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Year 10 Parents’ Information and Support Evening Thursday 25 September 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 10 Parents’ Information and Support Evening Thursday 25 September 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 10 Parents’ Information and Support Evening Thursday 25 September 2014

2 Evening Structure The Move To KS4– Mrs C Knight, Assistant Head Teacher Science GCSE in Year 10 – Mrs C Lowe, Head of Science Pastoral Support – Miss Björnsgaard, Head of Year 10

3 Key differences in KS4 GCSEs – they count! A more mature approach Independent learners Controlled Assessment Literacy skills are important across all subjects Pressure, pressure, pressure

4 Entry requirements Most subjects require a B at GCSE to study the subject at AS Students will also need to achieve a GCSE average point score of 40 to study in the Sixth Form – this means a minimum of an average of 8 grade Cs, but students will need B or above in the subjects they opt to take

5 Year 13 destinations 2014 % of students who achieved firm choice university – 77% % of students who achieved firm or insurance choice university – 86% Number of Russell Group courses applied for – 136 Number of offers received from Russell Group universities – 111

6 Teaching and learning: how you can help Somewhere to work Limit distractions – use as rewards Facebook, TV, a kick-around in the garden…

7 Teaching and learning: how you can help Encourage ACTIVE REVISION: – Mnemonics – Post-its – key facts, but also unanswered questions – Tick-lists / success charts – Practise planning answers to past questions – Question cards – Tape them – Study buddies

8 Teaching and learning: how you can help Be nosey about their learning! They teach you! Encourage rephrasing The teachers talked for too long. Having sat for 45 minutes, the audience wriggled impatiently. As the staff droned on and on, the audience began to dream of that nice glass of Rioja waiting at home

9 Teaching and learning: how you can help Use connectives to extend writing and structure thinking

10 Teaching and learning: how you can help Encourage using the library / LRC, not just the internet Show them how to use google properly Encourage reading: a quality Saturday / Sunday newspaper Access the VLE for useful websites/ exam specs

11 And lastly... Focus their ambition Encouragement, support, praise, reward Look out for stress signs Talk to us if you are worried Remain positive/ encouraging

12 Science at Ashlyns 2014-16 Year 10 an examination year for all students Double & Triple Science: - will complete Science A GCSE course and examinations - one of 2 GCSEs for Double Science; one of 3 GCSEs for Triple science - Exam dates: June 2015

13 Science at Ashlyns 2014-16 Nationals students: - will complete the OCR Nationals Science course, assessments and examinations - one of two level 2 qualifications - Trial exam: w/b 8 th December - Exam dates: 7 th January 2015 5 th June 2015 (a retake opportunity) - Revision Pack: Will be issued to all OCR Nationals students after half term

14 Science at Ashlyns 2014-16 Rule changes in last three years: - only one opportunity to take each paper in Double & Triple Science (May/June) - all three papers for each GCSE have to be taken in the same Summer - if students do not achieve target grades the only way to improve is to repeat all three examinations the following Summer: three additional exams added to an already busy GCSE schedule Controlled Assessment (ISA): - for Double & Triple Science it can be taken several times (different tasks), with the best mark submitted

15 Science at Ashlyns 2014-16: How can we help? Revision guides: - CGP Science A AQA for Double & Triple Science is on sale (£6) in the LRC ISA controlled assessment: - 6 th November – day off timetable to complete - There will be a week of preparation in lessons w/b 20 th October with students expected to complete their CRN over half term

16 Science at Ashlyns 2014-16: Trial Exams Trial Exams for Double & Triple Science - Physics – w/b 8 th December - Chemistry – w/b 9 th February - Biology – w/b 30 th April - There will be a week of preparation in lesson prior to each trial exam and revision resources on the VLE

17 Pastoral support How do we monitor progress throughout the year? How do we intervene where necessary? How are students mentored? How do we communicate with parents? Who do you contact regarding particular queries? What are our expectations?

18 Attendance matters The average attendance of a student who achieved 5 A*- C including English and Maths last year was 98%

19 The future Careers guidance Work Experience Education until 18 Improving your chances of success

20 Steps to student success Each student needs their own reason for wanting to succeed Encourage the ‘I can’ attitude – small steps Building self confidence and self esteem is often key Sometimes need direction and guidance Encourage them to talk about their studies Students can fluctuate

21 The Tri-umphant partnership! Parent Teacher Student

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