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Published byEthelbert Fowler Modified over 8 years ago
WANG Yifang Institute of High Energy Physics October 21, 2013 1
Overview of IHEP “One-Three-Five” Strategy Plan Supporting the Strategy Plan 1 2 3 Summary: Challenges and Prospects 4 2
History May,1950Institute of Modern Physics October,1953Institute of Physics July,1958Institute of Atomic Energy February,1973 Institute of High Energy Physics ZHANG Wenyu, the first Director of IHEP Yu-Quan campus in 70’s 4
The institute grew up with the construction of BEPC in 80’s BEPC is the best choice as we can see from today: – Scientifically sound – 30 years of life time – Trained a domestic team for HEP and large science facilities At a road crossing now: where are we going ? IHEP & BEPC (Beijing Electron-Position Collider) ADONE BEPCII CESRc BEPC SPEAR DORIS I 5
Mission of IHEP 1 To conduct research in particle physics and particle astrophysics in order to understand our matter world and the Universe; 2 To construct and further develop large, multidisciplinary, experimental platforms, highly accessible by the society, for supporting science and technology programs of China as well as nation’s economic and social development; 3 To carry out frontier interdisciplinary research by fully utilizing our large science facilities and advantages in nuclear technology; 4 To promote technology transfers and high-tech industrialization, where applicable; and 5 To train highly capable scientists and engineers, and to arouse the interests of the public in understanding of science. 6
Main Research Disciplines Particle Physics HEP Exp. Based on Accelerators Particle Astrophysics & Neutrino Exp. Particle Detection and Electronics Particle Physics Theory Accelerator Physics and Technologies High Luminosity Electron Accelerator High Intensity Proton Accelerator Applied Research and Technology Transfer Radiation Technologies and Applications Synchrotron Radiation Techniques & Applications Neutron Scattering Techniques & Applications Nuclear Analytical Techniques & Applications 7
In operation –Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPCII) –Beijing Spectrometer (BESIII) –Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF) –Yangbajing Cosmic Ray Observatory: AS & ARGO –Daya Bay Neutrino Experiment Under construction –China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) –Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope(HXMT) –Accelerator-driven Sub-critical System (ADS) –Jiangmen Neutrino Underground Observatory (JUNO) Under planning –BAPS, LHAASO, XTP, HERD, … Large Science Facilities IHEP serves as the backbone of China’s large science facilities 8
Organization Research ( 7 ) Administration ( 10 ) Support ( 3 ) Directors 1.Experimental Physics Center 2.Particle Astrophysics Center 3.Theoretical Physics Division 4.Accelerator Center 5.Multidisciplinary Research Center 6.Center for Nuclear Technology Applications 7.Computing Center 1.Director’s Office 2.Department of Human Resources 3.Department for Research & Planning 4.Center for Large Facility Management 5.Department of Financial Affairs 6.Department of Assets management 7.Department of postgraduate Education 8.Office for Technology Transfer and Management 9.Department of Supporting Services 10.Retired Staff Office 1.Utility Operation Division 2.Library and Information Services Division 3.Machine Shop Dongguan Branch Science Committee Academic Degree Committee IHEP Staff Congress See JIANG Xiaoming’s talk 9
Supported by Laboratories NDRC&MOFNational Laboratory of Beijing Electron Positron Collider MOSTState Key Laboratory for Particle Detection and Electronics (jointly with the University of Science and Technology of China) CASKey Laboratory of Nuclear Radiation and Nuclear Energy Techniques (jointly with the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics) Key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics Key Laboratory for Biomedical Effects of Nanomaterial and Nano Safety (jointly with the National Center for Nano Science and Technology) City of BeijingEngineering Research Center of Radiographic Techniques and Equipment Key Laboratory of Cyber Security Laboratories with External Support 10
1348 1348 permanent staffs 77 77 temporary employees In which: In which: – 1095 – 1095 scientists and engineers – 48 – 48 attracted recently from abroad Manpower 11
