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Once upon a time a Math teacher named Mr. Tim. Decided to go on a vacation with his wife over Christmas break.

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Presentation on theme: "Once upon a time a Math teacher named Mr. Tim. Decided to go on a vacation with his wife over Christmas break."— Presentation transcript:

1 Once upon a time a Math teacher named Mr. Tim

2 Decided to go on a vacation with his wife over Christmas break

3 After months of planning the couple decided to take their boat on a private cruise from Florida to the Bahamas

4 However, Mr. Tim knew that his voyage was going to take him through the Bermuda Triangle. A place where a number of boats and planes have suddenly disappeared. This mysterious triangle stretches from the Straits of Florida to the Bahamas.

5 So to ensure safety Mr. Tim purchased a location detector that tracks where his boat is at all times.

6 One piece went in the boat and the screen that kept track of the boat was placed in his best friend Mr. Albert’s house

7 Mr. Albert promised that he would constantly keep an eye on the location of the boat just in case anything went wrong

8 So after everything was settled Mr. Tim and his wife packed their bags and boarded their boat with the anticipation of having a wonderful vacation

9 The couple left Thursday from Miami and was having a great time. Things were going just as planned, but then day two came and

10 their boat suddenly disappeared from the map When Mr. Albert saw this he became Extremely nervous and called 911 asking the rescue team for their help

11 saying that Mr. Tim’s boat had disappeared in the Bermuda triangle. The rescue team responded instantly and took their own boat to the place where Mr. Tim fell off of the map.

12 Once arriving at the spot of disappearance the rescue team found a bottle with a note inside that read

13 “ Hello, whoever is reading this I urge you to travel directly South in a straight line 30 miles. Thank you Mr. Tim”

14 The rescue team wasted no time and went as fast as they could to where they thought Mr. Tim would be.

15 Upon getting to their destination they found Mr. Tim’s wife weeping. They asked what was the matter and she responded by saying “Tim is gone, a terrible storm came through and threw him from the boat. The only thing I know is that the storm was coming from the west and going east”

16 This caused the rescue team to take a 90 degree turn

17 After sailing for 40 miles the rescue team came across yet another bottle in the water which said

18 “The storm had dragged me this far before I was picked up by a cruise ship who said that they were heading Northwest for an unspecified distance.

19 The captain said in order to find how far we are traveling take the distance you traveled South and square it 30^2

20 40^2 Next take the distance you traveled East and square that distance

21 then add these two distances together

22 Last take the square root of the sum. Our ship will be anchored here

23 After following the captains instructions the rescue team found that Mr. Tim was 50 miles Northwest

24 This valuable information caused the rescue team to show no hesitation and optimistically pursue Mr. Tim.

25 After sailing for 50 miles the rescue team spotted Mr. Tim in the cruise ship

26 The rescue team as well as Mr. Tim were delighted and relieved to see each other and upon their encounter they realized that the place they were currently at is the same place that they entered.

27 They said lets retrace our steps. We first went 30 miles South

28 followed by 40 miles East

29 and then 50 miles Northwest

30 We just traveled in a triangle and we made a 90 degree angle meaning that it is a right triangle

31 We also used the Pythagorean theorem to find out where the ship had taken Mr. Tim. We used the formula a^2+b^2=c^2 and came up with the hypotenuse or the longest side of a right triangle being 50 miles

32 This means that the Bermuda triangle must be a right triangle

33 After this scary event the rescue team took Mr. Tim and his wife back to Florida and Mr. Tim continued teaching math class with an interest in the Pythagorean Theorem

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