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History and Legends Zgodovina in legende. Milestones I 6 th c. – Slavonic people on today’s territory of Slovenia 7 th c. – the independent Duchy of Carantania.

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Presentation on theme: "History and Legends Zgodovina in legende. Milestones I 6 th c. – Slavonic people on today’s territory of Slovenia 7 th c. – the independent Duchy of Carantania."— Presentation transcript:

1 History and Legends Zgodovina in legende

2 Milestones I 6 th c. – Slavonic people on today’s territory of Slovenia 7 th c. – the independent Duchy of Carantania Counts of Celje – Slovene feudal family 15 th c. – Slovene territory was taken over by the Hapsburgs

3 Milestones II 16 th c. – Period of reformation: foundation of Slovene language 1848 – “Zedinjena Slovenia” – 1st political programme (not successful):  All the lands inhabited by Slovenes united in one province calledSlovenia  Slovene language – official language  Autonomous province within Hapsburg Monarchy

4 World War I Front on the river “Soča” (Isonzo Front) After World War I  the independent state of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs (October 1918)  Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (December 1918)  Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1929)

5 World War II Slovenia was occupied by Italians, Germans and Hungarians Liberation Front founded in 1941 Leading role of Communist Party Civil war (partisans vs. white guard) 1945 Slovenia is a part of Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia

6 Choosing the Independence First clear demand in 1987 Political arrests. April 1990 – first democratic elections December 1990 – referendum (88 % voted for independent and sovereign Slovenia) Declaration of independence: 25 th June 1991 10-day war

7 Independent country … in EU December 1991 – Slovene constitution ended the communist system Member of EU and NATO (since 204) Accepted EURO in January 2007 Presidency of the council of EU in first half of 2008

8 Do you know the answers? How many times did Slovenes have their own country? Slovenia was a part of many countries in the course of the history – which ones? Why is reformation period important for Slovenes? How did Slovenes decide for independence in 20th century? What in your opinion the future in EU holds for Slovene nation?

9 Legends Zlatorog – Goldenchamois (today a brand name for a delicious Slovene beer) How did Ljubljana become a city?

10 Legends King Matjaž, who sleeps under mount Peca. The story of Erazem Predjamski.

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