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Presentation on theme: "Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Email Maintenance

2 2 Business Objective Enable the Program Administrator(s) to effectively and efficiently communicate key program requirements and expectations to end users and those responsible for performing key tasks and activities.

3 3 Agenda Lesson 1: Email Maintenance Overview  Templates  Schedules Lesson 2: CAR New SEs Email Setup Lesson 3: CAR Revalidate Exceptions Email Setup Lesson 4: CAR Statement Closed Email Setup Lesson 5: CAR Unapproved Transactions Email Setup Lesson 6: Overview Other Templates  CAR Email Upon Approval  CAR New BCAs  CAR New Transactions  CAR Statement Review  CAR Unmatched Transactions  Custom Lesson 7: Deleting Templates and Schedules

4 4 Lesson 1: Email Maintenance Overview Objective: By the end of this lesson, the PA should know the value of Email Notifications and conceptually what it takes to create one in CAR. Why Is This Important: Email Notifications enable the Program Administrator (PA), through capabilities of the tool, to send key communications to CAR users instead of having to manually reach out to users. Various events in the tool can be used to ‘trigger’ targeted emails to specific users.

5 5   Push system generated or custom defined messages to registered users   Take advantage of maintenance, task and cycle related triggered events   Easily customized and scheduled using existing templates Template NamePurposeTargetBehavior New TransactionsNotifies user of new transactions to reviewUserReview, approve, reallocate Email Upon ApprovalNotifies user when a transaction is approved by another user MgrReview, approve, reallocate Unapproved TransactionsNotifies user of transactions pending approvalUser Mgr Monitor or finish approvals Unmatched TransactionsNotifies user of transaction that could not be automatically matched to Third Party Data AdminFinish reconciliation by deadline Statement ClosedNotifies user upon close of billing cycleUser Mgr Admin Finish reconciliation by deadline Statement ReviewNotifies user x days after close of billing cycleUser Mgr Admin Finish reconciliation by deadline Revalidation ExceptionsNotifies user of invalid transaction accountingUserFix accounting prior to posting New BCAsNotifies user of a new BCAAdminAssign new BCA to a site New SENotifies user of a is new merchantAdminUpdate supplier mapping table RegistrationNotifies user of a new user registrationAdminApprove registration and/or update profile CustomAll other notificationsAny Lesson 1: Email Maintenance Overview

6 6 Lesson 1: Email Maintenance Overview – Templates Step by Step Instructions: 1 of 2 StepAction 1Logon to the URL: and go to System Administration 2Expand the folder CAR Company Administration 3Click on Email Maintenance 4The Email Maintenance tabs will appear on the right side, initially at Templates Templates: the “WHAT” – must be created before used/referenced in a schedule Schedule: “to WHOM” and “WHEN”

7 7 Lesson 1: Email Maintenance Overview – Templates Step by Step Instructions: 2 of 2 StepAction 1Template Type: Ten templates from which to select 2Template Set: Custom name for a group of templates, as defined by the user. Select to enter a custom name 3Language: Determines which language(s) will be used when email is sent to recipients by comparing language(s) selected here and what is in the recipient(s)’ profiles 4Default: Determines what language will be used when an explicit language is not selected in Language 5Reply-To: Provide an email address so recipients can easily reply to any messages sent 6Subject: Subject line for outgoing emails 7Body: Message text is entered here BUT it cannot be easily formatted (i.e. cannot use the enter key) 8Import Mail Template Body …: Create a nicely formatted message in a text editor, saving it as a.txt file and import 9View Parameters: Allows use of parameters in email body which become actual values when the emails are created

8 8 Lesson 1: Email Maintenance Overview – Schedule Step by Step Instructions: 1 of 2 StepAction 1Email Trigger Event: Defines the name/type of template which triggers the email 2Schedule Name: Custom name of schedule to be entered by user 3Frequency: How often email is to be sent by the system. Options vary based on type of Trigger Event Minimum Interval: How often recipient will receive one email notification, regardless of how many transactions are triggered. Option available based on type of Trigger Event 4Start Date (and End Date if applicable – based on Trigger Event): Range of when email process should run. Leave End Date blank if schedule is to be run indefinitely 5Email Template: Select from the available templates you created in the Templates tab

