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Growing Schools Workshop Clare Neale: Diploma Co-ordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Growing Schools Workshop Clare Neale: Diploma Co-ordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growing Schools Workshop Clare Neale: Diploma Co-ordinator

2 1.The Diploma Development Partnership (DDP) 2.The Diploma in Environmental and Land-based Studies 3.Partnerships for delivery – ‘Applied Learning’ 4.Next steps “Diplomas will give young people a fully rounded education, which combines theoretical and applied learning to equip them with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need for further or higher education and long-term employability.” [Department for Children, Schools and Families – DCSF]

3 Lantra and the DDP partner SSCs 1.Agricultural crops 2.Agricultural livestock 3.Animal care 4.Animal technology 5.Aquaculture 6.Environmental conservation 7.Equine 8.Farriery 9.Fencing 10.Fisheries management 11.Floristry 12.Game and wildlife management 13.Land-based engineering 14.Landscape 15.Production horticulture 16.Trees and timber 17.Veterinary nursing 18.PLUS, partner SSC overlap

4 Lantra and the DDP partner SSCs Energy & Utility (EU) Skills is the Sector Skills Council for the electricity, gas and waste management and water industries. Within the scope of the Diploma in Environmental and Land-based Studies, EU Skills covers waste management and has an interest in renewable energy sources, sustainability and recycling. Improve Ltd is the Sector Skills Council for food and drink manufacturing. Within the scope of the Diploma in Environmental and Land-based Studies, Improve Ltd covers secondary food processing and manufacturing. SkillsActive is the Sector Skills Council for the active leisure and learning sector. While addressing the needs of the UK’s workforce, SkillsActive is charged with leading the skills and productivity drive within the sport and recreation, health and fitness, playwork and the outdoors and caravan industries. ConstructionSkills within the scope of the Diploma in Environmental and Land-based Studies, covers hard landscaping, fencing and operation of plant and machinery, together with a shared interest in land conservation and sustainability.

5 DDP structure The Diploma Development Partnership (DDP) has a structure as follows: Steering group (Employer chair) Project team (all partner Sector Skills Councils) Key working groups:  Work experience/work-related learning ~ Applied Learning  Further Education/Higher Education Entry  Schools Communications group Quality assurance, through:  Quality Group/Qualifications Endorsement Group The DDP has been in existence since January 2006. The above listed groups and public consultations have informed the Diploma development process.

6 The vision for the Diploma The vision for the Diploma in Environmental and Land-based Studies is to align it with the current and future requirements of the industry sectors within the DDP. The Diploma is designed to provide an innovative, contemporary, broad, deliverable and motivating programme of study in the context of these sectors, that will develop learners’ practical and applied skills, knowledge and understanding for progression into technical and professional careers and further and higher education.

7 Diploma structure The Diploma in environmental and land-based studies is structured around the same three themes at each level. These themes indicate the structure and diversity of the environmental and land-based sector / partner sectors. All three themes are represented within and across the topics. Theme A: The productive and working environments Theme B: Plants and animals Theme C: Developing the sustainable environment

8 Foundation Diploma 3 Compulsory Principal Learning Themes The productive and working environments Plants and Animals Developing the sustainable environment Choice of Specialist Learning Topics The livestock farm; The crop farm; The food industry; The forest; The horticultural world; The horse world; The animal world; The green spaces; The built environment; The wild areas; The aquatic environment; The waste management industry

9 Higher Diploma 3 Compulsory Principal Learning Themes The productive and working environments Plants and Animals Developing the sustainable environment Choice of one Specialist Learning Pathway Plants, land-use and recreation Working with animalsFood manufacturing

10 Advanced Diploma 3 Compulsory Principal Learning Themes The productive and working environments Plants and Animals Developing the sustainable environment Choice of one Specialist Learning Pathway Managing plants, land- use and recreation Working with and managing animals Food manufacturing

11 Partnerships are at the heart of Diploma delivery… Applied Learning (50% of Principal Learning) Delivery by consortia (schools, colleges and employers) Gateway – ‘employer engagement’ central to successful consortia applications Work experience compulsory within Diplomas  Employers - call to action - get involved with your local consortia or Education-Business Link broker. (Contact them directly. Or contact the DDP for further details) Partnerships for delivery….

12 Work shadowing School visits School industry day Business advisers Visiting expert Mentoring Contact information Block work experience Day release work experience Venues Questions and answers Provide information and materials Professional development of teachers Example employer support ‘menu’

13 The DDP is progressing the following work strands: Qualification Development July 08: Qualifications endorsed by QCA Employer Engagement Gateway March 08: Successful consortia informed Workforce Development Higher Education Engagement Communications/Marketing Next steps…

14 1.The Diploma Development Partnership (DDP) 2.The Diploma in Environmental and Land-based Studies 3.Partnerships for delivery – ‘Applied Learning’ 4.Next steps

15 Contacts Please register on the website to stay up-to-date with the Diploma Development Partnership. Email: Telephone: 0845 707 8007

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