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The University of Texas Pan American 2009 State Employee Charitable Campaign of Texas Together we care!

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Presentation on theme: "The University of Texas Pan American 2009 State Employee Charitable Campaign of Texas Together we care!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The University of Texas Pan American 2009 State Employee Charitable Campaign of Texas Together we care!

2 What is SECC Thanks to legislation that created the State Employee Charitable Campaign in 1993, state agency and university employees in Texas enjoy the benefit of giving to many of their favorite charities through an annual workplace campaign with features the convenience of payroll deduction. We can be proud that the campaign has grown so much in 14 years, with donations exceeding $9.7 million across Texas for charitable organizations in 2007.

3 State Employees Charitable Campaign T O G E T H E R W E C A R E How does it work? It’s an easy effective and cost efficient way to give to charities Our contributions help improve the quality of life for people in communities locally, across the country and around the world The campaign supports a wide variety of vital health and human services. All charities in the campaign must meet strict eligibility guidelines

4 Why Should I give? To help those that are less fortunate through no fault of their own. To support a favorite cause or charity on a regular basis. It’s the right thing to do. It will make you feel great It’s tax deductible

5 How Much Should I Give? How much you give is totally up to you. Your personal generosity is no one’s business but your own and remains confidential. Still some of us like to have some idea of what is appropriate to consider as a gift. Below are some guides: Give as little as 2 dollars per month and help feed the homeless. A standard that is used in similar campaigns is to give one hour’s pay per month…usually calculated as.006 of your annual salary. Give what you feel is appropriate for your budget…any gift no matter how large or small can make all the difference to someone in need. Become a leadership giver.

6 The Benefits of Payroll Deduction It helps minimize costs while maximizing your contribution You can manage your own philanthropy—You know when deductions start and that you can end them at any time. It saves time and takes little effort. Best of all, by donating a specific amount from each paycheck, you can make a much more significant impact on causes you wish to help.

7 What will my Gift provide? $2 per month for one year. 3 days of parenting classes that teach effective discipline and stress conflict. 1 day of food and shelter for a homeless person. 1 day of mentoring for at-risk youth.

8 What will my Gift provide? $5 per month for one year 3 students with assistance in math and science; 3 days of a support group for teens having experienced domestic or sexual abuse; 5 elderly people with the help they need to gain income security; adaptive aids for personal care to make life easier for ALS patients; and, 10 trees to be planted in an inner-city neighborhood.

9 What will my Gift provide? $10/mo. for one year 3 days of mentoring for at-risk youth; allows 3 elementary school classes to tour a natural area; physical therapy exercise sessions for patients with Multiple Sclerosis and Muscular Dystrophy; and, enough to make a difference between running water or hauling water, a concrete floor or a dirt floor, regular schooling or illiteracy in a developing country.

10 What will my Gift provide? $10/mo. For one year 11 days of a support group for teens having experienced domestic or sexual abuse; Good for one guide dog in advanced training; Training material and instruction for self examination for breast cancer; Training in an environmental career for a person with disability.

11 What will my Gift provide? $45/mo. for one year 26 students with assistance in math and science; 11 days of food and shelter for a homeless person; safety from cholera for 50 people; a volunteer on-line at a national AIDS treatment hotline for a week; and, 2 high schools with science curriculum materials about proper handling of chemicals found in the home.

12 Charity Directory Listing Every approved charity (in the this campaign area) for the SECC is listed in the directory with the following information: 104001ABC Charity, Inc. www. ABC. org ….this is an example. ABC Charity provides services to people in need of food, clothing and shelter. 10% All charities indicate:  Designation code and charity name  Web site (if applicable) and phone number  Description of services and annual fund raising and administrative costs as a percent of total income

13 SECC Resource--website

14 SECC Useful Resources UTPA Website – Employee Programs SECC SECC Website – UTPA Campus Coordinator –Gilbert Perez Jr., Email: or 956-384-5025


16 2009 Campaign Goals Local SECC Total Goal: $260,000.00 UTPA SECC Goal: $27,500.00

17 Important Dates To Remember Campaign Period –October 1, 2009 – October 23, 2009 All completed forms need to be in HR by 5:00pm, Friday, October 30, 2009. December 1, 2009 –Effective date for all payroll deductions and will reflect on January 1, 2010 paycheck.

18 Campaign Goals UTPA GoalsTotal Campaign Goals

19 $27,500.00

20 State Employees Charitable Campaign T O G E T H E R W E C A R E Thank you!

21 Questions and Answers SECC

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