9 9 Lesson 1: Email Maintenance Overview – Schedule Step by Step Instructions: 2 of 2 StepAction 6Status: Inactive – not in use; Active – emails generating and being sent; Testing – allows Program Administrator (or other email address) to receive sample email to verify the content and recipients before actually having email distributed 7Send email report: Check box indicating a summary report is to be sent to the specified email address 8Report Email: Activated when Send Email Report is checked. Indicates recipient of email report 9Template Language: Activated when Send Email Report is checked. Indicates version of email body to be used in report 10Specify Recipients: Define WHO will receive the email. Choices depend upon the Email Trigger Event selected 11Settings: Available based on the Email Trigger Event selected. Further refines when an email is to be sent

10 10 Lesson 2: CAR New SEs Email Setup Objective: By the end of this lesson, the PA should know how to set up a template and schedule to produce emails about new SEs (merchants) being added to the Merchant table. Why Is This Important: If the Program Administrator (PA) is maintaining GL/Account numbers in the Merchant table and/or other key values which are used in the Mapping functionality of CAR and/or when the interface file is created, then it is critical that the PA know when to update new entries. Rather than the PA remembering to go into the tool to check for new entries, the PA can receive an automatic email when a new entry has been posted.

11 11 Lesson 2: CAR New SEs Email Setup – Templates Step by Step Instructions: 1 of 1 StepAction 1Template Type: Select the CAR New SEs from dropdown 2Template Set: Click on the ellipsis to type in a Template Set Name. Click Ok 3Language and Default: Select from dropdowns 4Reply-To: Email address to whom responses to email should go 5Subject: Subject line of email 6Body: Type in content OR use Import Mail Template Body … to use pre-formatted wording typed in Word/Textpad/Notepad and saved as.txt 7View Parameters: Fields used in body of email that become actual values when email is sent

12 12 Lesson 2: CAR New SEs Email Setup – Schedule Step by Step Instructions: 1 of 3 StepAction 1Email Trigger Event: Select the CAR New SEs from dropdown (to match the template created on Templates tab) 2Schedule Name: Type in a descriptive name 3Frequency: Select from the dropdown (Daily, Weekly, Monthly) 4Start Date and End Date: When you want to email to start being sent and when you want it to stop; DO NOT enter an End Date if you want it to continue indefinitely 5Email Template: Select related template created on Templates tab using dropdown; by using descriptive names, it should be easy to find 6Status: Select Inactive; Testing; Active. Use Testing until you are sure the email and its recipients areas you want; then make active 7Send email report, Report Email and Template Language: Check IF you want someone to receive a summary report of the New SE emails to be distributed; list to whom the summary report should be sent AND select the language in which it should be sent 8Specify Recipients: Opens a new window CAR New SEs. Specify WHO is to receive the email notification (details on next page …)

13 13 Lesson 2: CAR New SEs Email Setup – Schedule Step by Step Instructions: 2 of 3 StepAction 1Addressee Type: Determine the combination of Addressee Types needed to restrict the email to the set of recipients to whom you want the email to be sent 2Addressee Type: Sites If more than one site exists for your company and the email should be restricted to users within one site, create an entry selecting that particular site 3Addressee Value: Select the site from the dropdown. Select 4Click Add to place the entry in the table Continue to next page …

14 14 Lesson 2: CAR New SEs Email Setup – Schedule Step by Step Instructions: 3 of 3 StepAction 5Repeat the steps to add additional criteria. Addressee Type: Select User Roles Note: When selecting an "Addressee Type" in the email recipient, keep in mind that if you select more than one, then the email will only be sent to the group of people who have both attributes. For example, if you add the user roles Cardmember and Cardmember Manager, then the only recipients would be the subset of users who are both Cardmembers and Cardmember Managers. 6Addressee Value: Select CAR Company Administration from the dropdown 7Click Add to place the entry in the table 8If no additional Addressee Types or Addressee Values need to be entered, click Ok 9When returned to Schedule tab, click Save to save the schedule

15 15 Lesson 3: CAR Revalidation Exceptions Email Setup Objective: By the end of this lesson, the PA should know how to set up a template and schedule to produce emails when the CAR Revalidate task is run. Why Is This Important: The CAR Revalidate task identifies transactions where the accounting values contain Site Defaults or where a value is no longer valid (e.g. valid originally but removed from a validation table some time during the cycle). The email notification allows the Program Administrator to have the system inform the users directly of transactions which need to be updated before the PA can produce a quality extract/interface file.

