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Welcome to Curtis Junior High School Home of the Cougars 2016-17.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curtis Junior High School Home of the Cougars 2016-17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curtis Junior High School Home of the Cougars 2016-17

2 “Reach for the Sky” A gift to CJHS Students from our community A symbol of effort, determination and the pursuit of dreams


4 The Cougars… 1,000 students 500 9th graders 500 8th graders Students from Drum, NVI, private schools and other districts in Pierce County

5 A Simple Design - Four Parts Office, Commons, & Library The 100’s- Art/Gym/Music The 110’s & 120’s The 210’s & 220’s

6 A Day at Curtis Junior High Arrive at 7:00 AM - Courtyards/Commons/Library First Bell at 7:20 AM - First Class at 7:30 AM Six 55-minute classes 5-minute Passing Times 2 Mixed Lunches Last bell at 2:00 PM 2:10 Bell Afterschool Activities!


8 Lockers! One per student Combinations Never give out your combination Always keep your locker locked Keep your personal items safe and secure Keep bags and backpacks in lockers

9 COUGARS are Ready to Learn Bring materials Be on time Follow our Dress Code Turn off electronic devices during school hours Keep bags, backpacks and purses in lockers

10 Cougar Ambassadors 100+ 9 th Graders School Leaders/Orientation Leaders Role Models

11 Cougar Orientation September 2016  First day of school  Led by Ambassadors and 1 st Period Teachers  Learn what it means to be a Cougar  Fun activities, guest speaker, meet your teachers, take tours, play games

12 After School Activities  Sports  MESA Club  Builder’s Club  Literary Council  Musical Theater Opportunities  Robotics Club  Study Club  Game Club  Anime Club  Night Dances


14 Cougar Days August 2016  Get your locker combination and practice!  Get a copy of your unofficial schedule  Buy cool and important stuff  Get your picture taken  Tour your new school!!!!

15 Mrs. Artiaga (A-K) Ms. Tolan (L-Z) Cougar Counselors

16 Cougar Classes: Six periods ENGLISH 8 Honors Option US HISTORY Honors Option GEOLOGY 8 Honors Option MATH: Pre-Algebra Algebra Geometry Math Lab 8 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Regular PE & Swimming! ELECTIVE Performing Arts (Band, Choir, Orchestra) OR Exploratory 8 (Art and Gateway to Technology)

17 Honors Program  Honors English, History & Science  All interested students must apply  Application Form due with Yellow Registration form (with parent/guardian signature and classes you would like to apply for circled only)  Teacher Recommendation Section happens later  Grades, test scores, & Teacher Rec.

18 Yellow Registration Form 5PE 8 PE 8 includes one quarter of SWIM 8. Please circle your swim level. (See descriptions of each swim level on reverse side of this form). Swim Level 1 2 3 Swim Level 1Swim Level 2Swim Level 3 A student in Swim 8 Level 1  has extensive swim experience  has taken formal swim lessons  is proficient in all four swimming strokes  may participate on a competitive swim team A student in Swim 8 Level 2  has swim experience  can swim crawlstroke 50 yards (down the pool and back) without stopping to rest  is comfortable and confident in the water A student in Swim 8 Level 3  has little to no swim experience  is uncomfortable in deep water  cannot swim 50 yards (down the pool and back) without stopping to rest

19 Yellow Registration Form  PICK ONE ELECTIVE OPTION ONLY  ELECTIVE COURSES- Please select either PERFORMING ARTS or EXPLORATORY 8 by checking one box below. If you select Performing Arts, select the course you prefer. Students in Orchestra and Band may be subject to a $50 per semester instrument rental fee. Students will be placed into these courses based on preference and space available. If no space is available in our Exploratory program, students will be placed in a music course.  PERFORMING ARTS Circle one choice below Students in this program will take a full year of the selected music course. BAND ORCHESTRA CHOIR Instrument:________________________  EXPLORATORY 8 Students in this program will take one semester of ART and one semester of GATEWAY TO TECHNOLOGY If no space is available in the Exploratory program, I would prefer to take (circle one): BAND ORCHESTRA CHOIR Students will be placed in the appropriate music course by the music teacher. Students may audition into Concert Orchestra, Concert Choir, Symphonic Band, Jazz Band or Concert Band with permission from the instructor.

20 Yellow Registration Form 1.Name 2.Circle Swim Level 3.Elective 4.Parent Signature Bring your form back to school on Friday, March 11 th with a parent signature!!!!

21 Parent Night Thursday, March 10th 6:00-6:45 PM CJH Commons THANK YOU!!!!!

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