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The EU Floods directive -Implementation in Sweden.

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1 The EU Floods directive -Implementation in Sweden

2 National implementation work The Floods Directive is implemented in Sweden through a regulation on flood risk (SFS 2009:956). Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) is the responsible authority and carry out the work in close cooperation with the county. The work is carried out in three steps during the years 2009-2015.

3 National implementation work Step 1 involves a nationwide preliminary flood risk assessment to be carried out. With this assessment, the geographical areas with significant flood risk are identified. Step 2 means that for those areas where significant flood risk exists, two types of maps are prepared. Flood hazard maps (2a) and flood risk maps of the areas at risk (2b). Step 3 involves the development of Flood risk management plans.

4 Floods Directive Process

5 Step 1 In step 1 analysis of flood risk was carried out in Sweden. The conclusion is that 18 locations have a significant flood risk. These locations have been identified based on MSBs flood mapping overview and possible implications for human health, economic activity, the environment and the cultural environment National implementation work

6 Step 2a Where risks of flood damage exist, MSB must by 2013 develop flood hazard maps for such areas. The flood hazard maps will show the flooded areas for four different flows; 50-year flow, 100-year-flow, 200-year flow and a calculated maximum flow. In addition, the maps will also show the depth and it is also possible to obtain information on the velocity.

7 Example of flood hazard map Flood hazard maps of the 18 affected towns will be developed with similar detail, but with the new national elevation database as a basis.

8 National implementation work Step 2b During 2013, flood risk maps for the 18 identified towns should be developed by the five county administration boards. The flood risk maps should include information such as number of affected persons, land use, protected areas and hazards that can cause contamination at a flooding. Guidelines and guidance for the development of the flood risk maps are developed by MSB.

9 National implementation work Step 3 The flood risk management plans are to include measures to reduce the probability of flooding and its potential consequences. They will address all phases of the flood risk management cycle but focus particularly on prevention, protection and preparedness

10 2010 - Inventory of historic floods in each county, coordinated by district. The county administrative boards supplied documentation. 2011 – Submission for comments concerning identified areas of special risk for flood risk. The county administrative boards commented. 2012 - Designation of areas with special risk for flood risk (Step 1). MSB. 2013 - Flood hazard maps (Step 2a). MSB with consultant. 2013 - Guidance for the preparation of risk maps. MSB. 2013 - Risk maps (Step 2b). Coordinated by district, different organization (different units, different approaches) but discussions nationally in county administrative board network. 2014/2015 - Risk Management Plans (Step 3)

11 National implementation work These steps need to be reviewed every 6 years in a cycle coordinated and synchronised with the Water Framework Directive (WFD) implementation cycle.

12 Regional implementation work The County Administrative Board of Norrbotten has since 2009 coordinated the work on flood regulation in Norrbotten and the Gulf of Bothnia water district.

13 Regional implementation work The County Administrative Board of Norrbotten is waiting for the flood hazard maps from MSB for Vännasby, Älvsbyn and Haparanda – Expected in May Starting up coordination with Västerbotten and Finland (a.s.a.p.) - mutual exchange of information. Preparing risk maps - In a first step, the flood risk area upstream and downstream will be identified, e.g. to calculate the population that may be affected. Work on risk maps will be completed by December 22 2013th

14 Thank you!

15 Links between WFD and Floods Directive Similar planning and timetables Target Directives A) Defined B) Criteria for implementation Similar geographical areas Measures need to be effective Consultation and participation

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