16 16 Lesson 3: CAR Revalidation Exceptions Email Setup – Templates Step by Step Instructions: 1 of 1 StepAction 1Template Type: Select the CAR Revalidation Exceptions from dropdown 2Template Set: Click on the ellipsis to type in a Template Set Name. Click Ok 3Language and Default: Select from dropdowns 4Reply-To: Email address to whom responses to email should go 5Subject: Subject line of email 6Body: Type in content OR use Import Mail Template Body … to use pre-formatted wording typed in Word/Textpad/Notepad and saved as.txt 7View Parameters: Fields used in body of email that become actual values when email is sent

17 17 Lesson 3: CAR Revalidation Exceptions Email Setup – Schedule Step by Step Instructions: 1 of 3 StepAction 1Email Trigger Event: Select the CAR Revalidation Exceptions from dropdown (to match the template created on Templates tab) 2Schedule Name: Type in a descriptive name 3Frequency: As Part of Task is only option 4Start Date and End Date: When you want to email to start being sent and when you want it to stop; DO NOT enter an End Date if you want it to continue indefinitely 5Email Template: Select related template created on Templates tab using dropdown; by using descriptive names, it should be easy to find 6Status: Select Inactive; Testing; Active. Use Testing until you are sure the email and its recipients areas you want; then make active 7Send email report, Report Email and Template Language: Check IF you want someone to receive a summary report of the New SE emails to be distributed; list to whom the summary report should be sent AND select the language in which it should be sent 8Specify Recipients: Opens a new window CAR Revalidation Exceptions. Specify WHO is to receive the email notification (details on next page …)

18 18 StepAction 1Addressee Type: Determine the combination of Addressee Types needed to restrict the email to the set of recipients to whom you want the email to be sent 2Addressee Type: Sites IF more than one site exists for your company and the email should be restricted to users within one site, create an entry selecting that particular site 3Addressee Value: This will appear once Select the site from the dropdown. Select 4Click Add to place the entry in the table Continue to next page … Lesson 3: CAR Revalidation Exceptions Email Setup – Schedule Step by Step Instructions: 2 of 3

19 19 StepAction 5Repeat the steps to add additional criteria. Addressee Type: Select User Roles 6Addressee Value: Select CAR Company Administration from the dropdown 7Click Add to place the entry in the table 8If no additional Addressee Types or Addressee Values need to be entered, click Ok 9When returned to Schedule tab, click Save to save the schedule Lesson 3: CAR Revalidation Exceptions Email Setup – Schedule Step by Step Instructions: 3 of 3

20 20 Lesson 4: CAR Statement Closed Email Setup Objective: By the end of this lesson, the PA should know how to set up a template and schedule to produce emails regarding the Cycle being closed and action required by the email recipients. Why Is This Important: The Program Administrator (PA) typically has a fixed number of days after cycle close to produce an interface/extract file for loading into the ERP system. Before producing the file, it is critical that all transactions have been reviewed, approved, and reallocated as necessary. By notifying the users of Cycle Close, the PA can outline expectations and deadlines of when key actions must be completed.

