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Thematic Analysis of Sustainable Tourism and the Triple Bottom Line Michael Hughes Jack Carlsen.

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1 Thematic Analysis of Sustainable Tourism and the Triple Bottom Line Michael Hughes Jack Carlsen


3 Référence000025 AUTEUR(S)HJALAGER, A.M TITRE(S): Tourism and the environment : the innovation connection LANGUEAN NOM REVUEJournal of Sustainable Tourism, Volume 4, N°4 NBRE DE PAGESpp. 201-217 ANNEE EDITION1996 THEME Politics-policy/ Public Sector / Tourist awareness / Management / Law / Development / Alternative Tourism / Ecotourism/ Heritage Conservation


5 2293

6 Analysis Considerations Indication of research effort rather than impact or influence Assumes CIRET reference collection is representative of research effort based on reliability of third party categorisation of literature (CIRET)

7 Findings LanguageCount%LanguageCount% English282776.0%Croatian260.7% French40210.8%Catalonian80.2% Spanish2456.6%Slovakian30.1% German1303.5%Chinese20.06% Portuguese441.2%Turkish10.03% Italian300.8%Polish10.03%

8 Number of Publications Year

9 Theme word% % Management26.4%Partnership/cooperation2.0% Politics/policy22.6%Law2.0% Site protection19.6%Activity1.9% Planning13.4%Motivation1.8% Ecology/ecological13.3%Forest1.7% Community11.2%Attendance1.7% Environment10.7%supply/demand1.7% Culture/cultural9.0%Consumption1.5% Economy/economic8.8%Risk1.4% Marketing7.8%Experience/enjoyment1.3% Model7.0%Accessibility1.3%

10 Social (n=2293)% Economic (n=1262)% Environmental (n=1780)% Politics and policy36.5Management34.0Site protection40.8 Management27.8 Economy/ economic 25.9Management33.3 Community19.1Marketing23.1Ecology/ecological27.6 Culture/cultural14.7Cost18.2Environment22.2 Planning13.7Planning17.0Planning16.5 Social10.0 Audit- accounting 15.6Park13.4 Ethics7.2Model10.9Carrying capacity8.3 Ideology/philosophy7.1Product10.6Model7.9

11 Economic SocialEnvironmental (36.4%) 7.8% 5.4% 11.4% 29.1% 13.8% 20.7% 11.8% (51.3%)(66.1%)

12 % of Publications Total Number of Publications

13 Application of Results Balanced body of knowledge and research required to inform graduates Analysis suggests a lack of co-ordination and integration of ideas and publications Represents a gap in the sustainable tourism literature Encouraging that the management theme predominates in all three dimensions of the literature

14 Conclusion Demonstrated how the ST research effort corresponds with its parent paradigm, sustainable development ST literature 1983 to 2003 dominated by discipline specific research, primarily social or environmental issues. Integrating the body of knowledge in ST may clarify meaning and enhance applicability in a practical and desirable manner

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