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1. More moveable part moves towards the less moveable part. 2. The distal bone/part moves towards the proximal bone/part.

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2 1. More moveable part moves towards the less moveable part. 2. The distal bone/part moves towards the proximal bone/part

3 Origin:  Proximal attachment. ( Where the muscle starts)  Muscle contracts towards the origin  Less movable OR stationary part Insertion:  Distal attachment  More movable part

4 1. What aspect/view am I looking at? 2. How many joints does it cross? 3. Where is the more movable or distal attachment going to move?

5  Using the skeletons….. 1. Put one end of rubber band on distal insertion ( green dot ). Hold on to rubber band. 2. Pull towards the proximal origin ( red dot ). Hold on to rubber band at the insertion. 3. Feel the body part spring into motion!




9 Triceps Brachii Location – Back of the arm Movement – Elbow Extension Extras Origin – LH: Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula LTH: Posterior shaft of humerus MH: Posterior humeral shaft distal to radial groove. Insertion – By common tendon into olecranon process of ulna.

10 Biceps Brachii Location- Anterior upper arm Movement – Elbow Flexion Forearm Supination Extra Has 2 origins (bi) Short head - coracoid process Long head – tubercle above glenoid cavity Insertion Radial Tuberosity

11 Rectus Femoris Location- Middle, Front Thigh Movement – Knee Extension Hip Flexion Extra Origin Anterior Inferior Illiac Spine Insertion Patella and Tibial Tuberosity via Patellar Ligament

12 Adductor Brevis Location – Inside of thigh Movement – Adducts hip. Extras Origin – Anterior surface of inferior pubic ramus, inferior to origin of adductor longus. Insertion – Pectineal line and superior part of medial lip of linea aspera.

13 Gastrocnemius Location – Posterior lower leg Movement – Plantarflexes foot when knee extended Knee flexion when ankle dorsiflexed Extra Origin – By two heads from medial and lateral condyles of femur. Insertion – Posterior calcaneus via calcaneal tendon.

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