Manpower by Division ( Manpower by Division ( Sept. 2013 ) Staffs Students Postdoc. Experimental Physics Center 230 11218 Particle Astrophysics Center 172 756 Theoretical Physics Division 20 3611 Accelerator Center 307 950 Computer Center 39 230 Multidisciplinary Research Center 179 10315 Center for Nuclear Technology Applications 60313 12
1307 A total of 1307 postgraduate degrees awarded (826 Doctors, 481 Masters) up to 2013 258215 Currently, 258 Ph.D. (including 4 foreign students) and 215 Masters students at IHEP ~330 A total of ~330 students from Universities are dually mentored at IHEP Education Annual Statistics on Master's and Doctoral Degrees at IHEP ( 1981-2013 ) Employment Distribution after Graduate Education (2007-2012) 13
Primary Discipline DisciplineField Natural Science Physics Theoretical Physics Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics Condensed Matter Physics Optics Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Biological Inorganic Chemistry Engineering Nuclear Science and TechnologyNuclear Technology and Applications Computer Science and TechnologyComputer Applied Technology Education : Discipline & Field DisciplineField Engineering Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Power Engineering, Computer Technology, Chemistry Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Technology Engineering 8 Academic degree (Master/Doctor) : 8 7 Professional degree (Master) : 7 14
DatabasePapers20082009201020112012 SCI All 600524619642852 First author affiliated with IHEP 281210243225267 EI All 236216291304399 Duplication removed 6365557196 First author affiliated with IHEP 2832233643 ISTP All 8060854739 Duplication removed 3626171911 First author affiliated with IHEP 3522151710 Other Full- text databases All 333310284348359 First author affiliated with IHEP 185223122155191 TOTAL All103292597510801318 First author affiliated with IHEP529487403433511 Scientific Output: Papers 15
114 World top 1% highly cited papers(2008-2012): 114 –99 HEP papers: 69 from ATLAS and CMS, 4 from BELLE, 1 from BaBar, 1 from BESIII and 1 from DayaBay –15 other papers: chemistry, pharmacology and toxicology, materials science, clinical medicine 2 Hot papers (2012-2013.9, defined by ISI ESI, citation ranked at top 1 ‰ in its research discipline) : 2 papers –Observation of Electron-Antineutrino Disappearance at Daya Bay, PRL. 108 (17): 171803. (2012) –Improved measurement of electron antineutrino disappearance at Daya Bay, CPC. 37 (1): 011001. (2013) Top 1% Papers & Hot Papers 16
YearResearch HighlightsAcknowledgements by the Media 2004 High Resolution Crystal Structure of Light Harvesting Membrane Protein Complex from Spinach (Part of the data from BSRF) China’s top 10 Science & Technology advancement by “China Science Daily” 2006 Key breakthrough made in BEPC upgrade China’s top 10 Science & Technology advancement by “China Science Daily” A new particle X(1835) discovered at BEPC China’s top 10 Science & Technology advancement by “China Science Daily” China’s top 10 basic science research news by MOST 2007 Discovery of a fossil of embryo existing in Precambrian ( Part of the data from BSRF) China’s top 10 Science & Technology advancement by “China Science Daily” 2008 BEPC upgrade successfully completed China’s top 10 Science & Technology advancement by “China Science Daily” 2009 BEPC upgrade passed state acceptance test China’s top 10 basic science research news by MOST 2012 Daya Bay neutrino experiment discovered a new type of neutrino oscillation China’s top 10 Science & Technology advancement by “China Science Daily” Top 10 domestic AND international news on Science & Technology by “Science and Technology Daily” Top 10 breakthrough by “Science ” Highlights Acknowledged by Media 17
Awards National Science and Technology Progress Top Award: The Circumlunar Exploration Program(2009,as a participating Inst.) National Natural Science Second-grade Awards: Non-DD-bar Decays of ψ(3770) and the D Physics at BESII(2010 ) Health Effects of Nanomaterial and Nano Safety Study(2012) 18
Technology Output: Patents Patent applications ( 2008-2012 ) Patent licenses granted ( 2008-2012 ) 147 Patent applications : 147 117 Proportion of IHEP applications: 117, 79.5% 82 Patent licenses granted : 82 19
Technology Transfer: Products electron accelerators for industrial radiation processing, medical accelerator, accelerator based ray source three-dimensional microscope CT, high energy industrial CT, gamma ray imaging device breast-dedicated PEMi and SPEMi scanners, micro SPECT/CT scanner, micro PET/CT scanner de-ironing separator superconducting magnet separator, MRI device, superconducting magnet Compact Accelerators Detection and Security Check Equipment Nuclear Medical Imaging Equipment Magnet-related Equipment 20
Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF ) Beijing Slow Positron Beam Beijing -Test Beam Facility (B-TBF) Imaging Detection Equipment's Public Technology Service Platform Infrastructure & Equipment : Open to the Community Our scientific infrastructure and equipment are completely open to users inside and outside of IHEP 21
BSRF 51415 5 insertion devices, 14 beam lines, 15 experimental stations > 2000 > 2000 dedicated hours /year > 500 > 100 > 500 exp./year, from > 100 institutions 22
Slow Positron Beam & Test Beam Facility 500-900 500-900 hours /year The most powerful Positron annihilation technique (PAT) platform in China. > 5000 > 5000 hours /year > 30 Ext.'s from > 30 institutions ~160 papers ~160 papers : Physical Review Letter, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of American Chemical Society, Carbon, etc. B-TBF 23
In 2007, a public laboratory was established in the Multi-disciplinary Research Center: –34 units (sets) of laboratory equipment are open to the public –0.2 million CNY/year by IHEP for the operation In 2009, to coordinate with the regional center of CAS, IHEP established a Public Technology Service Center including following facilities: BSRF , SPB , B-TBF , industrial CT …… IHEP is one of the six “Beijing Regional Center of Large Instruments for Material Science” by CAS for equipment sharing. Public Technology Service Platform 24
~2000 Public Science Day : ~2000 visitors 13 Press conference : 13 ~400 News in media: ~400 >15000 550,000 IHEP’s website : >15000 records, page views 550,000 times/month ~42 Books by IHEP scientists: ~42 Chinese Physics C, Modern Physics Science journal: Chinese Physics C, Modern Physics ~8 Exhibition participated: ~8 IHEP exhibition pavilion: under construction Outreach ( Since 2008 ) 25
15 IHEP signed cooperative agreements with 15 institutions: ANL, CERN, DESY, ESRF, Femilab, KEK and INFN, etc. The PRC/US cooperation(annual meeting) in high energy physics lasted for more than 30 years. Now annual meetings also with KEK, INFN, etc. Joint virtual labs with IN2P3 and INFN IHEP hosting: –BESIII, Daya Bay, AS , ARGO IHEP participating: –AMS, EXO, Darkside –ATLAS, CMS –BELLE & BELLE II, PANDA,COMET –EXFEL, ILC International Cooperation PRC -- U.S. Since 1979 IHEP – KEK Since 1996 IHEP – CERN Since 1970s IHEP – INFN Since 2011 26
Requested by CAS to every institution for the future development 27
To build IHEP as one of the world leading high energy physics research centers and a world-class, large, comprehensive, multi-disciplinary research base. “One-Three-Five” Strategy Plan of IHEP One Development Strategy (Positioning) Physics —— To have significant results in charm and neutrino physics Large Facilities —— To complete the construction of large science facilities: CSNS, ADS, HXMT and to improve the luminosity of BEPCII Application and Technology Transfer —— to transfer technology into products: medical imaging diagnosis devices, irradiation accelerators, industrial CT, superconducting magnets, low-toxic tumor therapy Nano-medicine, etc. Three Major Goals in 5 years Particle physics and astrophysics Accelerator physics and technology Particle detection technology and associated electronics Radiation technology and applications Radiochemistry and related materials Five Top Priorities with potentials 28
Is the “One development strategy” appropriate for IHEP? Are “Three Major Goals” and “Five Top Priorities” sufficient to support IHEP to achieve its “One development strategy” ? Does IHEP have the advantages, capabilities and possibilities to take on “Three Major Goals” and “Five Top Priorities”? Are the structure and the capability of the staff adequate to achieve the “One development strategy” and take on “Three Major Goals” and “Five Top Priorities” ? Will IHEP management and the administrative support effectively facilitate the implementation of the “One-Three- Five” strategy plan? Main Purposes of this Review 29
