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PeopleSoft Travel/Expense CONUS. Overview What is driving this change? What is changing? Where can I find all this information? FSKU Process impact demo.

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Presentation on theme: "PeopleSoft Travel/Expense CONUS. Overview What is driving this change? What is changing? Where can I find all this information? FSKU Process impact demo."— Presentation transcript:

1 PeopleSoft Travel/Expense CONUS

2 Overview What is driving this change? What is changing? Where can I find all this information? FSKU Process impact demo Which Expense Types Do I Use, and When? Questions

3 Where can I find all this information? Recorded presentation, links to CONUS/OCONUS rates, and FAQ can be found at: The site will be updated with additional information as it becomes available.

4 What is driving this change? The State of Kansas adopted new T&E requirements with their upgrade to PeopleSoft 9.2 on November 15, 2015: Use of Federal CONUS/OCONUS rates for meals and lodging Use of quarter days for per diem reimbursement KU will adopt the same requirements on 1/1/2016. Adding multi-location checkbox for risk management. Reducing the number of expense types in response to end user feedback.

5 What is changing? Location Current location codes used by both UKANS & KURES KURES will continue to use these locations

6 What is changing? Beginning Jan 1, 2016 – location will represent the actual travel destination and will drive the per diem rate for Meals & Incidentals as well as the limits for Hotel or Lodging RULES: For daily meals – choose the location where you sleep at night KURES Continue with business as usual for locations until CONUS is adopted

7 What is changing? Streamlining of expense types – UKANS & KURES State vs. Research - No longer need separate Expense Types exception – Meals, Lodging, Mileage IS | OS | INT - No longer need separate expense types Make use of the data element “Billing Type” to drive the accounting NOTE: if an expense type should only be used by Research – indicated by (RS ONLY) at end of New Expense Type Example:

8 What is changing? Major change to Expense functionality – Meals & Incidentals Single expense type for Meals & Incidentals NOTE: KURES & UKANS have unique expense types for Meals & Incidentals

9 What is changing? Current Billing Type defaults to Billable This does not drive any functionality currently. New Billing Types: In State, Out of State, International This will drive which account code is associated with the expense type, and will be used to help reduce the total number of expense types. Billing Type will default to Out of State.

10 FSKU process impact DEMO

11 Demo – Enter TA for Meals - State Enter travel auth information, choosing a default travel location. This location will default to all lines, and must be updated for multi location travel. (UKANS example) If traveling to multiple locations during the trip, check the Multi Site Trip box.

12 Demo – Enter TA for Meals - State (cont) The new Expense Type of “MEALS AND INCIDENTALS” is chosen, and Billing Type is selected as either “In state”, “Out of state”, or “International”. Billing Type will drive which account code is used for this expense type. NOTE: “Out of state” is set as the system default for Billing Type. Select the ‘Detail’ link to enter the detail portion of the expense line.

13 Demo – Enter TA for Meals - State (cont) The detail page for the new Expense Type is chosen. The billing type from above is also included with the same options (In state, Out of state, International). If per diem amount does not populate in ‘Amount Spent’ box, click the ‘Refresh Per Diem Amounts’ button. This amount may be reduced if lower per diem is expected. Note that the location has populated from the default location. Click ‘Return to Travel Authorization Entry’

14 Demo – Enter TA for Meals - Research Enter travel auth information, choosing a default travel location. This location will default to all lines. NOTE: KURES will continue to use current location values. If traveling to multiple locations during trip, check the Multi Site Trip box.

15 Demo – Enter TA for Meals - Research (cont) The new Expense Type of “MEALS AND INCIDENTALS-RS ONLY” is chosen, and Billing Type is selected as either “In state”, “Out of state”, or “International”. Billing Type will drive the account code that is used for this expense type. NOTE: “Out of state” is set as the system default for Billing Type. Select the ‘Detail’ link to enter the detail portion of the expense line.

16 Demo – Enter TA for Meals - Research (cont) The detail page for the new Expense Type is chosen. The billing type from above is also included with the same options (In state, Out of state, International). If per diem amount does not populate in ‘Amount Spent’ box, click the ‘Refresh Per Diem Amounts’ button. This amount may be reduced if lower per diem is expected. Note that the location has populated from the default location. Click ‘Return to Travel Authorization Entry’

17 Demo – Enter TA for Hotel/Lodging - State User enters TA information, choosing a default travel location. This location will default to all lines, and must be updated for multi location travel. If traveling to multiple locations during trip, check the Multi Site Trip box.

18 Demo – Enter TA for Hotel/Lodging - State (cont) The new Expense Type of “HOTEL OR LODGING” is chosen, and Billing Type is selected as either “In state”, “Out of state”, or “International”. Billing Type will drive which account code is associated with this expense type. The maximum rate for the location is defaulted, and can be edited in the detail portion of the expense line. Select the ‘Detail’ link to enter the detail portion of the expense line.

