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. The Math Drexel University Developing and Using Productive and Meaningful Peer-to-Peer and Instructor-to-Student Feedback Annie.

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Presentation on theme: ". The Math Drexel University Developing and Using Productive and Meaningful Peer-to-Peer and Instructor-to-Student Feedback Annie."— Presentation transcript:

1 . The Math Forum @ Drexel University Developing and Using Productive and Meaningful Peer-to-Peer and Instructor-to-Student Feedback Annie Fetter, Valerie Klein, Max Ray The Math Forum and the Master’s of Math Learning & Teaching Program

2 Our Session Overview of our program Our teaching and learning goals/theories Types of Peer-to-Peer feedback Types of Instructor-to-Student feedback. The Math Forum @ Drexel University

3 Program, Teaching & Learning Master’s in Math Learning & Teaching –Students are currently teaching mathematics Courses we teach: –MTED 601, 611, 612, 661, 662, 690, 775 Learning is a process and it involves not just the initial product, but revision and at times repetition of the learning process. The Math Forum @ Drexel University

4 Our Structures for Online Asynchronous Collaboration Modular Cyclic

5 Product Screen Capture Video Solution to a problem with diagrams, pictures, etc. Written post on a DB or Blog Uploaded classroom artifact with comments. The Math Forum @ Drexel University

6 Discussion We offer a structure for their feedback –Critiquing guidelines –General post or announcement based on posts we’ve read They respond to: –two peers (above & below) –everyone in their small group (depending on class size) –an assigned peer. The Math Forum @ Drexel University

7 Revision Gives the students a chance to rework a problem, revise their thinking, and/or demonstrate a new understanding This is important because being able to reflect on & apply what you’ve learned is critical to the learning process. The Math Forum @ Drexel University

8 The Role of the Instructor (during peer-to-peer feedback) Synthesis –post or announcement sharing common themes –directing students to particular feedback they’ve given each other. The Math Forum @ Drexel University

9 Comments/Questions. The Math Forum @ Drexel University

10 Instructor-to-Student Feedback Feedback types –Formative vs. Summative –Graded vs. Ungraded –Public vs. Private Use of Rubrics –For feedback –For assignments –For self-evaluation. The Math Forum @ Drexel University

11 Participation Rubric

12 . The Math Forum @ Drexel University Self-Assessment Rubric In your view, how would you translate your overall participation into points? A 15-point participant is always on time and completes each assignment fully, uses writing DB posts and assignments to challenge and refine their thinking, and engages at least two people on the DB by asking them questions they are curious about. A 10-point participant might be late on several assignments, or miss two or three assignments, but when they do post, their posts are thoughtful, add new insights to the discussion, and show learning and reflection. Their classmates value their posts, as evidenced by replying and answering the questions they pose. A 5-point participant does less than the minimum to get by. Their posts are brief (a sentence) and do little more than echo previous posts or the reading. Their comments are along the lines of, “Nice job! I agreed with everything you wrote.” They miss or are late on several assignments. A 0-point participant has dropped the course, or probably should have.

13 . The Math Forum @ Drexel University Feedback Rubric

14 . The Math Forum @ Drexel University Students’ Comments “My groupmates provided wonderful feedback to my initial mentoring responses. They were very open and honest about areas in which I could improve and I thank them for not holding back.” —JB “I love watching a video and seeing someone explain why they liked an activity that I wasn’t too crazy about. I love when I can watch their video and feel their aha! moment and when I have the realization of how the activity truly can apply to my classes.” —CR “I really liked LF’s video this week, because she explains her thinking process with the Number Dials activity. She admits that she had some difficulty with it, and I thought it was really insightful to watch her grapple with the activity. It’s moments like these where I can see the benefit of using GSP in the classroom, and sitting with a student as they work out a problem (or even asking my students to make their own podcast).” —CR

15 . The Math Forum @ Drexel University Students’ Comments “ I enjoyed reading the feedback from my classmates. I realize that I have to broaden my horizons in the sense I should also try to solve problems using multiple representations or just check my work using a different representation. It will benefit me as a teacher help and guide my students in thinking and moving them forward.” – Participant “It was a welcomed change of pace to be mentored. We are all familiar with giving advice, but are rarely mentored by others. Most of us are confident in our ability to solve math problems, but it is nice to receive a different perspective on how our solution could be clarified to ensure all readers can follow it. It made me feel like a student again. I was a little intimidated by the process but feel like I gained a lot from it.” – Participant “This process has really made me consider replies I give to my students, both written and verbal. I really think this process will not only help my written comments to students but the on-the-spot verbal comments given to students.” -- Participant

16 Comments/Questions. The Math Forum @ Drexel University

17 Contact Information Annie Fetter: Valerie Klein: Max Ray: The Math Forum @ Drexel University

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