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Welcome to Pritzker Summer Research Program University of Chicago.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Pritzker Summer Research Program University of Chicago."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Pritzker Summer Research Program University of Chicago

2 Objective #1: Conduct research Prepare you to conduct mentored- research projects –Mentor Mentor’s staff and faculty collaborators –Cluster group leaders –Peers Offer input on progress Sounding board

3 Objective #2: Consider research career Learn what medical research career are like –Collaborative Working on research teams –Deadline–driven SRP deadlines on website –Creative but Unpredictable Your hypothesis may change based on findings Flexibility Work at your own pace Offsets medical practice

4 Role of the Mentor Critical piece of the SRP program Goal is to have productive working relationship –Find out the best way to interact with your mentor and the mentor’s team Facilitate the research you are doing –Responsible for specific “needs” related to you project (i.e. specific software, materials, etc.) –Sometimes hard to understand how it all fits together til the end…

5 Common Issues in SRP Mentor NOT available –Very common for “clinicians –Plan ahead –Find out who the other resources in the ‘lab’ are –Make it easy for them phone, email, meet them in clinic/OR etc.

6 Cluster Groups Cluster Group –Student liaisons help arrange meeting & communicate (Who is your Student Leader?) –Faculty leaders support and guide your progress through SRP Assignments, troubleshooting, etc

7 Cluster Group Names Groups named by dominant themes, leader expertise & NIH Mission –Due to project variety, some project assignments based on methods or expertise of leader but NOT reflected in title Example: Hospital Care/Aging –Many projects related to hospital care –Several (not all) funded by NIA T35 – could also include quality of care projects Attend first group before asking to switch

8 Epic Training Do you need Epic access? Many of you have indicated on your application and received notice of how to do this KORRY SCHWANZ & KATE BLYTHE

9 Objective #3: The Paper Provide a framework for scientific writing Today: References (Deb Werner) Hypothesis –Thursday, June 16th –Introduction –Methods –Results –Discussion Caution: There may be seasoned writers & researchers in the room

10 Aim and Hypothesis End of the introduction The specific aim of this paper is to… We hypothesize that… –What is a hypothesis?

11 Characteristics of a good hypothesis Properties Definition “Educated” guess “Educated” – grounded in literature review or anecdotal experience Distinct relationship between variables Magnitude (double, triple, 10% etc.) Direction (increase, decrease, etc.) Testable One can visualize the experiment

12 Good Hypothesis? Medical students with a good summer research experience will enter different careers than those who have a bad summer research experience

13 Better Hypothesis? Pritzker medical students who report high satisfaction with the Summer Research Program will be MORE LIKELY to pursue research careers than those Pritzker students who report low satisfaction with the Summer Research Program

14 Even Better Hypothesis? Pritzker medical students who are report high satisfaction with the Summer Research Program will be TWICE AS LIKELY to pursue research careers than those Pritzker students who report low satisfaction with the Summer Research Program

15 Uploading Assignments

16 Logistics Note down presentation date/time on website –Invite mentor, family & friends Payment –roughly $5500!! –Made in 2 installments mid & end of summer –Requires assignments completed

17 What are the hours? Expectation is full-time Natural ebb & flow –May feel like its easy now… –“Crunch time” as final paper & presentation nears Plan ahead

18 Too much free time? Talk to your mentor –Related project –Troubleshoot difficulty Work ahead to prevent crunch time –Paper –Power point (Aug lecture)

19 START Program Scholars in Translational Aging Research Training Program –sponsored by the National Institutes on Aging –Hear about different research & clinical topics related to aging Monday mornings Sign up sheet GOING around OR email

20 SRP Questions That your mentor or cluster group leader can’t answer… AND are not on FAQs Email Kate Blythe for ALL LOGISTIC questions (Epic, stata, lecture recording etc.) Use S&D EMAIL for mentor /project issues

21 See you in the Summer!!! Next session REQUIRED for SRP –June 16 th 10am to 12pm –Introduction to the Paper Spring Quarter –Focus on literature review –Learning methods –Revising hypothesis –(your mentor issues a “pass” for your elective)

22 A request for help… With our own Summer Research Project!!!

23 Studying the relationship between SRP participation and 1.Grit –Perseverance and passion for long-term goals 2.Research Self-Efficacy –Confidence in your ability to perform research-related tasks

24 Need to know info: IRB exempt Two short surveys (<5 minutes each) administered on-line through RedCap –Prior to SRP –End of SRP Survey links will be emailed to you and are specific to you (so don’t forward to someone else) Anonymous UChicago give-away item to students in the Pritzker Society with the highest response rate

25 Thank you… …and have a great summer!!

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