19 Demo – Enter TA for Hotel/Lodging - State (cont) The detail page for the new Expense Type is chosen. The billing type from above is also included with the same options (In state, Out of state, International). Note that the location has populated from the default location. The nightly rate for the location is defaulted, but may be edited. Enter Hotel name in Non- preferred. Select the Number of Nights Note that ‘Total Amount’ is the nightly rate multiplied by the number of nights.

20 Demo – Enter TA for Hotel/Lodging - Research User enters TA information, choosing a default travel location. This location will default to all lines. NOTE: KURES will continue to use current location values. If traveling to multiple locations during trip, check the Multi Site Trip box.

21 Demo – Enter TA for Hotel/Lodging - Research (cont) The new Expense Type of “HOTEL OR LODGING-RS ONLY” is chosen, and Billing Type is selected as either “In state”, “Out of state”, or “International”. Billing Type will drive which account code is associated with this expense type. The maximum rate for the location is defaulted, and can be edited in the detail portion of the expense line. Select the ‘Detail’ link to enter the detail portion of the expense line.

22 Demo – Enter TA for Hotel/Lodging - Research (cont) The detail page for the new Expense Type is chosen. The billing type from above is also included with the same options (In state, Out of state, International). Note that the location has populated from the default location. The nightly rate for the location is defaulted, but may be edited. Enter Hotel name in Non- preferred. Select the Number of Nights Note that ‘Total Amount’ is the nightly rate multiplied by the number of nights.

23 Demo – Enter TER for Meals - State Enter expense report information, choosing a default travel location. This location will default to all lines, and must be updated for multi location travel. (UKANS example) If traveling to multiple locations during trip, check the Multi Site Trip box.

24 Demo – Enter TER for Meals - State (cont) The new Expense Type of “MEALS AND INCIDENTALS” is chosen, and Billing Type is selected as either “In state”, “Out of state”, or “International”. Billing Type will drive which account code is associated with this expense type. The full Per Diem amount is defaulted for the chosen location. Select the ‘Detail’ link to enter the detail portion of the expense line.

25 Demo – Enter TER for Meals - State (cont) The detail page for the new Expense Type is chosen. The billing type from above is also included with the same options (In state, Out of state, International). There is also new a “Start Time” and “End Time”, which will be used to break the day into quarters. This functionality will be used for departure days and return days when traveling. Note that the location has populated from the default location.

26 Demo – Enter TER for Meals - State (cont) The start time for the expense date is changed to 7:00AM to match the correct time that travel began. Click the ‘Refresh Per Diem Amounts’ button. The Per Diem amount is automatically lowered by a quarter. ** The system will do the calculation for the quarters on 1 st and final day of business trip. To reduce reimbursement, for meals that have been provided. Click the “Per Diem Deductions” link at the bottom of the detail page.

27 Demo – Enter TER for Meals - State (cont) Choose the meal that was provided, and click “OK”. Note: If all meals were provided, no Per diem will provided for the day. Do not deduct all 3 meals.

28 Demo – Enter TER for Meals - State (cont) The Per Diem amount has been updated based on the 35% deduction for Lunch. Click the ‘Return to Expense Report’ link to enter next item.

29 Demo – Enter TER for Meals - Research Enter expense report information, choosing a default travel location. This location will default to all lines. NOTE: KURES will continue to use current location values. If traveling to multiple locations during trip, check the ‘Multi Site Trip’ box.

30 Demo – Enter TER for Meals - Research (cont) The new Expense Type of “MEALS AND INCIDENTALS-RS ONLY” is chosen, and Billing Type is selected as either “In state”, “Out of state”, or “International”. Billing Type will drive which account code is associated with this expense type. The full Per Diem amount is defaulted for the chosen location. Select the ‘Detail’ link to enter the detail portion of the expense line.

31 Demo – Enter TER for Meals - Research (cont) The detail page for the new Expense Type is chosen. The billing type from above is also included with the same options (In state, Out of state, International). There is also new a “Start Time” and “End Time”, which will be used to break the day into quarters. This functionality will be used for departure days and return days when traveling. Note that the location has populated from the default location.

32 Demo – Enter TER for Meals - Research (cont) The start time for the expense date is changed to 7:00AM to match the correct time that travel began. Click the ‘Refresh Per Diem Amounts’ button. The Per Diem amount is automatically lowered by a quarter. ** The system will do the calculation for the quarters on 1 st and final days of business trip. To reduce reimbursement, for meals that have been provided. Click the “Per Diem Deductions” link at the bottom of the detail page.

