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Building a Tool Box of Reading Strategies Mary Beth Klawender Franklin High School Livonia, Michigan.

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Presentation on theme: "Building a Tool Box of Reading Strategies Mary Beth Klawender Franklin High School Livonia, Michigan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a Tool Box of Reading Strategies Mary Beth Klawender Franklin High School Livonia, Michigan

2 A Bit of History 17 years teaching Chemistry Galileo Leader NCA/SIT Chair MOM Triathlete

3 Why a Reading Presentation from a Chemistry Teacher? Teaching Chemistry B Technology Training based on Marzano research Kelly Gallagher Presentation Good friends with excellent ELA teachers – Jackie Price & Sally Erickson I LOVE TO READ

4 Definition of Literacy The National Literacy Act of 1991 defines literacy as "an individual's ability to read, write, and speak in English and compute and solve problems at levels of proficiency necessary to function on the job and in society, to achieve one's goals, and to develop one's knowledge and potential."

5 We Know Literacy Matters A child who is not a fluent reader by 4 th grade is likely to struggle with reading in adulthood. Poor reading and writing skills have a devastating lifelong impact - 75% of school dropouts report reading problems

6 We Know Literacy Matters In the U.S., 63 million adults — 29 percent of the country’s adult population —over age 16 don’t read well enough to understand a newspaper story written at the eighth grade level. Seventy-seven million Americans have only a 2- in-3 chance of correctly reading an over-the- counter drug label or understanding their child's vaccination chart.

7 We Know Literacy Matters The percentage of high school seniors performing at or above the basic level in reading on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) decreased from 80% in 1992 to 73% in 2005 (NCES, 2007)

8 We Know Literacy Matters About 70% of high school students need some form of remediation; the most common problem is that students cannot comprehend the words they read—not that they cannot read them (Biancarosa & Snow, 2004).

9 Questions to Consider Are we helping our students BUILD a tool box of reading and writing skills? Are we SHOWING students how to use these skills? Are we USING reading and writing to assess student understanding daily?

10 But I am NOT an English Teacher! Emphasize reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language in core subject areas Include rigorous literature and informational text that builds knowledge and broadens worldviews

11 First Things First - What is Text Text Books Graphic Novels Comics Articles Movie Graphs Charts Pictures Lab procedures

12 Tool #1 - Building Background

13 Building Background

14 AOW—Articles of the Week

15 Tool #2 - Determine a Purpose Previewing difficult text. Tell students what to look for or do with the text.

16 Reading for Purpose - Activity While you read the text, determine the properties of acids and bases. Check the statement that applies to each.

17 Reading for Purpose What do I want my students to take from the reading WITH my help? What can they get WITHOUT my help? How do I bridge the gap? (PURPOSE) How will I know they UNDERSTAND ?

18 Examples of Purpose Frankenstein: How do the words in the word bank relate to the chapter? (plot) Social Studies: Identify differences between the Soviet’s and American’s views on causes of the Cold War. Math Example: Identify the steps in using the Power Rule to solve a derivative

19 Tools #3, #4, #5 – Embracing Confusion Trouble SlipsChunk and ScoreTwo Color Highlighting Mark top and bottom of section to be read Using arrows, questions marks, indicate where you are having trouble understanding Flip trouble slip over complete trouble slip with another page or section Read each section Score your understanding 1-no understanding 3- some understanding 5 – understand and can explain it to someone else Choose two colors 1 st color – use for parts you understand 2 nd color – use for parts you do NOT understand Every word must be highlighted!

20 Small Group Discussion What are the pros/cons of each strategy? How can these strategies be used to check for understanding? How can the strategy be adapted for younger children? Share your ideas with your colleagues.

21 Embracing Confusion – Another Activity Goals of Activity –Students self-monitor comprehension and identify where it breaks down –Teacher friendly strategies that support teaching the content

22 Boxes 1-3: Reading and rereading: 1.Read the passage, and score your level of understanding in box #1. 2.Reread the passage, and score your level of understanding after rereading box #2. 3.Read the passage for a third time, and score your level of understanding in box #3. Box 4: Write and score: 1.Write what you understand about the passage. 2.Score your level of understanding after writing in box #4. Box 5: Small Group Discussion Box 6: Large Group Discussion Tool #6 -Read, Score, Reread, Score…


24 Tools in the Toolbox Build background knowledge Connect to prior knowledge Set a purpose Chunk and score Trouble slip Two color highlight

25 More Tools Read, Score, Reread, Score, etc. Write/Reflect Small group discussion Whole group discussions Modeling strategies

26 Quick – More Tools 20 Questions Headings into questions Outlines with gaps Sentence starters Say/Mean chart Exit slips Word walls Graph of the week

27 Quick – More Tools Identify Similarities & Differences (VENN) Using analogies Non linguistic representations Generate and explain hypothesis Knowledge of text structure

28 Resources Deeper Reading: Comprehending Challenging Texts, 4-12 by Kelly Gallagher Classroom Instruction that Works by Robert Marzano, Debra J. Pickering & Jane E. Pollock Project CRISS, Creating Independence through Student-owned Strategies by Carol M. Santa, Lynn T. Havens & Evelyn M. Maycumber

29 Exit Slip—3-2-1 3- Strategies you will use in your classroom 2-Resources you will explore 1-Recommendation for improving this presentation

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