Most participants complete at least one project for presentation at a conference or for publication (or both). o Generic application is VERY easy, requires little effort: apply and see what happens! Fogarty Global Health Fellowship

16 Doris Duke International Clinical Research Fellowship Eligibility: Medical students planning to conduct clinical research in a low- or middle-income country. Three students selected each year. Purpose: To encourage medical students to pursue clinical research careers by exposing them to exciting research opportunities in developing countries Location: Malawi, Zambia, Vietnam, and China Application Deadline: January 12, 2016 Award: Stipend of $29,000, research support of $4000, health insurance, travel expenses Website: fellowships/doris-duke-icrf-program/ fellowships/doris-duke-icrf-program/ Contact:

17 Contacts: Guest Panel Speakers Claire Hailey, - currently doing two palliative care related projects at Lucas Sjeklocha, - working on immunology of critical injury in Jaycee Burn Michael Sola, - doing research on a variety of cardiology Michael Adams, - doing genomics

18 Contacts: JBG Leadership Meghan Jobson – – co-VP of Research Opportunities, John B. Graham Medical Student Research Society Connor Puett – – co-VP of Research Opportunities, John B. Graham Medical Student Research Society Nick Brazeau – - LOA Representative, John B. Graham Medical Student Research Society Marni Siegel – – co-President, John B. Graham Medical Student Research Society Brooke Matson – – co-President, John B. Graham Medical Student Research Society John B. Graham Medical Student Research Society - Office of Medical Student Research -

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