33 Demo – Enter TER for Meals - Research (cont) Choose the meal that was provided, and click “OK”. Note: If all meals were provided, no per diem will provided for the day. Do not deduct all 3 meals.

34 Demo – Enter TER for Meals - Research (cont) The Per Diem amount has been updated based on the 30% deduction for Lunch. Click the ‘Return to Expense Report’ link to enter next item.

35 Demo – Enter TER for Hotel/Lodging - State Enter expense report information, choosing a default travel location. This location will default to all lines, and must be updated for multi location travel. (UKANS example) If traveling to multiple locations during trip, check the Multi Site Trip box.

36 Demo – Enter TER for Hotel/Lodging - State (cont) The new Expense Type of “HOTEL OR LODGING” is chosen, and Billing Type is selected as either “In state”, “Out of state”, or “International”. Billing Type will drive which account code is associated with this expense type. Select the ‘Detail’ link to enter the detail portion of the expense line.

37 Demo – Enter TER for Hotel/Lodging - State (cont) The detail page for the new Expense Type is chosen. The billing type from above is also included with the same options (In state, Out of state, International). Note that the location has populated from the default location. The amount spent is entered manually, and the maximum allowable amount is based on the location. Enter Hotel name in Non- preferred. Select the Number of Nights

38 Demo – Enter TER for Hotel/Lodging - State (cont) When the lodging amount is exceeded for the selected location, a message appears with a new entry field. The user is asked to explain why the lodging expense has exceeded the location amount. Nightly Amount is calculated by taking the Amount spent, divided by the number of nights.

39 Demo – Enter TER for Hotel/Lodging - Research Enter expense report information, choosing a default travel location. This location will default to all lines. NOTE: KURES will continue to use current location values. If traveling to multiple locations during trip, check the ‘Multi Site Trip’ box.

40 Demo – Enter TER for Hotel/Lodging - Research (cont) The new Expense Type of “HOTEL OR LODGING-RS ONLY” is chosen, and Billing Type is selected as either “In state”, “Out of state”, or “International”. Billing Type will drive which account code is associated with this expense type. Select the ‘Detail’ link to enter the detail portion of the expense line.

41 Demo – Enter TER for Hotel/Lodging - Research (cont) The detail page for the new Expense Type is chosen. The billing type from above is also included with the same options (In state, Out of state, International). Note that the location has populated from the default location. The amount spent is entered manually, and the maximum allowable amount is based on the location. Enter Hotel name in Non- preferred. Select the Number of Nights

42 Demo – Enter TER for Hotel/Lodging - Research (cont) When the lodging amount is exceeded for the selected location, a message appears with a new entry field. The user is asked to explain why the lodging expense has exceeded the location amount. Nightly Amount is calculated by taking the Amount spent, divided by the number of nights.

43 Which Expense Types Do I Use, and When? Entire expense report: All Travel ending before 01/01/2016 will use old method of entry. This includes Old Expense Types, Locations, and Billing Type All Travel beginning on, or after 01/01/2016 will use new method of entry This includes New Expense Types, Locations, and Billing Type But what if my travel crosses those dates?

44 But what if my travel crosses the new year? Single Expense Report with line differentiation All expense lines prior to 1/1/2016 will be entered using the old method Use old Expense types, location, and billing type All expense lines on or after 1/1/2016 will be entered using the new method. Use new Expense types, locations, and billing type

45 But what if my travel crosses the new year? Assumptions for demo: Expense report entered with trip date crossing calendar year-end. In this example, we will use 07/15/15 as our “new year” date. For KURES, the location will remain the same, while expense type and billing type will change based on date. For UKANS, the location, expense type, and billing type will need to be changed based on date.

46 But what if my travel crosses the new year? Expense report entered with trip date crossing calendar year- end. When entering the Default location, use the original location. For travel crossing over the end of the year, this will be the old location (In State, Out of State, International). Expense types occurring after the new year, will need the location updated at the line level.

47 But what if my travel crosses the new year? Note the difference in ‘Expense Type’ and ‘Billing Type’ used for 07/14/15 and those entered for 07/15/15. To update the location for expenses falling after the new year, click the detail tab.

48 But what if my travel crosses the new year? For old expense types the Start/End Time boxes will not have any effect on the rate. For new Expense Types the Start/End Time will update the rate based on quarters of a day. Note the location has been updated to a CONUS location for this Expense line.

49 Wrap-up notes Research KURES will not adopt the CONUS locations and rates until further notice KURES will use the new streamlined expense types beginning Jan 1, 2016 Training Pending or existing travel authorizations, including travel that crosses the period from December – January Open office hours will be held Detail on how to handle pending items will be provided in training documentation

50 Questions?

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