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Charter School Orientation July, 2013 Anita Villarreal Title I, Part A State Coordinator Texas Education Agency Division of Federal and State Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Charter School Orientation July, 2013 Anita Villarreal Title I, Part A State Coordinator Texas Education Agency Division of Federal and State Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charter School Orientation July, 2013 Anita Villarreal Title I, Part A State Coordinator Texas Education Agency Division of Federal and State Education Policy © 2013 by the Texas Education Agency 1

2 Presentation Items Title I, Part A Intent and Purpose Title I, Part A Funding Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) Title I, Part A Program Evaluation/Annual Review Schoolwide Program (SWP)/Targeted Assistance Programs (TA) Allowable Use of Title I, Part A Funds Title I, Part A Compliance Resources 2

3 Title I, Part A Intent and Purpose Public Law 107-110 Section 1111-1127 Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Education Agencies (LEA) provides supplemental funding to state and LEAs for resources to help schools with high concentrations of students from low-income families provide a high quality education that will enable all children to meet the state’s student performance standards. 3

4 Funding For Funding information please view the Grants Administration PowerPoint that was developed for the Charter Schools training on July 2013. 4

5 Title I Program Description Title I, Part A supports schools in implementing either a school-wide program or a targeted assistance program. These programs must use effective methods and instructional strategies that are grounded in scientifically based research. 5

6 Schoolwide Program(SWP) A Title I, Part A schoolwide program permits a school to use funds from Title I, Part A and other federal education program funds and resources to upgrade the entire educational program of the school in order to raise academic achievement for all the students. Required to include the ten components of a Schoolwide program in the CIP. 6


8 Targeted Assistance Program (TA) Title I, Part A funds are used only for supplementary educational services for eligible children who are failing or at risk of failing to meet state standards. Required to include the eight components of a Targeted Assistance program in the CIP. Must identify student eligibility for services. 8

9 9 Core Requirements for Program Implementation Comprehensive Needs Assessment Campus Improvement Plan Evaluation/Annual Review

10 Address Considerations-Prior to Encumbering Funds Documentation Expenditures Technology Capital Outlay Title I, Part A Use of Funds 10

11 Title I, Part A Use of Funds Compliance Considerations 11

12 Title I, Part A Intent and Purpose Keep in mind that Title I, Part A funds must always be used to increase the achievement of all students served by Title I, Part A funds, particularly those who are disadvantaged. In addition: Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA)? Campus Improvement Plan (CIP)? 12

13 Consolidating Funds? Type of Consolidation Federal? Federal and State? Full: Federal, State and Local? Title I, Part A Prior to Encumbering Funds 13

14 Title I, Part A Prior to Encumbering Funds Type of Program Schoolwide? On schoolwide campuses, Title I, Part A funds may be used for activities that are part of the campus improvement plan to improve student performance and upgrade the entire educational program. Targeted Assistance? For Targeted Assistance schools, Title I, Part A funds may only be used to meet the needs of children identified as being in the greatest need of services. 14

15 Are costs reasonable and necessary to carry out the grant project? Reasonable What the current market will bear for comparable goods and services in accordance with prudent business practice. Necessary Necessary to carry out the objectives of the grant project. Title I, Part A Prior to Encumbering Funds 15

16 Title I, Part A Prior to Encumbering Funds Supplement, Not Supplant Federal funds must be used to “supplement, not supplant” services, staff, programs, or materials that would otherwise be paid with state or local funds. Funds for this program must be used to supplement (increase the level of services) and not supplant (replace) funds from nonfederal sources. 16

17 Supplement, Not Supplant Any program activity required by state law, State Board of Education (SBOE) rules, or local board policy may not be paid with these funds. State or local funds may not be decreased or diverted for other uses merely because of the availability of these funds. Title I, Part A Prior to Encumbering Funds 17

18 Title I, Part A Prior to Encumbering Funds Supplement, Not Supplant Always ask: “What would have happened in the absence of federal funds?” 18

19 Title I, Part A Prior to Encumbering Funds Title I, Part A Prior to Encumbering Funds Resources ESEA and Grants Administration Email Updates Websites Grants Application Negotiators ESEA Program Staff 19