One Development Strategy (position in China and in the world) Staff Per staff budget Research KEK900500KHEP, SR,SNS, Multi-discipline, astrophysics Fermilab2000180KHEP, astrophysics BNL3000200KHE Nuclear physics, HEP, SR, Multi-discipline, (reactor) LBNL4200200KSR, Multi-discipline, astrophysics, HEP ANL3500210KSR, reactor, Multi-discipline, HEP SLAC1300190KSR, Multi-discipline, astrophysics, HEP DESY1500200K SR , FEL, HEP CERN3000400KHEP IHEP1400200KHEP, SR, SNS, Multi-discipline, astrophysics With accelerators at home for HEP, as KEK & BNL With light sources(KEK , BNL…) and SNS(KEK,SNS) With multi-disciplinary research as LBNL , ANL and BNL With astrophysics research as LBNL & SLAC Needed in this country very soon in the future IHEP is the best candidate One of the world leading HEP research centers A world-class, large, comprehensive, multi-disciplinary research base 30
Particle Physics Construction of Large Science Facilities Application and Technology Transfer 1 23 To obtain significant results in the next ~5 years 31
Inter. projects —— IHEP as a member ATLAS 、 CMS Higgs discovery BELLE II , PANDA , COMET,… EXO , Darkside,… Daya Bay —— IHEP as leading institution Discovered the non-zero 13 Opens a gateway for neutrino physics to the future BESIII —— IHEP as leading institution Discovered charged charmonium states Zc(3900), Zc(4020),… Will uncover the mystery of XYZ particles Particle Physics Important Results Already Obtained 1 32
Daya Bay: A New Type of Neutrino Oscillation In March 2012, Daya Bay reported the first definite measurement of 13 F.P. An et al., NIM. A 685(2012)78 F.P. An et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, (2012) 171803 Opens a gateway to the future of neutrino physics: Mass hierarchy and CP phase are accessible Sin 2 2 13 = 0.092 0.016(stat) 0.005(syst) Significance: 5.2 Probability of zero 13 : 10 -7 citations ~687 See CAO Jun’s talk 33
BESIII: Fruitful results Charmonium Physics Light Hadron Spectroscopy Charm Physics Tau & QCD Published ( 53 papers, PRL 12, PRD 37 , PLB 1, CPC 3 2010 : 4 篇 (2 PRL , 1 PRD , 1 CPC) 2011 : 11 篇 (3 PRL , 8 PRD) 2012 : 21 篇 (6 PRL , 1 PLB , 12 PRD , 2 CPC) 2013 : 17 篇 (1 PRL , 16 PRD) Submitted ( 6 papers, PRL 5 , CPC 1 ) ~200 talks have been given at international conferences, half are invited The data sample of BESIII See SHEN Xiaoyan’s talk 34
BESIII example: discovery of Z c (3900) M = (3899.0±3.6±4.9) MeV = (46±10±20) MeV contains a charmed quark and an anti-charmed quark appears to have an electric charge suggests that it contains at least four quarks PRL110, 252001 (2013) Y(4260) + - J/ > 8 Opens a new way to fully understand XYZ particles BELLE & CLEOc confirmed BESIII’s result The Zc(3900) signal observed at BESIII Exp. The curves show the best fit to the data 35
BEPCII –In March 2013, the luminosity reached 7.08× 10 32 cm -2 s -1 –Aim for 1 × 10 33 cm -2 s -1 CSNS –In Oct. 2011, civil construction started in Dongguan, Guangdong –Operation is scheduled for 2018 ADS R&D –Key technology R&D started on 2011 –Aim for an injector(10MeV, 1mA) and some of the key components of the main accelerator in 2015 HXMT –The project officially started in 2011 –The satellite is scheduled to be launched in 2015 Construction of Large Facilities 2 36 See QIN Qing’s talk See LU Fangjun’s talk
A high lumi. e + e - collider at the -charm energy region BEPCII Luminosity Improvement Record : 7.08×10 32 cm -2 s -1 @1.89 GeV 37
China Spallation Neutron Source(CSNS) Phase I : 100 kW Start time: 2011 Completion time: 2018 Phase II : 500 kW 38
ADS R&D First low β(=0.12) Spoke cavity successfully manufactured and tested. Prefabrication and research under full swing. 39
Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope China’s first satellite for astronomy It is now near the end of the qualification model phase. The manufacturing of the flight model will begin later this year, and the satellite will be launched in 2015. ME LE HE Illustration of the payload configuration on the HXMT satellite 40
Technical advantages : accelerators, detectors, super-conducting magnets. Technology Transfer Aim for a transformation from technology & prototypes to products See LIU Yu’s talk 3 Accelerator for application 6 MeV accelerator-based X-ray sources sources for high-energy industrial CT and cargo inspection facility S-band 10 MeV 15 kW standing-wave axis-coupled irradiation accelerator S-band 10MeV 20 kW traveling-wave irradiation accelerator L-Band 10 MeV 40 kW electron linac Industrial CT high-resolution industrial CT systems high-resolution CT systems for paleontologists prototype CT for scanning plate-like objects Medical imaging devices dedicated breast PET with a spatial resolution of 1.67mm at CFOV animal PET/CT scanner and an animal SPECT/CT scanner whole body PET with a spatial resolution < 3.5mm at CFOV dedicated breast SPECT with a spatial resolution < 3.0 mm Super- conducting magnet superconducting magnetic separator to remove Iron-ed pieces 1.5 T SC magnet for MRI 5.5 T Superconducting Magnetic Separator for removing Iron-ed particles 41
