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Open Up Your Workplace Gunnar Svensson, Integratia Anette Sjödin, RFSL Equal Conference Vilnius, Lithuania 23-24 Oct 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Up Your Workplace Gunnar Svensson, Integratia Anette Sjödin, RFSL Equal Conference Vilnius, Lithuania 23-24 Oct 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Up Your Workplace Gunnar Svensson, Integratia Anette Sjödin, RFSL Equal Conference Vilnius, Lithuania 23-24 Oct 2007

2 Beneath the Surface (Under ytan) An Equal project about understanding and changing norms and values in school

3 Vision To raise the issue of sexual orientation and homophobia in schools so that an environment is created where everyone is included regardless of sexual orientation

4 Why focus on schools?  A workplace that involves a lot of people  Awareness of human rights are important for the next generation  Not much practical work has been done  Silence and unawareness is widespread  Teachers need knowledge and tools: we start with the grown-ups

5 Brief Facts  Project Period: November 1, 2004–April 30, 2007  Twelve partner organizations including government authorities, employers, trade unions, educational institutions and special-interest groups  Six pilot municipalities spread throughout Sweden  Collaboration with similar projects in France, Lithuania and Slovenia: TRACE

6 Target Groups  Teachers  School administration and personnel  Students and teachers in teaching programs  Municipal politicians and employees within the educational area  Trade union representatives  Students

7 Activities  Development of educational resources, methodologies for raising awareness and training material  Provide training for teachers, school personnel, teachers in training  Research  Awareness raising through media, conferences, seminars

8 Method  Start with yourself, then proceed with your students  Focus on the heterosexual norm  Start in preschool  Work with an integrated perspective  Include teachers’ education institutions

9 Material  “Life in the Teachers’ Lounge” (book in Swedish)  “Silence in the Classroom?” (book in Swedish)  “What Lies Beneath the Surface?” (DVD in Swedish and English)  Two transnational books  A research anthology (published later)

10 Content in a Training Session  Personal values exercises  The heteronorm and heteronormativity  Terms and concepts  The importance of being able to be open  Films and discussion

11 Personal Values Exercises  Sexual orientation is not of interest at work  Heterosexuals talk about their sexual orientation at work  At my place of work, it would be easy to tell people that you are gay, lesbian or bisexual

12 The Heteronorm We are born GirlBoy FeminineMasculine BoysGirls

13 Content in a Training Session  Personal values exercises  The heteronorm and heteronormativity  Terms and concepts  The importance of being able to be open  Film and discussion

14 Recommendations  Work in cooperation with different kinds of organizations  Focus on structures and norms, but work on a practical level

15 TRACE - Transnational Cooperation for Equality  France: Deleidos  Lithuania: Open and Safe at  Slovenia: Partnership för Equality  Sweden: Beneath the Surface

16 TRACE - Transnational Cooperation for Equality Activities and Products  Research  Norms at Work (research book)  Experience Exchange  Conferences (Sweden, Lithuania, Slovenia)  Open Up Your Workplace (practical book)

17 Beneath the Surface (Under ytan) To order books and DVD:s, visit

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