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Vulnerable Adults and Professional Concerns.. Adults at Risk (Safeguarding) Adult Safeguarding An “adult at risk” is defined in the Social Services and.

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Presentation on theme: "Vulnerable Adults and Professional Concerns.. Adults at Risk (Safeguarding) Adult Safeguarding An “adult at risk” is defined in the Social Services and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vulnerable Adults and Professional Concerns.

2 Adults at Risk (Safeguarding) Adult Safeguarding An “adult at risk” is defined in the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) act 2014 as an adult who: Is experiencing or is at risk of abuse or neglect Has needs for care and support (whether or not the authority is meeting any of those needs),and As a result of those needs is unable to protect himself or herself against the abuse or neglect or the risk of it. Living free from harm and abuse is the fundamental right of every individual and an essential requirement for health and wellbeing All staff within BCUHB(including) volunteers and independent contractors have a responsibility for ensuring the safety and welfare of their service users. Statute now dictates a clear duty for all agencies to report all adults “at risk” to the Local Authority.

3 North Wales Safeguarding Adults Board (statutory function) North Wales version of the All Wales Protection of Vulnerable Adults Professional Concerns Protocol. Multi agency protocol for the Management of Risk associated with Adult Protection Concerns about Employees, Carers or Volunteers. Ratified November 2015

4 Purpose and Scope Purpose and Scope Information Governance Provides process for the lawful and proportionate sharing of information and management of risk where the matter is an adult protection issue. Where the primary concern is a child protection matter – part 4 of the child protection procedures provides process for sharing information and management of risk.

5 Examples of the types of cases that should be managed under this protocol. Harmful conduct within volunteer or employee`s private life (i.e. being a perpetrator of domestic abuse) Individual concerned is subject to a Police investigation (that has identified risks to adults, children or vulnerable groups). Historic allegations of abuse by an employee, volunteer or carer Concerns raised relating to allegations and or behaviour that poses a risk to others. All concerns raised via external agencies will be directed to the Adult Safeguarding team.

6 Role of the employer (BCUHB) Safe recruitment procedures Adult protection training/procedures Operational policies that clearly establish the standard/ quality of practice/conduct required. Staff supervision and appraisal Whistle blowing Robust arrangements for commissioning, contracting and QA practice that is expected. Service user feedback – listen and learn Disciplinary procedures

7 Management of Safeguarding concerns. When the employer becomes aware of a risk (via intra agency routes): Clear duty to carry out a risk assessment Individual to be informed concerns have been raised (unless subject to police investigation). As part of the risk assessment – employer will need to consider risk to individual`s involvement with adults or children (within another setting): ?Is the individual caring for relative/friend who is an adult at risk? ?Is the individual involved caring for a child? Is there risk? ?Is the individual also employed/volunteering with any at risk group? ?Has the individual committed a criminal offence?

8 Fact finding Immediate Is the person safe in the current situation? Are there other people at risk? Is any immediate action required to mitigate the risk? Preliminary Were there any witnesses to the incident? Has a possible crime being committed? Is the victim/person an adult at risk? Threshold Has there been possible abuse or neglect? Is a crime suspected? Do adult protection procedures apply?

9 Adult at Risk Valuation form Adult at Risk Valuation form (SOP) Is the adult @ risk? Over 18? An older person or has illness, mental illness, learning disability or other disability (incl sensory impairement),SMS problems? Has need of care and support? (this includes adults who receive scheduled and unscheduled care within each division). Has the adult at risk suffered (or likely to suffer)significant harm or neglect? Consider the harm experienced and likelihood of recurrence in relation to the risk rating assessment. Has there been a possible breach of professional duty or abuse of a position of trust? If unsure – MUST make safeguarding referral.

10 Information sharing Within 2 working days : Initial strategy discussion takes place to determine whether progress to strategy meeting – Usual Local Authority and Police. Within 7 days strategy meeting held to include: Referring agency Employer HR HIW Police, Contracts/Commissioning officer Provider HSE OT

11 Employers risk management plan May include additional supervision, training, assessment of competency, changes to workplace to reduce risk, suspension/restricted duties, referral to professional body, referral to DBS. Whilst primary aim is safeguarding the adult at risk, employers also have duty to comply with the requirements of the Employment and Equity law. Risk Management plans should be recorded and subject to review, retained individual`s file and stored securely. *A copy should be sent to the adult safeguarding team Record of the meeting will be made – attendees will have a copy of the record which should be stored securely.

12 Alleged perpetrators have the right to be treated fairly, openly and honestly. Alleged perpetrators have the right to be treated fairly, openly and honestly. The Strategy discussion/ meeting will consider in consultation with WoD advice what information should be disclosed within an identified timescale. In principle each individual should be: Advised that there is concern Informed about the professional concerns process Be told what support is available to them Clearly informed of the outcome of the process/actions Informed what should be recorded on employee`s record and duration




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