20 Title I, Part A Prior to Encumbering Funds Ask Questions!!! 20

21 IT DEPENDS!!!!! Title I, Part A Prior to Encumbering Funds 21

22 Document!!! 22

23 Whether funds are expended at the LEA or campus levels, the LEA must be able to respond appropriately to and maintain documentation for each of the following questions to determine whether an expenditure would be allowable: Documentation 23

24 How is the expenditure reasonable and necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of the program? What need, as identified in the comprehensive needs assessment, does the expenditure address? How would the program, activity, or strategy be funded if the Title I, Part A funds are not available? Documentation 24

25 If for a schoolwide campus, how will the expenditure upgrade the entire educational program on the campus? How is the expenditure supplemental to other nonfederal programs? How will the expenditure be evaluated to measure a positive impact on student achievement? Documentation 25

26 Title I, Part A funds may be used for computers, technology labs, and/or software, if it is identified in the: Comprehensive Needs Assessment; and Campus Improvement Plan; and are Supplemental. Any technology-related capital outlay expenditure must be approved by TEA prior to the purchase of goods and services. Technology-Related Expenditures 26

27 All capital outlay except for library books and media requires prior specific approval from TEA. Capital outlay expenditures must be approved in the funding application and require justification for the following questions: How is the capital outlay expenditure reasonable and necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of the program? Capital Outlay 27

28 What need, as identified in the comprehensive needs assessment, does the capital outlay expenditure address? How would the program, activity, or strategy be funded if the Title I, Part A funds are not available? Capital Outlay 28

29 If for a schoolwide campus, how will the capital outlay expenditure upgrade the entire educational program on the campus? How is the capital outlay expenditure supplemental to other nonfederal programs? How will the capital outlay expenditure be evaluated to measure a positive impact on student achievement? Capital Outlay 29

30 Title I, Part A Rules and Regulations LEA Flexibility Ask Questions Document Important…Keep in mind… 30

31 Title I, Part A Campus Requirements Comprehensive Needs Assessment Campus Improvement Plan Highly Qualified (HQ) Teachers Paraprofessionals Professional Development Reports HQ Report NCLB Consolidated Compliance Report Contact you ESC NCLB contact for an inclusive list of requirements and the deadlines. 31

32 Resources NCLB Website: Title I Policy Guidance eGrants Information 32

33 Resources Division of Federal and State Education Policy - ESEA Unit Education Service Centers NCLB Contacts 509563&menu_id=2147483742 33

34 Resources Education Service Center (ESC) NCLB contacts are located in specific regions throughout the state and provide technical assistance across many topics such as, but not limited to: Title I, Part A Regulations and Requirements; Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP); NCLB Consolidated Application for Federal Funding; Highly Qualified Teachers and Paraprofessionals; Compliance Reporting; Performance-Based Monitoring; 34

35 Resources- ESC Contacts Continued Program-Compliance Monitoring; Initial Compliance Reports (ICR); Initial Compliance Analysis (ICA); Continuous Improvement Plans; Parent Involvement Policies; and Comprehensive Needs Assessment. 35

36 36

37 Thank you! Anita Villarreal Division of Federal and State Education Policy Telephone:(512) 463-9402 Fax:(512) 463-9560 37

38 © 2013 by the Texas Education Agency Copyright © Notice The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of TEA, except under the following conditions: 1)Texas public school districts, charter schools, and Education Service Centers may reproduce and use copies of the Materials and Related Materials for the districts’ and schools’ educational use without obtaining permission from TEA. 2)Residents of the state of Texas may reproduce and use copies of the Materials and Related Materials for individual personal use only without obtaining written permission of TEA. 3)Any portion reproduced must be reproduced in its entirety and remain unedited, unaltered and unchanged in any way. 4)No monetary charge can be made for the reproduced materials or any document containing them; however, a reasonable charge to cover only the cost of reproduction and distribution may be charged. Private entities or persons located in Texas that are not Texas public school districts, Texas Education Service Centers, or Texas charter schools or any entity, whether public or private, educational or non- educational, located outside the state of Texas MUST obtain written approval from TEA and will be required to enter into a license agreement that may involve the payment of a licensing fee or a royalty. For information contact: Office of Intellectual Property, Texas Education Agency, 1701 N. Congress Ave., Austin, TX 78701-1494; phone 512-463-9270 or 512-463-9713; email: 38

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