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Dr. Meryem Uluskan
Constraint Examples
Types of Resource Constraints
People Human resources are classified by the skills they bring to the project Ex: programmer, mechanical engineer, welder, inspector, marketing director, supervisor Material Material availability and shortages have been blamed for the delay of many projects. Ex: chemicals for a scientific project, concrete for a road project, survey data for a marketing project Ex: replacement of some structures on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco between midnight and 5:00 A.M. a penalty of $1,000 per minute for any work taking place after 5:00 A.M. scheduling the arrival of replacement structures was an extremely important Equipment is usually presented by type, size, and quantity the resource pool is common to assume the resource will not delay the pending project the necessary equpiment in the pool might be occupied on other projects
Classification of a Scheduling Problem
One simple test to determine if the project is time or resource constrained is to ask “If the critical path is delayed, will resources be added to get back on schedule?” if the answer is yes, assume the project is time constrained; if no, assume the project is resource constrained.
Classification of a Scheduling Problem
Classification of Problem Using a priority matrix will help determine if the project is time or resource constrained. Time Constrained Project A project that must be completed by an imposed date. Time is fixed, resources are flexible: If required, resources can be added to ensure the project is completed by a specific date. Resource Constrained Project A project in which the level of resources available cannot be exceeded. Resources are fixed, time is flexible: If the resources are inadequate, it will be acceptable to delay the project, but as little as possible.
Resource Allocation Methods – Resource-Constrained Projects
The parallel method Allocate resources to minimize project delay without exceeding the resource limit Schedule period-by-period any activities scheduled to start using the three priority rules. Minimum slack Smallest (least) duration Lowest activity identification number
Final resource-constrained schedule
New, resource scheduled network
Creating a Time-Phased Budget
Leadership: Being an Effective Project Manager
Managing versus Leading a Project Managing Project Stakeholders Influence as Exchange Social Network Building Ethics and Project Management Building Trust: The Key to Exercising Influence Qualities of an Effective Project Manager
Managing versus Leading a Project
The project manager’s job is to get the project back on track. A manager expedites certain activities; figures out ways to solve technical problems; serves as peacemaker when tensions rise; makes appropriate tradeoffs among time, cost, and scope of the project. They also innovate and adapt to ever-changing circumstances. They often have to deviate from what was planned introduce significant changes in the project scope schedule to respond to unforeseen threats or opportunities.
Managing versus Leading a Project
Management is about coping with complexity, while leadership is about coping with change. One of the things that makes good project managers so valuable to an organization is that they have the ability to both manage and lead a project.
Managing versus Leading a Project
Managing—coping with complexity Formulate plans and objectives Monitor results Take corrective action Expedite activities Solve technical problems Serve as peacemaker Make tradeoffs among time, costs, and project scope Leading—coping with change Recognize the need to change to keep the project on track Initiate change Provide direction and motivation Innovate and adapt as necessary Integrate assigned resources
Managing Project Stakeholders
A significant project involves in working with a number of different groups of stakeholders. First, there is the core group of specialists assigned to complete the project. – project team Second, there are the groups of people within the performing organization who are either directly or indirectly involved with the project. Ex: top management, other managers There are a number of different groups outside the organization that influence the success of the project; the most important is the customer for which the project is designed.
Managing Project Stakeholders
Stakeholders are people and organizations that are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected by the project. A project manager must understand how stakeholders can affect the project and develop methods for managing the dependency.
Managing Project Stakeholders
The Project team manages and completes project work. Project managers compete with each other for resources and the support of top management. they often have to share resources and exchange information. Administrative support groups, such as human resources, information systems, purchasing, and maintenance, provide valuable support services. they also impose constraints and requirements on the project. Functional managers, can play a minor or major role toward project success. they may be responsible for assigning project personnel, resolving technical dilemmas, and overseeing the completion of significant segments of the project work. Top management approves funding of the project and establishes priorities within the organization. Significant adjustments in budget, scope, and schedule typically need their approval.
Managing Project Stakeholders
Project sponsors champion the project and use their influence to gain approval of the project. they defend the project when it comes under attack and are a key project ally. Contractors may do all the actual work, or they are responsible for segments of the project. poor work and schedule slips can affect work of the core project team. Government agencies place constraints on project work. permits need to be secured. Other organizations, may directly or indirectly affect the project. Ex: suppliers provide necessary resources for completion of the project. Delays, shortages, and poor quality can be problems. Public interest groups may apply pressure on government agencies.
