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Stray animals – an overview of Europe Alexandra Hammond- Seaman Senior Programme Manager-Europe RSPCA.

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Presentation on theme: "Stray animals – an overview of Europe Alexandra Hammond- Seaman Senior Programme Manager-Europe RSPCA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stray animals – an overview of Europe Alexandra Hammond- Seaman Senior Programme Manager-Europe RSPCA

2 Legislative framework Acquis: nothing except use in laboratories Council of Europe Pet Convention But all countries use animal welfare laws as their framework for acquis

3 Enforcement and implementation in companion animals Legislation improved on companion animal cruelty and welfare issues through national laws Patchy on pet passports Little understanding of how to improve

4 The Need for EU action DGSANCO website on Animal Welfare …since animals are sentient beings, pay full regard to the welfare requirements of animals… (Art.13) It needs, however, to be noted that the European Union operates under the principles of conferred competences and subsidiarity. So competences not conferred upon the Union in the Treaties remain with the Member States and under the principle of subsidiarity, in areas that do not fall within its exclusive competence, the Union shall act only if and in so far as the objectives cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States (Article 1, 4 and 5 of the EU Treaty).

5 EU Companion animals policy : Why Objective not met by Member States EU competence

6 Why EU ? Objective not met by Member States Action Puppy tradeOverpopulation Exotic petsDog bites Neglect Disease Injuries Invasive species

7 Why EU ? France 17 million dogs and cats 1 million puppies sold per year 100.000 dogs abandoned each year Only 530 shelters for 36.779 villages = 70 villages per shelter Cost Fondation BB 2 million SPA 27 million

8 Why EU ? UK 14 million dogs and cats 100 rehoming centres +70.000 abandoned animals Cost shelters RSPCA 53 Million Italy 44 million companion animals (14 million dogs/cats) Private shelters 679 Public shelters 465

9 Why EU EU Competence Sustainable development : high level of animal health and welfare Internal market and trade Animal Health Strategy : Public Health Consumer protection Environment protection: Habitats, invasive species Important economic activity: Value €1.45 billion (poultry €1.1 billion per year purchase € 62 million vet € 245 million shelter € 15 million

10 EU Action Breeding and sales Puppy transport and trade Identification of all pets Animal health threats and measures Support for animal protection NGOs : education, shelter management, cruelty enforcement

11 An overview of the problem (overpopulation or not?) Poor and not improving Good Improving

12 Trends in stray dogs in 30 European countries 2002-7

13 Unwanted animals taken in by the RSPCA

14 Trends in companion animals: numbers stray dogs in UK

15 Trends in companion animals: numbers stray dogs in Poland


17 Methods of stray control in 30 countries

18 Two approaches No kill: Catch Neuter release Advantages: No kill Disadvantages: doesn’t stop the problem, still have noise, pollution; abandonement is illegal under CofE Allow euthanasia Shelter and adoption Advantages: teaches RPO, takes animals off the streets Disadvantages: adoption not known; overcrowding, poor euthanasia and standards

19 Good news 87% of countries have legislation 70% of countries prohibit abandonment 50% restrict selling and breeding of dogs 61% of countries have laws on RPO

20 Bad news Only 13 countries have legislation on who can own pets 9 countries don’t enforce abandonement legislation Most legislation not enforced properly Poor state of shelters and catching No accurate data

21 How organisations can help Animal welfare organisations are working on the ground so have experience and data Local authorities need to implement Veterinarians need to neuter and chip


23 Solutions Assess problem: good data Legislation and enforce legislation Set standards: train catchers, shelter personnel Set up stakeholder committee Undertake responsible pet ownership work

24 Solutions 2 Responsible pet ownership Reduce supply of dogs: dog breeding, pet selling Abandonement made illegal Age of owning dogs Educate: standards on keeping Registration and identification Encourage neutering: work with vets

25 Future OIE standards agreed in 2009 Pressure to implement humane methods increases Abandoning animals less tolerated Public become more educated Ngos become more relevant

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