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LET’S PRAY…. FOR JANICE – Praise God that she is on a journey, exploring her faith and attending church services. We pray that her heart will be open.

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Presentation on theme: "LET’S PRAY…. FOR JANICE – Praise God that she is on a journey, exploring her faith and attending church services. We pray that her heart will be open."— Presentation transcript:


2 FOR JANICE – Praise God that she is on a journey, exploring her faith and attending church services. We pray that her heart will be open to the Lord’s voice and calling on her life. – Pray for Janice’s understanding to deepen, and pray she’ll accept and know God’s grace and love. LET’S PRAY

3 FOR JACKIE – Thank the Lord that her faith has been re-awakened, deepened and refreshed through contact with our missionary Emmanuel. – Pray for Jackie’s health, and pray her family would be open to hearing about Jesus too. LET’S PRAY

4 FOR LONDON CITY MISSIONARIES – Give thanks for the dedicated, caring and persevering ministry of London City Mission’s missionaries. – Lift them up to God, and ask that he’ll continually equip them for this vital work. LET’S PRAY

5 FOR OUR MISSION FIELD IN LONDON – Pray for the many people living in spiritual darkness, without the hope and love of Christ in this vast mission field on our doorstep. – Pray for more workers, and more funds to fuel this vital ministry with London’s isolated and forgotten people. LET’S PRAY

6 – PRAYING for London City Mission – GIVING a gift to put more missionaries like Andrew and Emmanuel on London’s streets – ENCOURAGING our missionaries by sharing a verse or word with them YOU CAN HELP US BY


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