Managing Project Stakeholders
Customers define the scope of the project ultimate project success rests in their satisfaction project managers need to be responsive to changing customer needs and requirements and to meeting their expectations. These relationships are interdependent in that a project manager’s ability to work effectively with one group will affect her ability to manage other groups.
Managing Project Stakeholders
Influence as Exchange The Law of Reciprocity
One good deed deserves another, and likewise, one bad deed deserves another. Quid pro Quo (something for something) Mutual exchanges of resources and services (“back- scratching”) build relationships. Influence “Currencies” (Cohen and Bradford) Cooperative relationships are built on the exchange of organizational “currencies” (favors).
Influence as Exchange Task-Related Currencies
This form of influence comes directly from the project manager’s ability to contribute to others’ accomplishing their work. The ability to respond to subordinates’ requests for additional manpower, money, or time to complete a segment of a project. Sharing resources with another project manager who is in need.
Influence as Exchange Position-Related Currencies
This form of influence stems from the manager’s ability to enhance others’ positions within their organization. A project manager can do this by giving someone a challenging assignment that can aid their advancement by developing their skills and abilities.
Commonly Traded Organizational Currencies
Task-related currencies Resources Lending or giving money, budget increases, personnel, etc. Assistance Helping with existing projects or undertaking unwanted tasks. Cooperation Giving task support, providing quicker response time, or aiding implementation. Information Providing organizational as well as technical knowledge. Position-related currencies Advancement Giving a task or assignment that can result in promotion. Recognition Acknowledging effort, accomplishments, or abilities. Visibility Providing a chance to be known by higher-ups or significant others in the organization. Network/contacts Providing opportunities for linking with others.
Commonly Traded Organizational Currencies
Inspiration-related currencies Vision Being involved in a task that has larger significance for the unit, organization, customer, or society. Excellence Having a chance to do important things really well. Ethical correctness Doing what is “right” by a higher standard than efficiency. Relationship-related currencies Acceptance Providing closeness and friendship. Personal support Giving personal and emotional backing. Understanding Listening to others’ concerns and issues. Personal-related currencies Challenge/learning Sharing tasks that increase skills and abilities. Ownership/involvement Letting others have ownership and influence. Gratitude Expressing appreciation.
Social Network Building
Mapping Dependencies Project team perspective: Whose cooperation will be needed? Whose agreement or approval will we need? Whose opposition would keep us from accomplishing the project? Stakeholders’ perspective: What differences exist between the team and those on whom the team will depend? How do the stakeholders view the project? What is the status of our relationships with other stakeholders? What sources of influence does the team have relative to the stakeholders?
Dependencies for Financial Software Installation Project
Management by Wandering Around (MBWA)
A management style that involves managers spending the majority of time outside of their offices in face-to-face interactions with employees building cooperative relationships. Characteristics of Effective Project Managers Initiate contact with key players / stakeholders. They keep in touch with suppliers, vendors, top management, and other functional managers. In doing so they maintain familiarity with different parties, sustain friendships, discover opportunities to do favors, and understand the motives and needs of others. Anticipate potential problems. Provide encouragement. Reinforce the objectives and vision of the project. Recognize the need to build relationships before they need them.
Managing Upward Relations
Project Success = Top Management Support Appropriate budgets Responsiveness to unexpected needs Importance of cooperation Motivating the Project Team Influence top management in favor of the team: Cancel unreasonable demands Provide additional resources Recognize the accomplishments of team members
Managing Upward Relations
Statements like the following are often made by project managers about upper management: “They don’t know how much it sets us back losing Kemal to another project.” “I would like to see them get this project done with the budget they gave us.” “I just wish they would make up their minds as to what is really important.” Many of the tensions that arise between upper management and project managers are a result of differences in perspective. Project managers become naturally absorbed with what is best for their project and to them the most important thing in the world is their project. Top management should have a different set of priorities. First prove loyalty Persuade upper management
The Significance of a Project Sponsor
Sponsors are high-ranking officials who championed approval and funding of the project Their reputations are aligned with the project. Defend the project when it is under attack in upper circles of management. Shelter the project from excessive interference
Leading by Example
Leading by Example Priorities Actions speak louder than words. Urgency
Sense of urgency through stringent deadlines, frequent status report meetings, and aggressive solutions for expediting the project. Problem Solving How project managers respond to problems sets the tone for how others tackle problems. Cooperation How project managers act toward outsiders influences how team members interact with outsiders. Standards of Performance If PMs want participants to exceed project expectations then they have to exceed others’ expectations of a good PM. Ethics How others respond to ethical dilemmas will be influenced by how the project manager has responded to similar dilemmas.
