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Use, Abuse, Addiction!. BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE 1.How do you define a drug? 2.When you hear the word drug, what is the first thing that comes to mind? 3.Did.

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Presentation on theme: "Use, Abuse, Addiction!. BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE 1.How do you define a drug? 2.When you hear the word drug, what is the first thing that comes to mind? 3.Did."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use, Abuse, Addiction!

2 BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE 1.How do you define a drug? 2.When you hear the word drug, what is the first thing that comes to mind? 3.Did anyone think tobacco and alcohol first? Explain. 4.Distinguish between drug use, misuse, and abuse. What category, or types of drugs are used/misused/abused? 5.Define Addiction. 6.What drugs comes to mind first when we talk about the dangers of drug abuse/addiction? 7.How can you tell if someone is addicted? 8.Do you think the drug problem in the United States, or in High schools, is as worrisome as health official’s report? 9.Why are illegal drugs more potent and contaminated today? 10.What do you consider to be the most dangerous drug? Explain. 11.What does it mean to enable someone? 12.What help is available for someone effected by substances?

3 Parent Interview: 1.Do you think drug use is a serious problem among young people? Why? 2.Were drugs a serious problem when you were my age? How could you tell? 3.How is the drug problem different today? 4.What specific drugs come to mind when we talk about drugs? 5.What are your feelings about tobacco? 6.What are your feelings about alcohol? 7.What about this Medical Marijuana? 8.What advice would you give young people about drugs? 9.What are 3 questions you have about drugs that you would like to have answered? (Student will discover the answers)

4 Survey – informal since 1999 1.Have you ever had a drink of alcohol? 2.Was it in a religious or family situation? 3.Have you taken a drink illegally? 4.Illegally in the past 30 days? 5.Ever Binge Drink? 6.Drink then come to school? 7.Have you ever taken a drink and then driven a car (Drivers only)? 8.Have you ever taken a ride as a passenger with a peer who has been drinking? 9.Have you ever used Marijuana? 10.Have you used marijuana 1 or more times in the last 30 days? 11.Have you ever tried smoking a Cigarette? 12.Have you smoked 1 or more Cigarettes in the past 30 days? 13.Have you ever used Smokeless Tobacco? 14.Have you used Smokeless Tobacco 1 or more times in the past 30 days? 15.Have you ever used a Hallucinogen? 16.Have you ever used another drug (including O-T-C & Prescription) for the intent to get “HIGH” Results Coming Soon!Soon

5 Agree Disagree The legal drinking age should be lowered. Marijuana should be legalized for all. Relaxing using alcohol is the same as using marijuana to relax. Smoking Bans are too tough. High School Athletes should be drug tested. The legal consequences for putting others at risk should be increased. Type A Personalities are more likely to become psychologically addicted to substances. Presenting substance use issues in middle or high school is too late to be effective. Teen using substances are trying to escape their terrible lives.

6 Wacky Facts / History Drugs have always been a part of culture in all parts of the world. So, how did we get to where we are today. Research some aspect of substances noting how it effects today’s world. Or, just some interesting bit. Be sure to have an opinion and be ready for questions. Cite your Reference.

7 Addictive Thinking Denial / Rationalization / Humor / “That may be a problem for some people, but not for me” “It won’t happen to me” “I used to think getting good grades (or sports or drama or music) was important, but I’ve grown out of that” “I only drink on weekends” “I used to like Molly, but now she doesn’t understand me” “Everybody does it. I’m no different than anybody else” “I’m to young to be an alcoholic” “It is just part of High School” “Everybody is doing it” “Did you hear what ??????? did while high on Friday?”

8 USE ABUSE Addiction/Dependency 1.Preoccupation 2.Compulsion 3.Loss of Control 4.Continued Involvement Behavior/Action Addictions Substance Addictions Cigarettes/Nicotine Alcohol Marijuana Speed Prescription Drugs Sugars / Carbs Chocolate Coffee Relationships Work-A-Holic Risk Taking / Adrenaline Exercise Eating / No Eating Gambling Sex Related Lying / Stealing TV / Computer / phone

9 Enabling Allowing Drug Problems to continue. Covering/Lying for someone. Caring for someone. Is someone an enabler???? If a wife turns down an invitation to a party because her husband is drunk. If Sue takes care of a friend who got high. If Paul is drunk in class and a distraction.

