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Leave Accrual and Usage Worker Compensation Process February 12, 2002 WVU Extension Service New Employee Orientation Training Linda Hildebrand Benefits.

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Presentation on theme: "Leave Accrual and Usage Worker Compensation Process February 12, 2002 WVU Extension Service New Employee Orientation Training Linda Hildebrand Benefits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leave Accrual and Usage Worker Compensation Process February 12, 2002 WVU Extension Service New Employee Orientation Training Linda Hildebrand Benefits and Classification Manager

2 Types of Leave Annual Leave Sick Leave Medical Leaves of Absence - Paid/Unpaid Maternity Leave Catastrophic Leave Family Medical Leave Act Personal Leave of Absence - Paid/Unpaid Funeral Leave Emergency Leave Military Leave Jury Duty/Witness Leave Professional Development Leave Employee Education Leave

3 Annual Leave Accrual and Usage Based on Years of Service* – Full-Time Regular Full Time Equivalency (FTE) affects accrual rates Rate changes in month following anniversary month versus end of calendar or fiscal years Leave accrues each pay cycle Leave usage reported each pay cycle Leave cannot be taken before it is accrued *WVU Human Resources confirms official years of service for employees

4 Sick Leave Accrual and Usage Full Time Equivalency (FTE) affects accrual rates Leave accrues each pay cycle - no accumulation limit Leave usage reported each pay cycle Leave cannot be taken before it is accrued

5 Program Center Web-based Leave Request Forms Program Center leave contacts: –ANRD - Mary Higgins –CEWD - Deloris Ratliff –4HYFAD - Diane Lambert

6 Medical Leave of Absence - Paid WVU Medical Verification/Catastrophic Leave Form - Employee submits to HR Medical Management Unit - Form completed by employee and physician If seeking leave under the Family Medical Leave Act for family member, the Family Medical Leave Verification must be completed Accrued leave will be charged as per WVU policy.

7 Medical Leave of Absence - Unpaid Department notifies employee to contact HR Benefits regarding payment of health and other benefit deductions. Faculty - Unpaid medical leave affecting the critical year for tenure track, consult with Academic Affairs. When employee is able to return to work, must provide HR Medical Management, acceptable medical documentation from physician. NOTE: Employee cannot return to work without proper documentation.

8 Catastrophic Leave Classified and Non-classified Employees Employee can submit a Medical Leave Verification/Catastrophic Leave Form completed by employee and attending physician. HR Medical Management will notify department and employee of request results. If not approved, department/EBO will follow Unpaid Medical Leave procedures. If approved, department/EBO will make a generic announcement within Extension requesting leave donations.

9 Catastrophic Leave Classified and Non-Classified Employees (continued) If sufficient leave is donated, employee remains on payroll. Sick/annual leave continue to accrue. Employee accrued leave will be used prior to donated leave usage. If donated leave expires, HR Medical Management will place employee on unpaid medical leave of absence. NOTE: Faculty members are not eligible to participate in this program as donors or recipients.

10 Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 Federal law that provides time off from work when certain issues or medical situations affect the employee or her/his immediate family. Immediate family defined as: spouse, child, parent, foster parent. NOTE: Grandchildren or siblings are not included. Minimum of 12 months WVU employment, and worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12 month period prior to the leave.

11 Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 (continued) Actual time employed/hours worked determine eligibility. Receipt of up to 12 weeks of leave during a 12- month period. 12-month period measured backward from the date employee first uses FMLA - called a rolling calendar year. Accrued sick leave, annual leave and/or CTO to be charged as appropriate during an employee’s FMLA absence. Medical certification required.

12 Maternity Leave Covered under FMLA HR Medical Management to be notified at the onset of pregnancy Six weeks leave for vaginal delivery Eight weeks leave for Cesarean delivery Annual leave can be used to extend time off - only after sick leave is exhausted

13 Personal Leave of Absence Employee submits letter to immediate supervisor requesting a Personal Leave of Absence for forwarding to Dean/Director. Dean/Director signs an approval letter for classified employees, forwards letter to Central HR for Assistant VP of Human Resources approval for faculty, forwards letter to Office of the Provost for approval If approved, employee will use annual leave balance, remain on payroll, and continue to accrue leave.