Ethics and Project Management
Ethical dilemmas Situations where it is difficult to determine whether conduct is right or wrong. Padding of cost and time estimations Exaggerating pay-offs of project proposals Falsely assuring customers that everything is on track Being pressured to alter status reports Compromising safety standards to accelerate progress Approving shoddy work Code of conduct Professional standards and personal integrity One common rule of thumb for testing whether a response is ethical is to ask, “Imagine that whatever you did was going to be reported on the front page of your local newspaper. How would you like that? Would you be comfortable?”
Building Trust: The Key to Exercising Influence
“At first everyone liked Joe and was excited about the project. But after a while, people became suspicious of his motives. He had a tendency to say different things to different people. People began to feel manipulated. He spent too much time with top management. People began to believe that he was only looking out for himself. It was HIS project. When the project began to slip he jumped ship and left someone else holding the bag. I’ll never work for that guy again.” “My first impression of Jack was nothing special. He had a quiet, unassuming management style. Over time I learned to respect his judgment and his ability to get people to work together. When you went to him with a problem or a request, he always listened carefully. If he couldn’t do what you wanted him to do, he would take the time to explain why. When disagreements arose he always thought of what was best for the project. He treated everyone by the same rules; no one got special treatment. I’d jump at the opportunity to work on a project with him again.”
Contradictions of Project Management
Innovate and maintain stability. See the big picture while getting your hands dirty. Encourage individuals but stress the team. Hands-off/Hands-on. Flexible but firm. Team versus organizational loyalties.
Qualities of an Effective Project Manager
Systems thinker Personal integrity Proactive High tolerance for stress General business perspective Good communicator Effective time management Skillful politician Optimist
High-Performing Teams
Synergy = 10 (positive synergy) = 2 (negative synergy) “Instead of operating as one big team we fractionalized into a series of subgroups. The marketing people stuck together as well as the systems guys. A lot of time was wasted gossiping and complaining about each other. When the project started slipping behind schedule, everyone started covering their tracks and trying to pass the blame on to others. After a while we avoided direct conversation and resorted to . Management finally pulled the plug and brought in another team to salvage the project. It was one of the worst project management experiences in my life.”
High-Performing Teams
“There was a contagious excitement within the team. Sure we had our share of problems and setbacks, but we dealt with them straight on and, at times, were able to do the impossible. We all cared about the project and looked out for each other. At the same time we challenged each other to do better. It was one of the most exciting times in my life.”
High-Performing Teams
Synergy = 10 (positive synergy) = 2 (negative synergy) Characteristics of High-performing Teams Share a sense of common purpose Identifies individual talents and expertise and uses them Have balanced and shared roles Have energy toward problem solving rather than allowing itself to be drained by interpersonal issues or competitive struggles Accept differences of opinion and expression Encourage risk taking and creativity Sets high personal performance standards Identify with the team
The Five-Stage Team Development Model
Forming members get acquainted with each other and understand the scope of the project. completed once members begin to think of themselves as part of a group. Storming high degree of internal conflict resist the constraints that the project and group put on their individuality conflict over who will control the group and how decisions will be made As these conflicts are resolved, the project manager’s leadership gets accepted, the group moves to the next stage.
The Five-Stage Team Development Model
Norming close relationships develop and the group demonstrates cohesiveness. feelings of shared responsibility for the project are heightened. is complete when the group establishes a common set of expectations about how members should work together. Performing The team operating structure at this point is fully functional and accepted. Group energy has moved to accomplishing the project goals. Adjourning completion phase high performance is no longer a top priority. instead attention is devoted to wrapping up the project.
The Five-Stage Team Development Model
The Punctuated Equilibrium Model of Group Development
Phase I continues until one-half of the allotted time for project completion has expired (regardless of actual amount of time). At this midpoint, a major transition occurs that includes the dropping of the group’s old norms and behavior patterns and the emergence of new behavior and working relationships that contribute to increased progress toward completing the project. The groups universally experienced a midlife crisis at this point. The midpoint appeared to work like an alarm clock, heightening members’ awareness that time was limited and they needed to get moving.
