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Pennsylvania Business Tax Reform Update and Action Alert Name company.

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Presentation on theme: "Pennsylvania Business Tax Reform Update and Action Alert Name company."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pennsylvania Business Tax Reform Update and Action Alert Name company

2 Pennsylvania has one of the worst business climates in the world Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate is at its highest levels since the 2001 recession PA would have nearly 700,000 more jobs if our economy had kept pace with the national average. We rank 44/50 in job creation Only Japan has a less competitive business tax structure than PA

3 Why PA business taxes matter to you and [INSERT COMPANY NAME] Discourages companies from adding jobs or expanding/improving facilities in PA Lower wages Combined reporting would punish homegrown, PA-based companies

4 Our priorities to succeed Build on progress in 2009 and: Enact a 100% sales factor Eliminate the cap on net operating loss carryfowards Reduce the corporate net income tax rate Continue the capital stock and franchise tax phase out KEEP COMBINED REPORTING OUT OF PA

5 What you can do Learn more Visit Visit the online PA Competitiveness Resource Center Tell your state elected officials where you stand [PA BUSINESS COUNCIL PAGE] to send a letter to your state elected officials Call/visit your state officials in their district offices

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