21 21 StepAction 1Template Type: Select the CAR Statement Closed from dropdown 2Template Set: Click on the ellipsis to type in a Template Set Name. Click Ok 3Language and Default: Select from dropdowns 4Reply-To: Email address to whom responses to email should go 5Subject: Subject line of email 6Body: Type in content OR use Import Mail Template Body … to use pre-formatted wording typed in Word/Textpad/Notepad and saved as.txt 7View Parameters: Fields used in body of email that become actual values when email is sent Lesson 4: CAR Statement Closed Email Setup – Templates Step by Step Instructions: 1 of 1

22 22 StepAction 1Email Trigger Event: Select the CAR Statement Closed from dropdown (to match the template created on Templates tab) 2Schedule Name: Type in a descriptive name 3Frequency: Select from the dropdown (Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly) 4Start Date and End Date: When you want to email to start being sent and when you want it to stop; DO NOT enter an End Date if you want it to continue indefinitely 5Email Template: Select related template created on Templates tab using dropdown; by using descriptive names, it should be easy to find 6Status: Select Inactive; Testing; Active. Use Testing until you are sure the email and its recipients areas you want; then make active 7Send email report, Report Email and Template Language: Check IF you want someone to receive a summary report of the New SE emails to be distributed; list to whom the summary report should be sent AND select the language in which it should be sent 8Specify Recipients: Opens a new window CAR Statement Closed. Specify WHO is to receive the email notification (details on next page …) Lesson 4: CAR Statement Closed Email Setup – Schedule Step by Step Instructions: 1 of 3

23 23 StepAction 1Addressee Type: Determine the combination of Addressee Types needed to restrict the email to the set of recipients to whom you want the email to be sent 2Addressee Type: Sites IF more than one site exists for your company and the email should be restricted to users within one site, create an entry selecting that particular site 3Addressee Value: This will appear once Select the site from the dropdown. Select 4Click Add to place the entry in the table 5Repeat Steps 2 – 4 until you have the appropriate Addressee Types in the table. 6Select the number of days to wait after cycle close to send the email and click Update. Then click Ok 7When returned to Schedule tab, click Save to save the schedule Lesson 4: CAR Statement Closed Email Setup – Schedule Step by Step Instructions: 2 of 3

24 24 StepAction 1Repeat Step by Step instructions 1 of 3 and 2 of 3 to create a similar schedule for the Cardmember Manager to receive the same notice as the Cardmember 2Once saved, there will be two entries in the Schedule table referencing the same Template name Lesson 4: CAR Statement Closed Email Setup – Schedule Step by Step Instructions: 3 of 3

25 25 Lesson 5: CAR Unapproved Transactions Email Setup Objective: By the end of this lesson, the PA should know how to set up a template and schedule to produce emails regarding missing role approvals. Why Is This Important: It may be company policy (a compliance or audit requirement) that a certain type or number of transactions have some level of ‘approval’. The Unapproved Transaction email notification allows the Program Administrator (PA) to inform those who are out of compliance as well as other roles of missing approvals and expected action.

26 26 StepAction 1Template Type: Select the CAR Unapproved Transactions from dropdown 2Template Set: Click on the ellipsis to type in a Template Set Name. Click Ok 3Language and Default: Select from dropdowns 4Reply-To: Email address to whom responses to email should go 5Subject: Subject line of email 6Body: Type in content OR use Import Mail Template Body … to use pre-formatted wording typed in Word/Textpad/Notepad and saved as.txt 7View Parameters: Fields used in body of email that become actual values when email is sent Lesson 5: CAR Unapproved Transactions Email Setup – Templates Step by Step Instructions: 1 of 1

27 27 StepAction 1Email Trigger Event: Select the CAR Unapproved Transactions from dropdown (to match the template created on Templates tab) 2Schedule Name: Type in a descriptive name 3Frequency: Select from the dropdown (Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly) and select Day of Week 4Start Date and End Date: When you want to email to start being sent and when you want it to stop; DO NOT enter an End Date if you want it to continue indefinitely 5Email Template: Select related template created on Templates tab using dropdown; by using descriptive names, it should be easy to find 6Status: Select Inactive; Testing; Active. Use Testing until you are sure the email and its recipients areas you want; then make active 7Send email report, Report Email and Template Language: Check IF you want someone to receive a summary report of the New SE emails to be distributed; list to whom the summary report should be sent AND select the language in which it should be sent 8Specify Recipients: Opens a new window CAR Unapproved Transactions. Specify WHO is to receive the email notification. Add User Roles entry and Sites entry (if necessary) using steps described for other Schedules’ recipients 9Settings: Select WHO is missing approvals and for what time period Lesson 5: CAR Unapproved Transactions Email Setup – Schedule Step by Step Instructions: 1 of 7