Situational Factors Affecting Team Development
Ten or fewer team members Voluntary team membership Continuous service on the team Full-time assignment to the team An organization culture of cooperation and trust Members report only to the project manager All relevant functional areas are represented on the team The project has a compelling objective Members are in speaking distance of each other
Building High-Performance Project Teams
Building High-Performance Project Teams
Recruiting Project Members Factors affecting recruiting Importance of the project Management structure used to complete the project How to recruit? Ask for volunteers Who to recruit? Problem-solving ability Availability Technological expertise Credibility Political connections Ambition, initiative, and energy Who is good, who is available, and who might want to work on the project. Discuss project requirements for staffing with functional managers. documents should be available at these discussions: an overall project scope statement, endorsements of top management, a description of the tasks and general schedule that include people from their departments. be precise as to what attributes you are seeking and why they are important.
Conducting Project Meetings
Conducting Project Meetings The First Project Team Meeting
The first project kick-off meeting is critical to the early functioning of the project team. Three objectives to achieve during the first meeting: 1. To provide an overview of the project, including the scope and objectives, the general schedule, method, and procedures. 2. To begin to address some of the interpersonal concerns captured in the team development: Who are the other team members? How will I fit in? Will I be able to work with these people? 3. To begin to model how the team is going to work together to complete the project.
Conducting Project Meetings The First Project Team Meeting
First impressions are important; PM’s behavior will be carefully monitored and interpreted by team members. This meeting should serve as an example and role model for subsequent meetings and reflect the leader’s style. Off-site kick-off meetings If the meeting is short then the PM should simply review the scope of the project, discuss how the team was formed, provide an opportunity for members to introduce themselves to the team.
Establishing Ground Rules
Establish operational ground rules for how the team will work together Not only organizational and procedural issues but also normative issues on how the team will interact with each other. Planning Decisions How will the project plan be developed? What tools will be used to support the project? What are the deliverables of the project planning process? Tracking Decisions How will team members get data from each other? Who will generate and distribute reports? Meetings Managing Change Decisions How will changes be instituted? Relationship Decisions What department or organizations will the team need to interact with during the project? How will all involved parties be kept informed of deliverables, schedule dates, expectations, etc.?
Establishing Ground Rules
Some of the norms researchers have found associated with high- performance teams: • Confidentiality is maintained; no information is shared outside the team unless all agree to it. • It is acceptable to be in trouble, but it is not acceptable to surprise others. Tell others immediately when deadlines or milestones will not be reached. • There is zero tolerance for bulling a way through a problem or an issue. • Agree to disagree, but when a decision has been made, regardless of personal feelings, move forward. • Respect outsiders, and do not flaunt one’s position on the project team. • Hard work does not get in the way of having fun.
Managing Subsequent Project Meetings
Ex. status report meetings, problem-solving meetings, and audit meetings. Guidelines for running effective meetings. Start meetings on time Prepare and distribute an agenda Review how effective previous meetings have been. Ask for recommendations Assign good recordkeeping Review the agenda before beginning Prioritize issues Encourage active participation Summarize decisions, and review assignments for the next meeting. Prepare and distribute a summary of the meeting to appropriate people. Recognize accomplishments and positive behavior.
Conducting Project Meetings
Establishing a Team Identity
Effective Use of Meetings communicate project information work together in a common space an associated team logo is also created symbolic actions at the project level can contribute to a unique team subculture. Co-location of team members Creation of project team name Team rituals
Requirements for an Effective Project Vision
Managing Project Reward Systems
Group Rewards Who gets what as an individual reward? How to make the reward have lasting significance? How to recognize individual performance? Letters of commendation Public recognition for outstanding work Desirable job assignments Increased personal flexibility
Orchestrating the Decision-Making Process
Problem Identification Generating Alternatives Reaching a Decision Follow-up
Conflict Intensity Over the Project Life Cycle
Conflict Intensity Over the Project Life Cycle
Definition phase Disputes occur over the relative importance of the project compared with other activities, which project management structure to use (especially how much control the project manager should have), the personnel to be assigned, and the scheduling of the project into existing workloads. Planning phase Disagreements often emerge over the final schedule, the availability of resources, communication and decision making procedures, and technical requirements for the project.
Conflict Intensity Over the Project Life Cycle
During the execution phase, friction arises over schedule slippage, technical problems, and staff issues. Milestones become more difficult to meet because of accumulating schedule slippages. This leads to tension within the team as delays prevent others from starting or completing their work. Managing the trade-offs between time, cost, and performance becomes paramount. During the delivery phase, schedules continue as the biggest source of conflict as schedule slippages make it more difficult to meet target completion dates.
Managing Conflict within the Project Team
Managing Dysfunctional Conflict Mediate the conflict. Arbitrate the conflict. Control the conflict. Accept the conflict. Eliminate the conflict.
Next week Next week we will have a quiz at the beginning of our lecture.
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