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Creating the Keyhole for Your Institutional Repository: Implementation IR November 10, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating the Keyhole for Your Institutional Repository: Implementation IR November 10, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating the Keyhole for Your Institutional Repository: Implementation IR Day@UK November 10, 2011

2 “In its local role, the library will be optimized to meet the needs of its campus community. The library is likely to provide repository infrastructure for stewardship of university-based information assets…. Research will be a far more global phenomenon than local institutions can support on their own.” (No Brief Candle, p.18)

3 The biggest keyhole of all: Implementation Planning Budgeting Staffing Building

4 Start with a Task Force to present recommendations. Planning

5 Start with a Task Force to present recommendations. Develop a statement of purpose and a name to convey what the institutional repository is and what will be placed there. Planning

6 Start with a Task Force to present recommendations. Develop a statement of purpose and a name to convey what the institutional repository is and what will be placed there. Determine the collection policy and where the IR will fall within library and university priorities. Planning

7 Show me the money. Budgeting

8 Staffing and Managing Implementation Task Force Working Group Advisory Committees: University-Wide and Internal

9 Building Content Establish some priorities and policies: full text, links, journals, finding aids, conferences, file types

10 Content priorities and policies: full text, links, other; journals, conferences, file types Permissions

11 Content priorities and policies: full text, links, other; journals, conferences, file types Permissions DIY or DIFY

12 Other Considerations Training Launching Marketing

13 Challenges and Opportunities -- Measuring Success

14 Is Implementation Worth the Work? Charles E. Glassick observes: “The process, the outcomes, and especially the passion of discovery enhance the meaning of the effort and of the institution itself.” --Scholarship Assessed (San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 1997), 9.

15 WKU’s TopSCHOLAR ®, A Snapshot 7,178 papers to date 347,359 full-text downloads to date 195,980 downloads in the past year as of October 31, 2011

16 References Bailey, Charles, Jr. Institutional Repository and ETD Bibliography (Houston, Tex. : Digital Scholarship. c2011), Barton, Mary and Margaret Waters. Creating an Institutional Repository: LEADIRS Workbook (Cambridge, MA : MIT, 2004). Foster, Connie. “Institutional Repositories—Strategies for the Present and Future,” [335 full-text downloads since date of posting (2008-06-17]; “Institutional Repository Task Force Report,” [352 full-text downloads since date of posting (2007-04-15)] Gibbons, Susan. Establishing an Institutional Repository, 40, no.4 (Library Technology Reports, July-August 2004). Markey, Karen, Soo Young Rieh, Beth St. Jean, Jihyun Kim, and Elizabeth Yake. Census of Institutional Repositories in the United States MIRACLE Project Research Findings (Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) : Washington, DC, February 2007); information about MIRACLE at Nabe, Jonathan A. Starting, Strengthening, and Managing Institutional Repositories. (NewYork, NY: Neal- Schuman Publishers; 2010) (How-To-Do-It Manuals for Librarians, number 169) [reviewed by Dina McKelvy, J Med Libr Assoc 99 (1) January 2011] DOI: 10.3163/1536-5050.99.1.02 No Brief Candle : Reconceiving Research Libraries for the 21st Century (CLIR : Washington, DC, August 2008, pub. no. 142), Smith, Kathlin, “U.S. Institutional Repositories: A Census,” CLIR Issues, no.55 (Jan./Feb. 2007): 1.

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