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Micro-encapsulation of fish oils and antioxidants Oxidative stabilization and improved delivery Tadesse Teferra April, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Micro-encapsulation of fish oils and antioxidants Oxidative stabilization and improved delivery Tadesse Teferra April, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Micro-encapsulation of fish oils and antioxidants Oxidative stabilization and improved delivery Tadesse Teferra April, 2016

2 Fish oil Source of n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated faty acids (PUFA) –Essential fatty acid –not synthesized by human body; only obtained from diet. –Benefits: Studies showed long chain n-3 PUFAs have benefits against cardiovascular diseases, asthma, cystic fibrosis, bowl disease and others –Challenge: Oxidation- highly unstable

3 Stabilization Three commonly used methods: –Use of antioxidants Natural: Carotenoids, tocopherol, Flavonoids, anthocyanin and polyphenolics Synthetic: BHA, BHT, EDTA, etc –Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) Limits the presence of oxygen, slows oxidation –Micro-encapsulation Useful for n-3/n-6 PUFA are used as functional ingredients in foods (baby formulas)

4 Micro-Encapsulation Enclosing micron sized (0.5 to 100s μm) particles (droplets) of functional ingredients (foods) and active ingredients (drugs) in polymeric shells. (Jyoth et al., 2010) Milk protein Chitosan Dextrin Gelatin Plant gums Modified starches

5 Encapsulation process Drying: Spray Freeze Fluid bed Atomization Chávarri et al., 2012; Kaushik et al., 2015

6 Encapsulation: different methods SprayingFluid bedExtrusion Kaushik et al., 2015

7 Purposes Protection of highly unstable ingredients like fish oil – protection against oxidation –Nutritional importance in baby foods (Kaushik et al., 2015) Controlled delivery (drugs, supplements) or release of ingredients (substrates, preservatives, antioxidants) in food systems (Jyoth et al., 2010)

8 Release of encapsulated FO Requires some triggering agents (dissolving the shell)

9 Release based Solubility FO in water soluble (β- cyclodextrin) and water insoluble (polycaprolac tone) polymeric shells NaCl vs FS Choi et al., 2010

10 Current\Future Research Alternative production of n-3 PUFA –Sea planktons are being considered Alternative coating agents –Use of supercritical fluids Effective drying methods –Ultrasonic drying technique New micro-encapsulation processes –Use of supercritical fluids

11 Suggested Readings Benefits & stability of n-3 LC-PUFA –Arab-Tehrany et al. 2012. Trends in Food Science, 25: 24-33 Most Recent Review –Kaushik et al., 2015. J. Functional foods, 19: 868-881. Alternative sources of n-3 LC-PUFA –Ward and Singh, 2005. Process Biochem. 40: 3627-3652. Micro-encapsulation of antioxidants –Shi et al., 2007. J. Food Eng. 8(4).

12 References Arab-Tehrany, E., Jacquot, M., Gaiani, C., Imran, M., Desobry, S. and Linder, M., 2012. Beneficial effects and oxidative stability of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Trends in Food Science & Technology,25(1), pp.24-33. Jyothi, N.V.N., Prasanna, P.M., Sakarkar, S.N., Prabha, K.S., Ramaiah, P.S. and Srawan, G.Y., 2010. Microencapsulation techniques, factors influencing encapsulation efficiency. Journal of microencapsulation, 27(3), pp.187-197. Rubio-Rodríguez, N., Beltrán, S., Jaime, I., Sara, M., Sanz, M.T. and Carballido, J.R., 2010. Production of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrates: a review. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies,11(1), pp.1-12. Kaushik, P., Dowling, K., Barrow, C.J. and Adhikari, B., 2015. Microencapsulation of omega-3 fatty acids: A review of microencapsulation and characterization methods. Journal of Functional Foods, 19, pp.868-881. Chávarri, M., Marañón, I. and Villarán, M.C., 2012. Encapsulation technology to protect probiotic bacteria. INTECH Open Access Publisher.


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