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CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS General Services Department GS Advanced Information Services EVM.

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Presentation on theme: "CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS General Services Department GS Advanced Information Services EVM."— Presentation transcript:

1 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS General Services Department GS Advanced Information Services EVM tools at CERN Benoît DAUDIN (GS-AIS-PM – CERN) 22-March-2012

2 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Agenda Overview of CERN Management Tools Evolution of EVM tools at CERN Main phases when monitoring a project with EVM in APT Questions?

3 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS GS-AIS-PM section GS-AIS group: Advanced Information Systems “Provides optimal support for all business processed at CERN” PM section: Projects Management & Resource Planning Team of ~10 developers

4 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Management Tools at CERN EDMS Engineering Data Management System Project Costing APT (evm) Activity Planning Tool Impact Intervention Management Planning & Activity Coordination Tool Indico EDH Electronic Data Handling CET CERN expenditures tracking … Project General

5 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Evolution of EVM tools at CERN Several solutions based on project requirements and lessons learned 2002200420062008 2000 2010 Project Progress Tracking (PPT) ATLAS project Activity Planning Tool (APT) CERN wide strategic planning PPT EVM LHC and CNGS projects EVM module in APT LINAC4 project

6 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Project Progress Tracking (PPT) Atlas Detector construction (500 MCHF CORE Cost, 150 institutes in 35 countries) Communicate on a global scale (WEB) Track the progress of any elements of the project Alert when key objectives are reached Ask for progress reports at regular intervals

7 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS LHC project audit of 2001  18% overspend announcement  Technical Coordinator → “the project is behind schedule”  Project Administrator → “the project is under- running”  LHC Team: not in position to demonstrate that the project could be completed within allocated budget! Member States asked the LHC Project Management to set up a formal Project Control System

8 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS PPT for LHC Evolution into a comprehensive Earned Value Management System for the LHC:  EVM-based project control system  Deliverable-oriented physical progress monitoring  Interfaced to CERN’s accounting systems, to get accurate information on actual costs  Interfaced to CERN’s contract management system  Interfaced to CERN’s human resource system  Handle in-kind contributions  Web-based  Excel spreadsheets to interact with DBs

9 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS LHC Project EVMS introduced while AC = CHF 1 billion!! “Granularity” between breakdown structures → consolidations difficult to handle Too many activities: 12’000+ activities “Varying granularity” of activities: from a few kCHF to several MCHF from a few weeks to several months Project Engineers plan too optimistically …to obtain budget (it’s easier to carry over) Weak integration with schedule networks PPT for LHC | Weak points

10 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Tailored tools: –Excel interface to interact with databases very appreciated –strongly integrated with corporate databases Deliverable-oriented approach revealed to be efficient “AC = EV rule” for in-kind contribution worked well Contributed to cost consciousness at all levels PPT for LHC | Strong points

11 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Activity Planning Tool (APT) CERN wide strategic planning: Planning of ALL (Material + Personnel) resources for ALL CERN activities (operation + projects) WBS with necessary resources for each planned activity Allocate available resources according to priorities and identify missing resources Man-Power plan

12 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS EVM into APT Integrate «PPT for LHC» into APT for project Activities Why: Projects are part of CERN resource planning process (WBS, costs, …) Only one place where to define information Better user experience

13 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS How to work with EVM projects in APT Web application Part of CERN AIS system (Security, IT Infrastructure…) 4 main phases: Define your project Report your progress Monitor the project execution Rebaselining process (optional)

14 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Terminology WBS: Work Breakdown Structure, hierarchical list of all the activities to be performed to complete the project. Workunits: The “Leaves” of the WBS tree. Activity small in size/duration, under responsibility of one person. Workunits use Resources (money, people) to produce Deliverables

15 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Project definition WBS Roles (Project Manager, Project Members, Installation Scheduler…) Budget Codes, used to map resources with expenditures Workunits with Resources and Deliverables Planned Value (PV) spending profile Freeze data as Baseline “Reference Point”

16 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Data Definition WBS Workunits Resources  Personnel  Material Resources  Personnel  Material Deliverables Web interface Excel files

17 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Data Quality A set of recommandations has been defined –Granularity –Gap between deliverables –…

18 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Project execution Workunit Holders asked for Progress Reporting: Earned Value (EV)

19 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Expenditures Expenditures are loaded automatically from CERN accounting system: Actual Cost (AC)

20 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Project monitoring Crosstab

21 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Project monitoring PV, EV, AC Charts at every WBS level

22 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Project monitoring Gantt Chart

23 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Project monitoring Progress Reporting status Late / Upcoming / Complete deliverables

24 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Project monitoring Quarterly reports

25 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Rebaselining Process (optional) When? Event requiring project re-organization e.g. new time constraint, technical issue not foreseen... How? Baseline management support in APT e.g. PV comparison

26 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Other features… All data are tracked in database History is available from the UI for Workunits, Resources and Deliverables Easy way to search for last modifications done in your project (who, when, how) Email alert mechanism allowing to follow project modifications Sharing reports

27 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Current projects CERN projects: LINAC4 in place for the last 3 years Work on-going for other LHC injector upgrade projects (mainly SPS and PS) Cooperation with “Joint Institute For Nuclear Research” (JINR, Russia) to adapt APT EVM module to NICA Project: Clean APT from CERN dependencies Add new interfaces to load “reference Data” Hosted at CERN

28 CERN GS Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Internet Services GS AIS Questions ?

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