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MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2015 9 TH GRADE MYP Writing about Internal Conflict.

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Presentation on theme: "MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2015 9 TH GRADE MYP Writing about Internal Conflict."— Presentation transcript:

1 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2015 9 TH GRADE MYP Writing about Internal Conflict

2 Reading Snippet (pg. 22)11/2/15 Internal Conflict: Marigolds p. 81  Text: “Who out there?………; his exuberance got on my nerves.” Questions:  What type of conflict is present in this passage? Internal or External? Explain.  Describe the conflict that Lizabeth is facing. Why is she “ashamed”? How does she want to be perceived?

3 Objective, Agenda, & Homework Objective: I will use my annotations to correctly quote and cite evidence about a claim and explain that evidence. Agenda:  Reading Snippet (Pg. 22)  Recap Greek Roots  Recap Annotation of Hamlet  Sample Paragraph (Formative #3)  Formative #3 Homework: Study for Greek roots 29-32 quiz.

4 Greek Roots 29-32 Recap 29. neuro = ? 30. bio = ? 31. psych = ?, ? 32. astr = ?

5 Notes: Types of Conflicts Internal  Character vs. Self External  Character vs. Other Character  Character vs. Nature  Character vs. Technology  Character vs. God  Character vs. Society

6 Hamlet Vocabulary 59: arms = weapons, strength 63: flesh is heir to = (that which) people inherit 63: consummation = a state of perfection 65: perchance = perhaps 65: rub = problem, catch 67: mortal coil = troubles of daily life 68: pause = reason to stop 69: calamity = disaster, misery 70: scorns = contempt 71: contumely = insults 73: insolence = rude behavior 73: spurns = rejection 76: bodkin = small dagger 79: bourn = domain/realm 84: native hue of resolution = natural color of courage 85: sicklied = faint color 86: enterprises = adventurous spirit 89: Nymph = beautiful maiden 89: orisons = prayers

7 Hamlet Annotation Write these notes to the right of the text. What is the character saying? How are his words developing the internal conflict?  As we read and annotate, think about what decision Hamlet will make.

8 Sample Paragraph: Directions: Highlight the claim in one color, the evidence in a second color, and the explanations in a third color. Identify the parts of the claim as well as the citations of the evidence.

9 Sample Paragraph: In Shakespeare’s Othello, Desdemona’s love for Othello is true love because she cares for his struggles and gives him greater importance in her life than anyone else. Desdemona is emotionally moved by the slavery, travels, and battles that Othello endures because Othello tells all that “I loved her that she did pity them [his struggles]” (Shakespeare 1.3.194). In this quotation, Othello explains how he and Desdemona fell in love, informing the audience that she fell in love with him after listening to the story of his journeys. This declaration of her love proves that her love is true and will not waiver because she has compassion for him. Later, Desdemona tells her father that she now owes a greater duty to Othello than to Brabantio when she states, “I am hitherto your daughter. But here’s my husband. And so much duty as my mother showed to you, preferring you before her father, so much I challenge that I may profess due to the Moor my lord” (Shakespeare 1.3.213-218). In this example, Desdemona attempts to convince her father not to be angry about her marriage to Othello by comparing her marriage to the marriage of her parents. She says that her mother owed more duty to her husband (Desdemona’s father) than to her own father once she became a wife. Here, she is proving her love by showing allegiance to Othello even in the face of her father’s anger. This evidence proves that Desdemona’s love for Othello is true because she has compassion for his past and demonstrates loyalty to him.

10 MYP: Language and Literature: Quarter 2: Literary Analysis Formative #3 Criterio n 1-23-45-67-8 A: Analysi ng The student: iii. rarely justifies opinions and ideas with examples or explanations; uses little or no terminology The student: iii. justifies opinions and ideas with some examples and explanations, though this may not be consistent; uses some terminology The student: iii. sufficiently justifies opinions and ideas with examples and explanations; uses accurate terminology The student: iii. gives detailed justification of opinions and ideas with a range of examples, and thorough explanations; uses accurate terminology B: Organiz ing The student: ii. organizes opinions and ideas with a minimal degree of coherence and logic The student: ii. organizes opinions and ideas with some degree of coherence and logic The student: ii. organizes opinions and ideas in a coherent and logical manner with ideas building on each other The student: ii. effectively organizes opinions and ideas in a sustained, coherent and logical manner with ideas building on each other in a sophisticated way

11 Remember: Practice Claim: Evidence and Explanation: Author’s Name □Evidence/Quote With Tagline #1 □ Title (Properly Punctuated) □Quote #1 Properly Cited □ Specific Idea □Explanation of Evidence #1 □ Debatable Idea (Opinion) □Evidence/Quote With Tagline #2 □ Reason #1 □Quote #2 Properly Cited □ Reason #2 □Explanation of Evidence #2 □ Complete Sentence □

12 Formative #3 Prompt: Based on the passage from Hamlet, will Hamlet choose to take action (i.e. get revenge), or will he choose to end his own life? Answer in a claim with two reasons. Then, provide two pieces of quoted, cited evidence and explain how the evidence connects back to the claim.

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