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“Normal beings, just more open minded towards the world (we are not easy to find) Definition of a young carer from a Surrey Young Carer” Young Carers and.

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Presentation on theme: "“Normal beings, just more open minded towards the world (we are not easy to find) Definition of a young carer from a Surrey Young Carer” Young Carers and."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Normal beings, just more open minded towards the world (we are not easy to find) Definition of a young carer from a Surrey Young Carer” Young Carers and School Nursing

2 Social Enterprise CSH Surrey and First Community Health and Care are both a profit-for-purpose business called a social enterprise. Young Carers and School Nursing

3 A Star Young Carers might be what we are But I think that we’re more like a star We light the dark and twinkle brightly Being happy and being sprightly Then in the day we disappear Being seen is what we fear Acting normal, Coping well Hiding all, please don’t tell My Mum and me we are the best She does her bit I do the rest We live our life and we get by It can be tough we sometimes cry It’s not always fair but we will always be there Children that share and children that care At the end of the day it’ll be night We’ll come out again and we will shine bright YES a star that’s what we are

4 Definition of a school nurse, according to the Healthy Child Programme Key health professionals in supporting children and Young people ages 5-19 to have the best possible health and education outcomes, based on the Healthy Child Programme.

5 4,5,6 model diagram 4 levels of the School Nursing Service Visible Accessible Confidential Community Universal Universal Plus Universal Partnership Plus 5 Health Reviews 6 High Impact Areas 4-5yr old health needs assessments 10-11yr old health needs assessments 12-13yr old health needs assessments School leavers – post 16 Transition to adult services 1.Building on Resilience and supporting emotional wellbeing 2.Keeping Safe – managing risk and reducing self harm 3.Improving lifestyles 4.Maximising learning and achievement 5.Supporting additional health and wellbeing needs 6.Seamless transition and preparing for adulthood.

6 6 High Impact areas for the School Nurse Building resilience and supporting emotional wellbeing Commitment to work with Surrey Young Carers to contribute to Emotional First Aid workshops. Developing ways of improving direct contact with young people via social media. Keeping safe, managing risk and reducing harm Comprehensive health needs assessment for young carers Confidential advice regarding lifestyle choices

7 Supporting additional health and wellbeing needs Identified through a health needs assessment or via partnership agencies. Care plans will be designed in consultation with the young person and their families, using a multiagency model as appropriate, referrals made via the Carers Prescription. Improving lifestyles School nurses are happy to liaise with other health care providers to facilitate young carers to access services, recognising the increased difficulties they may face. 6 High Impact areas for the School Nurse

8 Maximising learning and achievement School Nurses work with their multiagency partners to support young carers who may be missing school in order to undertake their caring role. Seamless transition and preparing for adulthood Improve relationships with further education establishments and specialist young carer workers. Looking into partaking in Take Over Day 2016 and targeting young carers.

9 Our School Nurses in the community; Hold have information on our external facing website for young carers and professionals We have information on our shared drive for co-owners We actively participated in Young Carers Awareness day in the 28 th Jan 16 with information which school nurses disseminated to schools, and we had an article published in a local newspaper, we joined the Thunderclap on Twitter and did additional Tweets! Our comprehensive Health Needs Assessment specifically asks young people if they have a caring role Our Drop in Clinic staff also ask young people about their families and if they have a caring role Via the carers prescription when young carer is known to us we ensure that the GP is aware

10 Surrey Young Carers Surrey Young Carers Forum, wanted a way of identifying professionals who “would be there to help and support us and our families”. The name ‘ambassador’ or ‘young carer lead’ didn’t really appeal to us. Both names sounded like there would be lots of extra work to do! So, we came up with the guardian angel concept. The idea behind this is that an angel is assigned to protect, guide and watch over a particular group or person. In this case, it’s young carers. Our School Nurses all made their pledges and were given an angel pin. This shows that they have become one of Surrey Young Carers’ guardian angels. “When you promise in your job to look after us and our families, you’ll become one of our guardian angels. You’ll watch out for us in your everyday working life and always try to do your best for us.”

11 Surrey Young Carers Competition Young Carers and School Nursing

12 Surrey Young Carers Competition Chloe 8 ¾

13 Surrey Young Carers Competition Amber 11yrs

14 Surrey Young Carers Competition Young Carers and School Nursing

15 – Next Steps To develop an alert on the electronic patient record which will help the young person to be readily identified and will help us to be able to report on the number of young carers that we are in contact with. We will develop case studies to educate and to raise awareness We will continue to review our Young Carers Charter with partners in the wider community in Surrey and nationally We will support the identification of the ‘Angel’ so that it becomes widely known and visible in schools, GP surgeries and clinics, as well as in the wider community. We will be producing postcards with hints and tips created by young carers


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