9 years of research and test prove that the nanoparticle, Gd@C 82 (OH) 22, can block tumor growth. In 2012, a production line was established and the clinical research of low-toxic cancer drugs was in full swing. Nano Medicine & Nano Drug A Nano drug production line See ZHAO Yuliang’s talk 42
Radiation technology and applications Radiochemistry and related materials Particle physics and particle astrophysics Accelerator physics and technologies Particle detection technology and associated electronics 12 34 5 with potentials to have major achievements in the future 43
Particle physics & Particle astrophysics CurrentFuture High intensity accelerators BESIII International projects : ILC Circular Higgs Factory pp Collider International collaboration: BelleII 、 PANDA 、 COMET High energy accelerators International collaboration : CMS 、 ATLAS Underground experiments Daya Bay JUNO International collaboration : EXO International collaboration : Dark matter Exp. Jinping underground Exp. Surface experiments Yangbajing Cosmic ray Exp.: AS and ARGO LHAASO Space experiments International collaboration : AMS HERD XTP HXMT 1 44
Explore the full potential of BESIII Continue the flavor physics & QCD studies: PANDA, BELLE II Actively involved in the energy frontier: LHC & ILC Thinking about the future machine in China after BEPCII/BESIII: Circular Higgs Factory + pp Collider Continue the reactor neutrino physics: Daya Bay JUNO Neutrino oscillation flavor changing process COMET Start to explore neutrino-less decay: EXO nEXO Maintain the possibility for the future: Jinping lab High altitude cosmic-ray physics: ASγ & ARGO LHAASO Explore in space: AMS/HXMT HERD/XTP Roadmap See ZHANG Shuangnan’s talk See LOU Xinchou’s talk 45
Accelerator Physics & Technology Preparation for BAPS R&D for future light source: ERL+FEL Future HEP accelerators: –R&D for ILC and possible contributions –the next generation Circular Electron- Positron Collider(CEPC) & and it upgrade (SPPC) –A Neutrino beam based on muon decays: MOMENT –R&D of future technologies: laser, … 2 See GAO Jie’s talk Established a Lab for Particle Acceleration Physics and Technologies, Hope to obtain stable support from MoST, together with funding from projects Accelerator physics Designs (Optimization) Beam-beam effects Higher order optics … Accelerator technology e+/e- and proton sources RF cavities & RF sources RFQs Vacuum systems Injection and extraction kickers … 46
Development of Key Technologies BAPS : High-power klystron 500 MHz Superconducting RF Cavity Cryostat and undulator for EXFEL Accelerator : ADS : High- power coupler 47
Particle Detection and Electronics Particle Detection Technology –Gaseous detectors –Solid scintillation detectors –Silicon detectors –Low background & neutrino detection technology Readout Electronics Trigger & Data Acquisition A silicon pixel detector for X-rays 3 See ZHU Kejun’s talk A prototype MCP-PMT Stable support by MoST to the State Key Lab for Particle Detection and Electronics, together with funding from projects 48
Radiation Technology and Applications Synchrotron radiation technologies for BSRF & BAPS Neutron spallation technologies for CSNS Research based on these platforms and related technologies: –Protein structures for the life science –Environmental health study based on nuclear analysis techniques –Nano-biological effects and nano-toxicology studies –Nano-drug studies –Archeology –…… 4 See Dong Yuhui’s talk Established a Lab for X-ray Optics and Technologies Hope to obtain stable support from MoST, together with funding from projects 49
radiochemistry Basic research on advanced nuclear fuel Dry reprocessing technologies for spent nuclear fuel The advanced cycling process of nuclear fuel in future To solve the key radiochemical issues in the nuclear fuel cycle Radiochemistry and Nuclear Materials 5 See SHI Weiqun’s talk 50
Responsibilities Three major goalsAdm. OfficesResearch divisions Physics -- charm and neutrino physics Department for Research & Planning Experimental physics Center Particle Astrophysics Center Theoretical Physics Division Large Facilities —— CSNS, ADS, HXMT and BEPCII Center for Large Facility Management Accelerator Center Experimental physics Center Particle Astrophysics Center Application and Technology Transfer Office for Technology Transfer and Management Multidisciplinary Research Center Experimental physics Center Accelerator Center Center for Nuclear Technology Applications 52
