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WHAT IS BULLYING? Bullying is intimidating or subjecting a person to hostility or ill treatment. Involves actions which cause another person to feel afraid,

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT IS BULLYING? Bullying is intimidating or subjecting a person to hostility or ill treatment. Involves actions which cause another person to feel afraid,"— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT IS BULLYING? Bullying is intimidating or subjecting a person to hostility or ill treatment. Involves actions which cause another person to feel afraid, humiliated, embarrassed, threatened, or shamed Occurs in a relationship in which there is an imbalance of power. Is repetitive over time TYPES OF BULLYING Verbal- Teasing, jokes, gossip, threats Physical- Pushing, shoving, punching Social- Leaving others out, ignoring/isolating others Cyber bullying- Threats, gossiping, or spreading rumors on the internet or by texting on your cell phone

2 EFFECTS OF BULLYING Physical EffectsEmotional Effects Stomach aches Alienation Weight gain/loss Low self esteem HeadachesInsecurity Drop in gradesFear Physical aggressionDepression Suicidal Withdrawn HomicidalAnger/Aggression

3 WARNING SIGNS OF BULLYING  Frequently teased, taunted, intimidated, name-calling  Has belongings taken or damaged  Few or no close friends at school  Frequently socially isolated  Less assertive  Appears weak or easily dominated  Tries to stay close to a teacher or other adult  May start to bully or pick on a younger sibling

4 RECOMMENDATIONS IF YOU SUSPECT YOUR CHILD IS BEING BULLIED  Do not encourage your child to fight back. Two wrongs do not make a right!  Listen to your child, do not ignore your child’s plea for help.  Do not confront the parents or the other child directly.  Avoid bringing your child and the bully together to elicit an apology or resolve the issue.

5 WHAT TO DO IF YOU SUSPECT YOUR CHILD OF BEING BULLIED  Talk to your child- If your child is being bullied, they need to have a vice in how the situation is handled.  Contact the school- Set up a meeting with your child’s teachers and/or counselor.  Develop a plan for keeping your child safe, particularly during venerable times (lunch, class breaks)>  Find out what activities or counseling options are available for your child  MSGA’s school counselor is Mrs. Riggio. She can be reached by or 770-429-3115 ext: 6031

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