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Commission on Improving the Delivery of Transport and Pedestrian Infrastructure To develop contingency plans for managing unplanned incidents John Edwards.

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Presentation on theme: "Commission on Improving the Delivery of Transport and Pedestrian Infrastructure To develop contingency plans for managing unplanned incidents John Edwards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commission on Improving the Delivery of Transport and Pedestrian Infrastructure To develop contingency plans for managing unplanned incidents John Edwards – Traffic Manager 3 June 2009

2 Outline of Presentation Current approaches – not ‘major’ incidents but ‘other’ unplanned incidents; What are unplanned incidents and what impact do they have ? Joint working arrangements / Resilience Planning and Incidents on our Highway; Examples from our Emergency Services Team; How can ‘we’ improve our plans ?

3 Current Approaches Major Incidents - Resilience Planning - James Elliott ‘Other’ Highway Incident - Network Management - Emergency Services - Traffic Manager

4 What are unplanned events and what impact do they have on traffic ? Road Traffic Accidents; Emergency Utility Works; Sewer Collapse; Traffic Signals / Level Crossings Failures; Traffic Incidents on A1 / A19 / Tunnel Closures; Impacts across the network; Major Incidents.

5 Examples of Unplanned Events on the Highway 1

6 Examples of Unplanned Events on the Highway 2

7 Current Approach to dealing with local unplanned events Diversion Routes for key critical junctions; Procedural Notes – contacts / protocols; ‘Rush-hour’ / ‘Out-of-hours’ Winter Maintenance Plan; Tactical Diversions on A19; Major Incidents – ‘exercise testing’.

8 Highways Hierarchy with Key Junctions

9 Joint Working Arrangements Local Police; Fire and Rescue Teams; Highways Agency; Traffic Manager / Streetworks Co-ordinator notification / contacts; Major Incident Co-ordinator: James Elliott; Media Alerts – letting people know.

10 Examples from our Team Flooding Tyne Dock / Slake Terrace and Lindisfarne; RTA on A184; Road Collapse – Hylton Lane; Incident on A19 – Tanker Fire; Major Incident Exercises. Level Crossing Failure at East Boldon (See Worked Example on the following 3 slides)

11 How can ‘we’ improve ? Planning to respond promptly and effectively ? Joint Working / Agreed Joint Approaches ? Triggering planned response; Shared Information; Continuity Planning / Resilience Planning; Review of response.




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