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1) What were the main push and pull factors for English colonization in the New World? 2) What challenges did the Early English settlers face?

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Presentation on theme: "1) What were the main push and pull factors for English colonization in the New World? 2) What challenges did the Early English settlers face?"— Presentation transcript:


2 1) What were the main push and pull factors for English colonization in the New World? 2) What challenges did the Early English settlers face?

3 Essential Question: What were the main push and pull factors for English colonization in the New World?

4 Demand for wool led to Enclosure Movement Land use  fields for crops to pastures for sheep Created a landless/jobless class Growth of merchant class and chartered companies Mercantilism: extract from foreign land and keep wealth at home Argument for colonies

5 Enclosed Farmlands

6 Mercantilism


8 Protestant Reformation begins w/ Martin Luther Bible not church was God’s authentic voice Predestination Henry VIII and The English Reformation Puritan Separatists John Calvin and Predestination



11 Spain mostly in South and Central Am 1 st French settlement: Quebec Slow growth Fur trappers and missionaries Good relationship with Natives Henry Hudson explores for the Dutch Dutch West India Company in NY New Netherland - Diverse colony

12 England poses a threat to Spanish sea power Sir Francis Drake and the Sea Dogs Spanish Armada fails 1588 England feels freer to colonize New World


14 What challenges did the Early English settlers face?

15 Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Newfoundland

16 Sir Walter Raleigh and the lost colony of Roanoke

17 London company sends expedition to Virginia Settle next to a river they name James Jamestown Priorities? Survive w/ help of Natives





22 Give company stock to anyone willing to migrate Pay passage for indentured servants 600 new colonists dispatched to Jamestown Disaster “The Starving Time”

23 history/pocahontas/videos/life-in- jamestown?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free =false


25 history/pocahontas/videos/the-value-of- tobacco?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=fa lse

26 Headright system Arrival of women! House of Burgesses Arrival of first Africans Suppression of Powhatan Indians Powhatan and Pocahontas Opechancanough Demise of Virginia Company




30 history/pocahontas

31 Calverts given land by the crown (Proprietary colony) Dream: Catholic haven Friendly Indians? Encourage settlement “Act Concerning Religion” or Toleration Act Cecilius Calvert Lord Baltimore

32 Similar to Virginia Headright system Staple crop: Tobacco Indentured Servitude Indentured Contract, 1746

33 William Berkeley, the governor of Virginia, became an autocratic ruler

34 Western farmers constantly attacked by Natives Angry at gov’t for lack of protection Bacon had personal problems w/ Berkeley Settlers attacked Indians (unauthorized) Berkeley dismissed Bacon from the government and declared his men rebels Nathaniel Bacon

35 Bacon and his men sacked Jamestown and forced Berkeley into exile Bacon died from dysentery in 1676 Berkeley regains control, suppresses rebellion

36 Showed settlers will break treaties with natives Revealed tensions between the rich and the poor Resulted in prevention of social unrest Turn to African labor over indentured servitude


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