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The Benefits of Being Bilingual World Language Addison Trail High School.

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1 The Benefits of Being Bilingual World Language Addison Trail High School

2 Did you know? There are 193 countries in the world… And there are approximately 6,900 languages!

3 Why is it GREAT to be bilingual or multilingual? “I feel so independent because I can rely on myself to communicate.” (Lizbeth, 18) “In the real world you need to speak and write to communicate, and languages are the key to any job.” (Sarah, 22) “Because I’m bilingual I got the job I wanted.” (Dave, 19) “I understand the world in a different way. I feel part of a special club” (Luis, 16)

4 So, Why Study Spanish? Statistics from: and Spanish is the mother tongue of approximately 388 million people in 21 countries ! Hispanic consumers are the fastest- growing market segment in North America. Their population in the USA has grown by 60% in just one decade and their buying power is expected to exceed $1.3 billion by 2013. Spanish is the world's third most spoken language! Spanish is the second most used language in international communication, and an official language of the UN and its organizations.

5 Spanish Do you recognize these Spanish words? hola taco amigo tornado bronco adiós fajita jaguar chocolate rodeo guitarra loco patio iguana plaza salsa tango queso tortilla tomato vanilla banana armadillo ¡Excelente! You’re off to a good start!

6 Do you know what these people have in common? Pitbull Eva Longoria Gwyneth Paltrow Selena Gomez They ALL speak MORE than one language AND they ALL speak Spanish!

7 Take SPANISH at Addison Trail Spanish 1 Spanish 2 Spanish 3H Spanish 4H AP Spanish Language Native Spanish Spanish 4H AP Spanish Language AP Spanish Literature &Culture

8 So, Why Study Italian? Statistics from: Approximately 60% of English words come from Latin, and Italian is a Latin-based language. Knowing Italian can improve your English! There are more than 55 million speakers of Italian in Italy and 6.5 million Italian speakers in 30 other countries! Italy is the first non- English-speaking country destination for American students! Italian is the fourth most popular language studied at the college level.

9 Italian Do you recognize these Italian words? pasta impressione parente inflazione trombone cinema villa libreria marina famosoapparenza turismo Stupendo! You’re off to a good start!

10 Do you recognize these items? The Last Supper Gwyneth Paltrow They were all created by an Italian! Ferrari

11 Take ITALIAN at Addison Trail Italian 1 Italian 2 Italian 3H Italian 4H AP Italian Language Culture

12 So, Why Study German? Statistics from: German is the most widely spoken language in Europe and more than 229 million people speak German worldwide! German & German- speaking companies include Adidas, PUMA, Volkswagen, BMW & Mercedes-Benz! Next to English, German is the most desirable business language for European companies! Germany is the 2 nd greatest exporter in the world, with the 4 th strongest economy.

13 GERMAN Do you recognize these GERMAN words? buch kommen finger haus windig schwimmen name alt singen handmutter blau Ausgezeichnet! You’re off to a good start! kindergarten

14 Do you know what these people have in common? Heidi Klum Leonardo DiCaprio Johnny Depp Sandra Bullock They ALL speak MORE than one language AND they ALL speak German!

15 Take GERMAN at Addison Trail German 1 German 2 German 3H German 4H

16 So, how can YOU use a World Language for your career? Accountant Airline Flight Attendant Airline Pilot Architect Attorney Editor Auto Mechanic Bank Teller Camera Operator Carpenter Translator Chef/Caterer Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Chiropractor Computer Operator Film production Cosmetologist Art Museum Curator Dental Assistant Dentist Dietitian Disc Jockey Doctor Drafter Electrician Engineer Financial Planner Firefighter Graphic Artist Police Officer I n s u r a n c e A g e n t Interior Designer Advertising Librarian Machinist Market Researcher Hotel Manager Reporter Nurse Optician Journalist Paralegal Manager Pharmacist Photographer Physical Therapist Psychologist Real Estate Agent R e s t a u r a n t M a n a g e r Salesperson Construction Worker Secretary S m a l l B u s i n e s s O w n e r Travel Agent Veterinarian Waiter/Waitress X-Ray Technician Teacher Peace Corps Judge Tour guide CIA Agent

17 Want more info? Stop by the World Language Office Mr. Bendicsen Mrs. Calo Mrs. Craig Mr. Ginter Mrs. McColaugh Mr. Núñez Mrs. Salgado Mrs. Spilotro Mrs. Vitiritti-Lynch Ms. Vendegna

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