28 28 StepAction 1Check CAR Cardmember when the email is to report Cardmembers who are missing approvals 2Select the Time Period to include missing approvals using the dropdown 3Click Ok to return to the Schedule tab to save the Schedule. When returned to Schedule tab, click Save to save the schedule Lesson 5: CAR Unapproved Transactions Email Setup – Schedule Step by Step Instructions: 2 of 7

29 29 StepAction 1Example of Template to notify Cardmember Managers of missing Cardmember approvals Lesson 5: CAR Unapproved Transactions Email Setup – Templates Step by Step Instructions: 3 of 7

30 30 StepAction 1Example of Schedule to notify Cardmember Managers of missing Cardmember approvals 2Specify Recipients (WHO is to get Email): Select the appropriate Addressee Types including User Roles of CAR Cardmember Manager 3Settings (WHOSE approval is missing): Select the CAR Cardmember and the Time Period Lesson 5: CAR Unapproved Transactions Email Setup – Schedule Step by Step Instructions: 4 of 7

31 31 StepAction 1Example of Template to notify Cardmember Managers missing approvals to the Cardmember Manager Lesson 5: CAR Unapproved Transactions Email Setup – Templates Step by Step Instructions: 5 of 7

32 32 StepAction 1Example of Schedule to notify Cardmember Managers missing approvals to Cardmember Managers themselves 2Specify Recipients (WHO is to get Email): Select the appropriate Addressee Types including User Roles of CAR Cardmember Manager 3Settings (WHOSE approval is missing): Select the CAR Cardmember Manager and the Time Period Lesson 5: CAR Unapproved Transactions Email Setup – Schedule Step by Step Instructions: 6 of 7

33 33 StepAction 1Settings: If you only want the email to be sent WHEN BOTH approvals are missing Would still need to select Recipients of Email (typically Cardmember Manager and/or BCA Managers. Lesson 5: CAR Unapproved Transactions Email Setup – Schedule Step by Step Instructions: 7 of 7

34 34 Lesson 6: Overview of Other Email Templates Objective: By the end of this lesson, the PA will be aware of other email templates and schedules that are available for setup. Why Is This Important: The Program Administrator (PA) may have a need for email notifications beyond the four (4) covered in detail.

35 35 StepAction 1Similar actions need to be taken to setup other email notifications not specifically outlined Step by Step 2Once you select a Template Type, the View Parameters button will be active. Click on it to see what parameters you can use in the body of your message. 3After saving the template, proceed with creating a Schedule 4Specify Recipients and Settings options depend on the Email Trigger Event selected Lesson 6: Overview Other Email – Templates Step by Step Instructions: 1 of 1

36 36 Lesson 7: CAR Email Setup – Delete Templates/Schedules Objective: By the end of this lesson, the PA should know how to delete templates and schedules that are no longer needed. Why Is This Important: It will reduce the clutter in the tables, especially if multiple client sites exist. Also, it will prevent unnecessary emails from potentially being run and distributed, which uses system resources and may result in questions to the PA from recipients.

37 37 StepAction 1When you no longer need a schedule, highlight it 2Click Delete 3You will be asked to confirm deletion. Click Yes 4You can then delete the corresponding Template if it is no longer needed by moving to the Templates tab and finding the appropriate Template. Note: You cannot delete a Template that is referenced by a Schedule. You must first delete the Schedule Lesson 7: CAR Email Setup – DELETE Step by Step Instructions: 1 of 1

38 38 Post Training Expectations/Actions Program Administrator to set up additional email notifications

39 39 Review/Preview Recap of Key Points: System generated emails are the means to communicate key requirements and expectations to users of the tool who may be out of compliance or who need to take some action.

40 40 Help For Questions with the CAR Tool  CAR end users should contact site/system administrator or internal help desk  Site/System administrators should contact American Express Front Line Consultants +1 800-542-0995 then choose option 2, option 3 For Configuration Changes or Additions  System/Program administrators can contact their Account Manager or the Help Desk to initiate a request for gTEC assistance with changes to sites or to add new sites

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