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Jamestown An English settlement. Where Was Jamestown Located? Jamestown was located in the colony of Virginia. It was further north and a little more.

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Presentation on theme: "Jamestown An English settlement. Where Was Jamestown Located? Jamestown was located in the colony of Virginia. It was further north and a little more."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jamestown An English settlement

2 Where Was Jamestown Located? Jamestown was located in the colony of Virginia. It was further north and a little more west of the first English settlement, Ronoake.

3 What Bodies of Water Were Near Jamestown? Jamestown was built on the James River. The settlement was close to major bodies of water including the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.

4 Who Came to Jamestown? The settlers were men and boys from England. They arrived in wooden ships provided by the Virginia Company. Many of them were not prepared to do hard labor like building homes and farming.

5 Who Was Already Living on This Land? The Powhatan Indians lived on the land before the settlers arrived. The Indians used this land for hunting and the water for fishing.

6 What Did The Settlers Need to Do When They First Arrived? The settlers needed to cut down trees, build homes, plant crops, and fish. Many, however, just wanted to search for gold.

7 What Happened To Many of the Early Settlers? The settlers did not have enough food to eat and shelter to protect them from the weather. Many died before supply ships returned from England.

8 What Other Reasons Caused Their Deaths? Jamestown was built in a swampy area. There were many mosquitoes there. These mosquitoes carried diseases such as malaria.

9 What Other Problems Did They Face? The drinking water was not safe to drink. It had a lot of salt in it.

10 Who Helped Turn the Settlement Around? John Smith was one of the settlers. He was a very brave leader and a disciplined man. He knew that the settlers needed direction. He told them they had to plant, or they received no food.

11 How Did John Smith Help the Settlers? John Smith helped develop a friendly relationship with the Powhatan Indians. The Native Americans then traded food such as corn and beans with the settlers.

12 Why Did Jamestown Almost Fail? John Smith’s leg was injured by a gunpowder explosion. He needed to leave Jamestown to receive treatment. When John Smith went to England the colonists returned to their old ways. Many settlers died. It was known as the “starving time”.

13 What Did Jamestown Look Like? Jamestown was made into a fort. A wooden fence of logs was placed around it to protect the settlers. The fort was in a triangular shape.

14 Who else helped Jamestown be a success? John Rolfe developed a type of tobacco that was popular with the English. He also married the Indian princess, Pocahontas. The Powhatan Indians stayed at peace with the settlers while Pocahontas was alive.

15 Why Was Tobacco So Important to Jamestown? Tobacco became a cash crop for Jamestown. That meant that the settlers grew it to make money.

16 What Happened When the Virginia Company gave land to the settlers? The colonists began to work harder, because they now owned the land and were able to make money. More people wanted to come to Jamestown to grow tobacco.

17 Who Came to Jamestown later on? In 1619 women came to the settlement which had been occupied by only men. Also Africans were brought to the colony. The Africans were captives. At first they were brought as indentured servants. Later they were brought as slaves.

18 What Was the House of Burgesses? The House of Burgesses was a group of white men that owned land in the colony. They met to make decisions about how to govern the colony.

19 How Did King James I react to the House of Burgesses? King James I decided to take control away from the House of Burgesses. He named a governor to rule the colony. The settlers did not like this. They did not want laws made by England.

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