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Implementation of Forest Management Planning in forest inventories Project financed by the European Union.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation of Forest Management Planning in forest inventories Project financed by the European Union."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation of Forest Management Planning in forest inventories Project financed by the European Union

2 “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” (Antoine Saint-Exupery) “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” (Benjamin Franklin) “No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy.” (19 th century General Field Marshal Helmuth Graf von Moltke)  Need for a plan and need for flexibility.

3 Management Planning is the fundamental for a well managed forest

4 Forest Management Planning 1 Purpose and objective 2 Inventory 3 Planning 4 Monitoring 5 Modern FMP (process and issues)

5 FMP Project Planning consists of long-term (e.g. 10 years) and annual planning. Modern FMP covers all aspects of forestry – social, ecological and economic. Modern FMP involves different stakeholders with ample participation in the planning process. The output enables the Forest Management Unit (FMU) to make everyday management decisions within a well defined and agreed framework. P C

6 The Management Plan shall provide: Management objectives Description of forest resources Description of silvicultural situation Rate of annual harvest and species selection Provisions for monitoring of forest growth and dynamics Environmental safeguards based on assessments Plans for identification and protection of rare, threatened and endangered species Description of harvesting techniques and equipment to be used. C

7 Forest Management Planning integrated in forest inventories 1 Concluding negotiation 2 Cadastre 3 Protective and recreational functions 4 Ecological foundations 5 Forest condition 6 History 7 Assessment of results 8 Planning (harvest, regeneration, finance, work volume) 9 Silvicultural methods 10 Notice of approval C

8 Forest Management Planning integrated in forest inventories 11 Planning for individual stands or plots 12 Maps of individual stands or plots (tree species, age of trees, roads, open land, structures, …) 13 Maps for special purposes (forest fire, soil-risk-species, …) C

9 Forest Management Planning (FMP) – workflow for 10-year cycle 1.Introductory negotiation with internal und external PARTICIPATION. 2.Stratified terrestrial sample. 3.Data collection and planning of individual stands by forest surveyor. 4.Analysis. 5.Concluding negotiation with all participants. 6.Approval by Forest Authority. P

10 Forest Management Planning (FMP) - Workflow Introductory negotiation: Formal meeting with FMU, forest or land owner (major), Forest Regional Office (+local forest authorities), forest surveyor, Inventory departement / agency, (environmental) experts Objective: Determination of management objectives, implementation of guidelines and conflict analysis. Participation and agreement talks with all FMP project partners. P

11 1.Introductory negotiation with internal und external PARTICIPATION. 2.Stratified terrestrial sample. 3.Data collection and planning of individual stands by forest surveyor. 4.Analysis. 5.Concluding negotiation with all participants. 6.Approval by Forest Authority. Forest Management Planning (FMP) – workflow for 10-year cycle Technical work P

12 Forest Management Planning (FMP) - Workflow (Formal) Concluding negotiation: Presentation and discussion of inventory and planning results, financial and labour force plan. Objective: Approval by forest land owner and Forest Authority. P

13 Field Survey of Data by Forest Surveyors Stand Tree species by stand and stories Age Percentage and type of mixture Yield class Stocking degree Timber quality Tending status Volume is calculated (by data processing) C

14 Forest Functions Protective Functions (e.g. water, erosion, climate, nature conservation); Recreational Functions and their impacts on management Site Factors Growth area, climatic factors, altitude, growth zone, soil factors, soil moisture potential, nutritional status C

15 Planning Felling budget Regeneration Tending Pruning Forest protection Forest access (road maintenance) Nature conservation Financial and labour force impacts C

16 Results of FMP Graph with main inventory results, felling budget and sustainability indicators Tables of tree species Tables of stands by principal tree species Tables of site classification Labour force and financial plan Maps Forest land register book C


18 Aspects to be monitored during forest management is not only the yield of all harvested product, but: Growth rates and regeneration Impacts on flora and fauna Environmental and social impacts Effects on the quality of water C

19 Annual Management Plan Budget plan, sales planning, work force, sivlicultural guidelines, …. Budget plan, sales planning, work force, sivlicultural guidelines, …. Forest Inventory (with silvicultural planning) Forest Inventory (with silvicultural planning) Annual Planning Process Flexibility for FMU to decide within agreed boundaries P

20 Inclusion of additional issues in Forest Management Plans Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP) Medical plants production Forest Fire Prevention Prevention of forest pests other issues as deemed necessary C

21 Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP) including medical plants Estimate and describe relevant areas and volume in forest inventories. Prescribe silvicultural techniques that safeguard and foster their production. Chapter on functions of forests in Forest Inventory / Management plan. C

22 Forest Fire Prevention (silvicultural measures in management plan) Selection of tree species (broad leave trees and species that resprout with coppice). (Conversion into) mixed stands, underplanting and supplementary planting. Plant strips with more fire resistant trees. Keep sufficient forest cover to suppress growth of easily flammable grass or bush vegetation. C

23 Forest Fire Prevention (technical measures as part of management plan and maps) Vegetated fire breaks (100 m broadleave trees), protective strips (20 m flammable materials removed), fuel breaks (1-2 m removal of flammable material and ploughing of humus layer). Fire fighting reservoirs, infrastructure (roads, access), mapping („Fire emergency response map“, compatible with maps of state emergency organisations, „Forest Rescue Service“). C

24 Forest Fire Emergency Response Map C

25 GIS / GPS - pros and cons + up-to-date maps for different topics + combine different data layers according to needs + additional tool for surveying if combined with mobile devices - costs, time constraints and hardware - sophisticated system-> knowhow and training are necessary - process of collecting and processing data in digital form

26 Pest control Mixed stands to decreased risk and vulnarability. Silvicultural measures. Adapted reforestation and afforestation measures. Provide for emergency measures in annual planning (resources, marketing opportunities, work force, budget, …) C

27 Project financed by the European Union Prepared by :  Oliver Scholz  Rolf Schulzke

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