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TSP4gov-YouTube ( The official YouTube channel for the Thrift Savings TSP Transfers and.

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2 TSP4gov-YouTube ( The official YouTube channel for the Thrift Savings TSP Transfers and Rollovers ( ) You Can Take It With You ( ) You Can Take It With You: Q&A on the TSP ( Thinking About Moving Your TSP to Another Plan ( Don’t Move! ( Thrift Savings Plan Webcast ( )

3 Required Minimum Distribution (RDM) The IRS requires TSP participants to begin receiving a required minimum distribution (RMD) by April 1 of the year following the year a participant reaches age 70½, or separates from government service, whichever is later. TSP tax notice “Tax Information About TSP Withdrawals and Required Minimum Distribution for Beneficiary Participants” There is a penalty for failing to take a required distribution

4 Federal Retirement Considerations Eligibility to Retire and/or your Federal Annuity may be affected by Failure to make a Military Service Deposit Not repaying a “refund” of contributions (redeposits) Divorce Former Spouse Annuity Marriage after Retirement Limited period to elect a survivor annuity Sick Leave Balance CSRS (consideration with maximum annuity) FERS

5 Federal Retirement - WEP & GPO Social Security – Calculators WEP ( GPO ( Other (

6 Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) Windfall Elimination Provision fact sheet 2016

7 OPM Retirement Application Processing Partial/interim check until retirement application is finalized For OPM, a backlog is a retirement case that can’t be reasonably finalized in a 60-day time period Cases OPM is waiting for additional information from are not considered part of the backlog. Of the claims processed last month, 76% were processed in 60 days or less, with an average of 50 days for those claims.

8 OPM Processing Chart

9 FEGLI Federal Employees Group Life Insurance There will be an open an open season for FEGLI from September 1, 2016 through September 30, 2016. As a federal retirement eligible Extension employee you are eligible to participate Do not have to do anything unless you want to enroll or change coverage Any enrollment/changes will become effective the first pay period on or after October 1, 2017 Remember, must have the FEGLI coverage for the 5 years preceding your retirement in order to continue it in retirement

10 Tamra Robbins 573-882-7755

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