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Livable Oakville Subcommittee of Council April 18 2016 OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW.

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Presentation on theme: "Livable Oakville Subcommittee of Council April 18 2016 OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Livable Oakville Subcommittee of Council April 18 2016 OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW

2 What we heard What else? Moving forward overview

3 Growth Plan Amendment 2 Growth Pressures Provincial Conformity Neighbourhood Character Sustainability Open Space Protection Student Housing Infill issues Transition Areas Crombie Principles Green BuildingsRegional ConformityTrees + Canopy Cover StormwaterClimate ChangeTrails Affordable Housing Building heightsRisk Management Implementation Tools Site Plan Community Engagement Parking AssumptionsTraffic Congestion Mainstreet Viability Bill 73 Stable Residential Areas Speers Road Types of Employment Transit Connections


5 stable residential neighbourhoods  Protection of the stable residential neighbourhoods  Retention of neighbourhood character  Transition areas / edges  Underutilized sites  Student housing around Sheridan campus  Infill housing  Buildable areas (GFA/FAR)  Drainage issues WHAT IS MISSING?  Existing neighbourhoods going through transition  major exterior changes  Residential neighbourhoods within growth areas  “neighbourhoods in transition” terminology  Rooming houses and accessory dwellings beyond permissions (+ parking)  Transition to employment  Massing  Maximization of as of right permissions (and beyond)  Setbacks (spacing between dwellings, front yard setback)

6 green / environment  Natural Heritage System and open space protection  Green buildings and neighbourhoods  Trees and canopy cover  Trails  Sustainability checklist  Stormwater management  Climate change WHAT IS MISSING?  Criteria for tree removal under development applications (and opportunities to retain trees through design)  Recognition of age and size of trees  Infrastructure for EV  Knowledge of existing stormwater infrastructure (SWM master plan)  Future uses of community use sites  Ownership of trees  Strong support for speaker series  Noise mitigation along transportation corridors 

7 growth  Growth pressures  Where growth should happen  Mainstreet viability  Transition areas WHAT IS MISSING?  Stronger urban design policies  Noise mitigation  Financial policies (cost sharing agreements)  Traffic study TOR  Phasing of high density (NO + tools associated)  Development permit system  Density first  Surprise factor  Legal tools - clear text disclosure

8 employment/commercial areas  Types of employment, what to plan for  Transition to residential areas  Transit connections  Speers Road assessment of job types WHAT IS MISSING?  Link to EcDev Strategy  Function of Speers Rd (spillover effect)  Capacity for commercial  Employment uses & height in proximity to residential and other sensitive land uses  Buffers between residential and employment (criteria) 

9 other  North Oakville Secondary Plan Review  Affordable housing  Demographic shift – aging in place  Risk management  Community engagement  Mobility  Site Plan requirements  Parking assumptions – North Oakville + Growth Areas WHAT IS MISSING?  “Cycle of life” in neighbourhoods & within homes  Air traffic noise (warning signs)  Communications  Notification  Maximizing public participation

10 addressing the issues OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW STUDIES Urban Structure Review Main Street Viability Assessments Bronte Village Growth Area Review Kerr Village Growth Area Review Downtown Oakville Growth Area Review Uptown Core Growth Area Review Palermo Village Growth Area Review Employment and Commercial Review Speers Road Corridor Study Stable Residential Neighbourhoods Review North Oakville Secondary Plans Review Provincial and Regional Conformity Review Discussion Papers and Technical Reviews Public engagement confirm priorities

11 Thank you!

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