14 Personal Leave of Absence (continued) Once annual leave is exhausted, employee will be placed on an unpaid personal leave of absence. Employee must contact HR Benefits regarding benefit premium payments. To extend a personal leave of absence, employee must have additional time approved by immediate supervisor. When employee physically returns to work, individual will be returned to active status.

15 Funeral Leave Sick leave used for reasonable amount of time to arrange for and attend funeral and related services for immediate family members, including travel time. Immediate family defined as parents, siblings, or children by blood or law; spouse; grandparents and grandchildren; or others considered to be part of the household living under the same roof. Annual leave is used for estate legal obligations and/or for an extended bereavement period.

16 Emergency Leave If annual leave is not available, granted by the President of the institution in the event of extreme misfortune to the employee or immediate family. Emergency leave should be the minimum necessary. In no case may it exceed five (5) days within any fiscal year. Events which may qualify are fire, flood, or other events (other than personal illness or injury, or serious illness or death in the immediate family) requiring the attention by the employee.

17 Military Leave Active Duty / Training Purposes Unless militarily restricted, employee provides advanced verbal or written notice to immediate supervisor with a copy of military orders. Military orders will state the first day to report to duty and date of return. Dean/Director signs letter of approval. Department forwards the military orders and approval letter to Assistant VP for Human Resources for consideration. A signed AVP for HR approval letter will be returned to the department.

18 Military Leave Active Duty / Training Purposes (continued) If the leave is 30 or more working days, employee remains on the payroll for the first 30 working days (per calendar year), then has option to remain on payroll using annual leave or go off payroll on personal unpaid leave of absence. Central HR will bill employee for any applicable benefit premiums while off payroll.

19 Jury Duty or Witness Leave Employee provides department a copy of written notice to appear for jury duty or as a witness. Employee entitled to leave with pay. NOTE: If employee’s jury/witness duty ends prior to the end of a regular work day, the employee is expected to return to work for the remainder of that work day.

20 Professional Development Leave Classified Employees Employee submits completed Sabbatical/Professional Leave Documents to immediate supervisor. Request is reviewed for approval by immediate supervisor, Dean/Director, and VP for Academic Affairs. Upon approval by Academic Affairs, EBO will notify the employee, department, and Central HR. If employee goes off payroll during the leave, must contact HR/Benefits.

21 Employee Education Policy Full-time regular employees eligible to attend class. Employee must have been employed in current position for at least six calendar months prior to beginning of semester in which admission is sought. Employee cannot be in a probationary period. Undergraduate or graduate course work may be taken at any West Virginia Board of Trustees institution of higher education at which the employee is officially registered.

22 Employee Education Policy (continued) Release time not to exceed 90 clock hours in a calendar year. Time taken for classes beyond 90 clock hours must be covered by employee’s earned annual leave or through flexible work hours. At end of semester, employee must provide appropriate evidence of completion of course work to her/his appropriate supervisor or administrator. Subject to approval of supervisor or administrator.

23 Employee Education Policy (continued) Employees using flexible work hours must make up the hours missed while attending class. Non-exempt employees must make up the time during the same work week in which the classes are attended. Exempt employees must make up the time during the same pay period in which classes are attended. Flexible work time can be used to make up travel to and from class. Detailed records to be kept on time worked to make up attending class.

24 Worker Compensation Process Employee must report an injury immediately to supervisor. Supervisor’s Injury/Illness Report –Must file within 3 days of injury/illness or as soon as possible (for off-campus supervisors) –Employee and supervisor signatures required –Form is sent directly to: Environmental Health and Safety West Virginia University PO Box 6551 Morgantown WV 26506-6551 Attention: Injury & Illness Prevention Program Form: http:www//

25 Worker Compensation Process (continued) Employee option to file –Six months from injury date If not filing, signed statement required If filing, WC-123 form sent directly to WVU Human Resources Medical Management Unit PO Box 6640 Morgantown WV 26506-6640 Health providers have the WC-123 form

26 Worker Compensation Process (continued) Witness Statement required if injury was witnessed Option Election Notice –Employee completes form after discussion with HR Medical Management. Release Form –Authorizes Worker Compensation access to medical information related to an injury/illness. Return to Work Notice - WC-309 Form –Required if employee off work longer than 3 days –Notification required by physician that employee is released and may return to work.

27 Questions? WVU Human Resources Policy Web Site TELEPHONE NUMBERS: HR/Benefits 293-5700 x4 HR/Medical Management 293-5700 x8 Extension Human Resources 293-4555

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