10 So….. Why are teens using Drugs???????

11 or just another Defensive Mechanism Four Kinds of MYTHS Drug use provides emotional protection from the outside world. Drugs help people to establish friendships. People get used to drugs. Drug use shows independence. Myths

12 Drug Chart CategoryNames Effects/ Sides Signs (CNS) Dependence/ Tolerance Medical Use Stimulants Amphetamines Depressants Barbiturates Opiates Narcotics Cannabis Hallucinogens Inhalants Steroids Weight Loss ADD/ADHD Tension Relief Relax Muscles Sleeping Pills Laws Rehab/ Help History/ Info./Stats Cocaine

13 Physical Addiction Keys: Dopamine Receptor sites Withdrawal Symptoms Tolerance Adjusts NORMAL



16 Problem Alcohol Use 0 -10 Assets 11 - 20 Assets 21 - 30 Assets 31 - 40 Assets 53% 30% 11% 3%

17 Illicit Drug Use 0 -10 Assets 11 - 20 Assets 21 - 30 Assets 31 - 40 Assets 42% 19% 6% 1%

18 Pool’s Survey Statistics 1999-2001 Reg. Health (366) Jr/Sr 1999-2007 Pre IB F.F.L. (727) Soph. 2008 Pre IB Fit for Life (31) Soph. 07-09 Health (143) Soph 2010 Pre IB Fit for Life (76) Soph. Used Alcohol74%79%67%82% 76% Religon/Family 60%61% Illegal Drinking 20%54% 50% Now56%35%4%29% 24% Binge Drink54%20%10%46% 34% Drunk @ School37%10%4%14% 20% Drink & Drive27%8%012% 9% Ride w/ Drinker27%18% 32% 26% Used Marijuana35%19%7%39% 16% Now21%9%7%18 13% Used Cigarette57%24%7%32% 25% Now21%4%7% 4% Used Smokeless 5%4%21% 10% Now 0%011% 4% Used Hallucinogen34%7%014% 13% Used others14%13%7%11% 14%

19 Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2008






25 VIDEO QUIZ Please take a moment to review your notes. Take out a sheet of paper. 1.Name three individuals in the video and prove they were addicted to a substance based on information presented in this class last week. 2.Name one person who was an enabler and prove why they are. 3.List numerous examples of defense mechanisms.

26 DID YOU KNOW? …that alcohol is involved in… 70% or all MURDERS 70% of all boating fatalities 60% of all sex crimes against children 56% or all fights and assaults 55% of all arrests (substances 95% overall) 50% of all rapes 50% of all skiing accidents 49% of all traffic fatalities Source: U.S. Health & Human Services/FBI Dec. ‘95

27 BINGE DRINKING 4+ drinks in one hour/seating

28 How many 3.2% beers would a 17- year old female, weighing 120 lbs, need to drink over the course of an hour to reach a B.A.C. of.05?

29 NIGHTLINE Responsible drinking? Why is Binge Drinking such an issue? Why is alcohol part of the culture? What is the ideal Plan for alcohol? What is the deal with Marijuana?

30 Assessment: Use, Abuse, Addiction Select a topic dealing with substance use/abuse in our world, culture or all the way down to the individual (not one drug, but could be a category/topic/idea). Examples could be current topics, addictions, tolerances, testing, enabling, social roles, current trends, create an argument and/or reason for use and abuse, etc….. Research your area (3 minimum/Cited)! What’s it saying about your topic? Create a pathway that shows how your topic is intertwined with other recent or past topics in the class. Presentations could be written, as in the form of an essay, drawn with captions or titles to explain, or any other way in which you could prove that you have an understanding of the material and show the connection to past topics. You need to impress and be creative with your research, connections and thinking.


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