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Parrish 34219 Design Principles A Community-Based Planning Project Sponsored by Manatee County What’s Your Opinion? Responses to October 2003 Newsletter.

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Presentation on theme: "Parrish 34219 Design Principles A Community-Based Planning Project Sponsored by Manatee County What’s Your Opinion? Responses to October 2003 Newsletter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parrish 34219 Design Principles A Community-Based Planning Project Sponsored by Manatee County What’s Your Opinion? Responses to October 2003 Newsletter Questionnaire

2 In October 2003, a Parrish 34219 newsletter was mailed to every household in the 34219 zip code. It included a brief questionnaire.

3 So far, 75 questionnaires have been returned to the Project Team. These responses reveal local opinion on Parrish 34219 community design issues. The following pages include a summary of responses.

4 1. What specific aspects of Parrish 34219’s architectural, cultural, and physical landscape features do you feel must also be part of its future? Frequent Responses Included… Trees / Agriculture /Natural Areas / Scenic Views / Wildlife Habitat Small Town Atmosphere / Family-Friendliness / Country Feeling Greenness / Openness / Quietness Roadway Buffering and Landscaping Low Density Residential / Mixed Use “Village” Walking and Biking Trails / Sidewalks / Parks / Schools Code Enforcement / Better Care of Buildings

5 2. Which of these community components should be considered for the future of Parrish 34219? Landscaping Along Rural Roads (using native vegetation) 69% Indicated by 69% of Respondents Quality Architectural Design for New Commercial Buildings 69% Indicated by 69% of Respondents System of Recreational Greenways and Trails 72% Indicated by 72% of Respondents

6 3. Do you think the design of new development can affect the rural character of your community? 74% Yes 74% 0% No 0%

7 4. In your opinion, what are the most important design elements of a commercial development? 92% Building Architecture (e.g., style, detail)………………………92% 57% Building Materials (e.g., stucco, wood, metal)…………………57% 68% Building Orientation (e.g., relationship to the street)…………..68% 72% Parking Lot Design (e.g., relationship to building, landscaping).. 72% 79% Signs (e.g., size, location).……………………………………79% 68% Lighting (e.g., brightness)…………………………………….68%

8 5. Would you desire an expanded multi-use trail system in Parrish 34219 that connects neighborhoods to area destinations (e.g., parks, schools, shopping)? 79% Yes 79% 17% No 17%

9 Parrish 34219 Design Principles A Community-Based Planning Project Sponsored by Manatee County End of Questionnaire Response Summary

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