Five Top PrioritiesResearch divisions Particle physics and astrophysics Experimental physics Center Particle Astrophysics Center Theoretical Physics Division Accelerator physics and technology Accelerator Center Particle detection technology and associated electronics Experimental physics Center Particle Astrophysics Center Radiation technology and applications Multidisciplinary Research Center Radiochemistry and related materials Multidisciplinary Research Center Responsibilities 53
* All = staffs + students &postdoc. Manpower ( FTE ) CurrentIn next 5 year Prof.AllProf.All Three major goals PhysicsCharm physics 1228+4212 28+42 DYB 214+183 11+9 Large Facilities BEPCII 25160+11225 160+115 CSNS 24.5238+3330 352+40 ADS 652+2315 85+40 HXMT 751.5+129 20+10 Application & Tech. Transfer Imaging,etc. 667.5+319 80+40 Nano-medicine 316+125 20+18 Five Top Priorities Particle physics & astrophysics Particle Phys. Exp. 423+17.58 39+20 JUNO 6.534.5+611 50+10 Theory 1418+4216 25+55 LHAASO 531+109 40+20 HERD 27+17 20+10 XTP 115+47 30+15 Accelerator phys. & technology 1017+615 30+20 Particle detector & electronics 3.531+205 50+30 Radiation technology & applications Based on BAPS 7.553.5+1014 120+30 Based on CSNS 253 7+20 Research 737+2510 45+35 Radiochemistry and materials 211+65 20+25 Staffs=910Staffs=1232 Manpower 54
Recruit more talents, mainly internationally –Various programs for permanent positions sponsored by the country, CAS, IHEP, etc. –New initiatives for medium to short time visitors Train young people –Try to get more student quota from CAS –Organize summer schools –Attract young postdoc and staff by better offers –Learn from the work via good projects –Need to establish a mentor system for young staff –Give them responsibilities Establish a better environment for staff higher efficiency Getting More Manpower 55
Under construction: –Expansion of the lecture hall –Calibration hall for HXMT –ADS cryogenic hall Under planning: –Office building for the multidisciplinary research, –Apartment building for postgraduates –A building for generic purpose such as canteen, lodging etc. Campus at Yu-Quan Road N To be constructed 56
Need a new site for BAPS Also for all the future projects: ERL+FEL, CEPC+SppC… Candidate requirements: Beautiful environment, good geology condition, strong support from the local government, … Searching for a New Campus 57
Improve the management in general: –more transparent, more institutional, more democratic and more concrete procedures Encourage participation and improve resource allocation mechanism Create a more healthy environment for innovation Attract more talents worldwide Create more talents by ourselves through improved education system and highly innovative projects Recruit more professionals into the management system Management See JIANG Xiaoming’s talk 58
Overcome difficulties of key technologies –Dedicated work by our own talents Choose and balance different projects –Define key projects based on various input Obtain sufficient funding and optimize resource allocation –Try more channels to obtain funding –Efficiently use the money by better management Construct large facilities at remote site –Difficult but already some experience Build a strong team of talents –Many… Improve the Yu-Quan campus and construct a new site –A good plan –Obtain support from CAS –Obtain support from the local government Challenges 60
First-class physics results have been obtained by the BESIII, Daya Bay and other experiments, and more will come. BEPCII will continue its luminosity ramp-up, CSNS and HXMT will be put into operation in a few years, while ADS R&D will make breakthroughs on some key technologies. Application studies and technology transfer will have major progresses, some will become products with significant impacts. New particle physics programs, such as JUNO and LHAASO will start soon, while XTP/HERD and ILC/CEPC will take more efforts to get support. New light source such as BAPS and ERL+FEL is under preparation, and hopefully will get support soon. Continuous support to the technology advancement for future machines and detectors is expected. Multi-disciplinary research, mainly based on large facilities shall be advanced significantly. Major efforts are needed. Prospects 61
We are confident and devote to that although there’s still a long way to go 62
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