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Northeast Omaha— An American Ghetto By Linda Williams, MDSHP; BAC 2014 Historic New England 2015 Symposium Competition.

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2 Northeast Omaha— An American Ghetto By Linda Williams, MDSHP; BAC 2014 Historic New England 2015 Symposium Competition

3 Northeast Omaha is an American Ghetto ‘ghetto’-area of city inhabited by minority: an area of a city lived in by a minority group, especially a run- down and densely populated area lived in by a group that experiences discrimination SOURCE: BING DICTIONARY DEFINITION

4 Omaha, Nebraska Map NE IA NE Source: Source: IA

5 District Map Source: City of Omaha

6 Eastern Omaha, Nebraska Historically Underutilized Business Zone a.k.a. ‘HUB Zone’ Map Source:

7 North & South Omaha MINORITY CONCENTRATION Source: City of Omaha 5-Year Strategy (2008-2013)

8 North & South NRSA’s NRSA (Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Areas) -North Omaha; African-American Community -South Omaha; Latino Community Source: City of Omaha 5-Year Strategy (2008-2013) Source: City of Omaha 2015 CDBG Funding Presentation

9 Eastern Omaha LOW TO MODERATE INCOME LEVELS Source: City of Omaha 5-Year Strategy (2008-2013) Source: City of Omaha 2015 CDBG Funding Presentation

10 Concentration of Code Violations-I 1,973 BUILDING CODE VIOLATIONS Source: City of Omaha 5-Year Strategy (2008-2013)

11 -Does Historic Preservation have a place in an American Ghetto? -Has Historic Preservation even forgotten about American Ghettoes? -Will American Ghettoes accept Historic Preservation? ISSUES

12 LANDMARKS SURVEY MAP; 1980’s Source: ‘Patterns on the Landscape’; City of Omaha Landmarks Commission N. 24 th & Lake Streets; Heart of Historic Jazz District

13 Historic Preservation can be a catalyst to redeveloping America’s underserved communities. STANCE ‘ Patterns on the Landscape- Heritage Conservation in North Omaha’; City of Omaha Planning Department; copyright 1984; Pg. 32. This photo was taken of the results of the Easter Tornado of 1913 in the Northeast Omaha area of N. 24 th & Lake Streets. Nolli Map. Empty lots vs. Buildings

14 Historic Preservation is not a popular means of redevelopment by current developers in an American ghetto. CRITICAL OBSERVATION Habitat for Humanity

15 Advocacy Committee -LB 191 -20% tax credit -2014-Approved in State Legislature -1 st time ever state wide historic tax credit -Restoration Exchange Omaha -1+ years old -Predecessor: Restore Omaha LOCAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ORGANIZATION

16 NORTH OMAHA ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY Clarence ‘Cap’ Wigington, Omaha’s First African-American Architect; 1883- 1967. Trained by Kimball. South Omaha Omaha Architect- Thomas Kimball; Trained at L’Ecole Des Beaux Arts; St. Cecilia’s Cathedral. (Adam Fletcher Sasse)

17 Omaha Architect-Thomas Kimball; Trained at L’Ecole Des Beaux Arts, Paris France-Designed St. Cecilia’s Cathedral, Omaha’s first downtown library and various other historic structures in Omaha. Omaha ‘s first African-American Architect- Clarence ‘Cap’ Wigington; Apprentice to Thomas Kimball-Mt. Zion Baptist Church and various other historic structures in North Omaha Kimball-Wigington Design Center

18 AD HOC BUILDING STOCK Source: Source: Linda Williams, Americorps VISTA member; Habitat for Humanity-Omaha, 2009 Historic Contemporary Elderly Housing Habitat for Humanity



21 HISTORIC DESIGN The End. PROPOSED HISTORICAL DESIGN & FLOOR PLAN Stairs Bedroom Dining Room Bedroom Living Room Porch Kitchen Restroom ‘Maidstone’ SOURCE: Plans/1920-Bennett/

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