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VCR: Lesson 3: Position Root: EX “from” “out of” 1. Excerpt n. A passage selected from a book, play, piece of music, etc. The congregation read several.

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Presentation on theme: "VCR: Lesson 3: Position Root: EX “from” “out of” 1. Excerpt n. A passage selected from a book, play, piece of music, etc. The congregation read several."— Presentation transcript:

1 VCR: Lesson 3: Position Root: EX “from” “out of” 1. Excerpt n. A passage selected from a book, play, piece of music, etc. The congregation read several excerpts from the bible during the service. tr.v. To take a passage from a book, etc.; to quote The students excerpted their favorite songs from The Sound of Music to use in their school play.

2 VCR: Lesson 3: Position Root: EX “from” “out of” 2. Exhilarate tr. v. To cheer; to stimulate; to enliven The wonderful production of Cats on stage exhilarated the entire audience.

3 VCR: Lesson 3: Position Root: EX “from” “out of” 3. Exonerate tr. v. To free from blame. The defendant was exonerated of all the charges. tr. v. To relieve of a task. As a reward for babysitting, his parents exonerated him from mowing the lawn.

4 VCR: Lesson 3: Position Root: EX “from” “out of” 4. Exorbitant adj. Excessive Her exorbitant shopping has caused the demise of her bank account.

5 VCR: Lesson 3: Position Root: PONO, PONERE, POSUI, POSITUM “to place,” “to put” 5. Compound tr. v. To mix together; to combine two or more parts or elements. adj. Having two or more parts or elements. n. A combination of elements, parts, or substances.

6 VCR: Lesson 3: Position Root: PONO, PONERE, POSUI, POSITUM “to place,” “to put” 6. Exposition n. 1. A precise statement or explanation 2. A public exhibit or show.

7 VCR: Lesson 3: Position Root: PONO, PONERE, POSUI, POSITUM “to place,” “to put” 7. Expound tr. and intr. v. To set forth an explanation or view of something in detail (usually used with on) The travelers expounded on the animals they saw on their Safari in Kenya.

8 VCR: Lesson 3: Position Root: PONO, PONERE, POSUI, POSITUM “to place,” “to put” 8. Impose tr. v. To set up, or to force something (or oneself) on others. The government has imposed several laws to raise taxes. intr. v. TO take unfair advantage of someone. The guest imposed on the hosts when he stayed until 3am.

9 VCR: Lesson 3: Position Root: PONO, PONERE, POSUI, POSITUM “to place,” “to put” 9. Impostor n. One who deceives by using a false identity. When the man took off his fake mustache they realized that he was impostor.

10 VCR: Lesson 3: Position Root: PONO, PONERE, POSUI, POSITUM “to place,” “to put” 10. Proponent n. One who argues in support of something. The senator is a proponent of Proposal 2.

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