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What is a Perfect Visit? Winning Introduction Assessing the Needs and Benefit Presentation Closing the Deal and Handling Objections – Asking for the Enrollment.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Perfect Visit? Winning Introduction Assessing the Needs and Benefit Presentation Closing the Deal and Handling Objections – Asking for the Enrollment."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is a Perfect Visit? Winning Introduction Assessing the Needs and Benefit Presentation Closing the Deal and Handling Objections – Asking for the Enrollment Memorable Conclusion and Follow Up!

3 Are you ready? You only get one chance to make a first impression…. Always ensure that your lobby and office area are ready to greet visitors and currently enrolled families:  Attractive  Good smell (plug in air freshener)  Free of clutter  Memorable  Music playing  Seasonally decorated Would YOU enroll YOUR child here?

4 It is important to remember that families are invited to come in for a visit to your school. A visit is where people interact personally between each other. It’s where a connection is made between people. A tour is generally a group of unconnected people with a common interest in mind. A tour is rarely tailored to the individual interests of people. Visit vs. Tour

5 Let the Teachers of the visiting child’s potential classroom know that a family will be visiting. Tell them the name of the child and parent and approximate time of the visit. Ensure that all Managers are aware and prepared for the visiting family. Prepare for the visit, based on the needs of the family shared during your initial phone call - curriculum examples, parent testimonial inserts completed with contact information of families with the same aged child, Brag Book up to date. Have your visit packet and all necessary paperwork ready. Welcome them as you would a guest in your home. The Day of the Visit Tips

6 Introduction / Make the Connection! The day of the Visit Greet the parent and child warmly and professionally using their names. Make a connection with the child by getting down to the child’s level and greeting them by name. Introduce the visiting family to your Assistant Director/Director (depending on who is doing the visit).

7 Invite the visiting parent to sit in a comfortable seating area, away from the reception desk where there are many distractions. Redirect the child to an activity so that the parent can focus on the information while feeling at ease that their child is taken care of. Introduction / Assessing the Needs!

8 Every school should have a clipboard with Welcome to Our Family forms attached. Come around from the desk to greet the parent o Greet them using your name/title – get their name and the name/age of their child (start using names immediately). Point out the lower section, asking that they complete it so you can tailor the visit to meet their needs. Assessing the Needs!

9 Safety is a concern You can ask the parent to sign your guest book You could ask parent to wear a visitor badge If you would like to use these support materials they can be found on the intranet under The Perfect Visit.

10 Benefit Presentation Make a connection with the child’s Teachers before you enter the classroom by sharing personal information about the Teacher included on their Bio Sheet. Point out the benefits of your school based on the visitor’s needs and interests.

11 Example ideas available on the intranet. This is an editable form to be adapted for your school. Tools you can use to assist you with the benefit presentation:

12 Benefit Presentation - Classroom Introduce the Teacher to the visiting parent and child. Ideally, for a scheduled visit, the Teacher should know the visiting family's names. Have the Teacher say something special to the child to make them feel at ease. “ Well, hello Kendrik, very nice to meet you, I am Miss Anna. I love your cool shirt. Tell me what you like to play with. I am sure we have some special toys here that you will like!”

13 Benefit Presentation - Classroom If the classroom activities allow, let the Teacher take the lead of the visit while the Director interacts with the visiting child and the other children in the classroom. This is the Teacher’s opportunity to make her connection with the parent. Education: The Teacher should point out the examples of Evidence of Learning in the classroom. Discuss that we do activities with specific learning outcomes and skill development to help prepare the child for their next steps.

14 What better way for a child or parent to make an immediate connection with a Teacher than for them to receive a small gift or goodie-bag? Here are some suggestions: Infants Socks Bottle Burp rag Cloth book Board book Toddlers/Twos Bubbles Board Book Beach ball Sippy Cup (one year old) T shirt Hat Farm Animal Sidewalk Chalk Preschool Sun glasses Stickers Story book Crayons and coloring page Travel game T shirt Glow bracelets / necklace School-Age Ball Frisbee Craft Pencil & notepad Tattoos slime Deck of cards Make the visit MEMORABLE to the child and the parent

15 Closing, Ask for the Enrollment. If the child did not stay in the classroom, offer them something to play with. After the visit, invite the family into your office, or to a comfortable area away from the reception desk. Ask if they have any questions and review the visit packet. What can you share that you didn’t see during the visit? If you have a Brag Book so you can point out all the extra special things that happen throughout the year.

16 Visit Packet The Visit Packet should be given after the visit, during the close and include the following items: 1.Current Brochure (this is a three panel brochure with a pocket) 2.Curriculum inserts (based on the age of the child) 3. Parent Referral Insert 4.School Director business card (inserted in slot on inside pocket) 5.Tuition schedule highlighted with the applicable rate for the visiting family 6.Free Discovery Day coupon 7.Reference call sheet (per specific age) 8.Teacher Letter from applicable classroom teacher (teacher bio can also be used) 9.In The Know (Optional) 10.Community Connection (based on family circumstances) - (Optional). Other materials you may share during a visit could be: A sample menu, a sample lesson plan, yearly schedule, sample newsletter, etc.


18 Closing, Ask for the Enrollment! You have to ask for the enrollment: ? “When would you like to start? We have an opening on -----------.” ? “Paying a registration fee will secure Kendrick’s position in Miss Anna’s classroom! Would you like to pay that today?” ? “Would you like to bring Kendrick in for his FREE Discovery day tomorrow and start next week?” The most important thing to remember after you ask a closing question is to be quiet! Handle Objections with Ease using the Triple A Formula  Acknowledge the prospects objective with a good empathetic suggestion  Address the objection with the benefits of your center  Ask for the commitment / enrollment Think about all the benefits your school has to offer. Your ability to talk about the value of the school will help to ensure the value of the deal.  Be prepared to explain why a parent should choose your program vs. one down the street that is less expensive – never provide negative information about your competition. Mention that it is up to the individual families' choice then point out your features.  Discuss flexible schedules or pricing alternatives.

19 You Closed the Deal! Make a Memorable Conclusion and Welcome them to the Family! Collect the registration fee then give them their Enrollment Packet. Suggest that they call you with any questions at their convenience. Schedule a Discovery Day / Orientation Meeting. Congratulations!

20 Enrollment Packet The Enrollment Folder should be given, only if a paid registration has been received and should include the following items: 1.All applicable enrollment forms per state regulations 2.Tuition Rate sheet 3.Parent Handbook 4.Parent Orientation 5.Permission to Photograph/Release form 6.School Director business card 7.Any additional information that pertains to your school 8.Optional Tools: 1.Getting to know your family – Care Program 2.Checklist for first day 3.Student Information page for Teachers

21 Memorable Conclusion– Say Goodbye to your new friends! “Goodbye, Kendrik, did you have fun here today? I will see you again on Monday when you come here to play with your new friends!” “Very nice to meet you, Janet! I want to assure you that you have made a great decision to bring Kendrick here to Phoenix Children’s Academy.” “Enjoy the rest of your day and please don’t hesitate to give me a call should you have any questions. Have fun at the park this afternoon.”

22 Follow Up! Follow Up! Follow Up! Enter information into OnCare Update your CRM to Enrolled! Send a personal e-mail, using an e-template, referring back to the visit and confirming all relevant dates. (Discovery Day, Parent Orientation, Start Date) Template available in your E-template library. Welcome them to your school again and congratulate them on their decision! Put follow-up dates into your Outlook Calendar Move Family to your Care program!

23 Deal did Not Close! DO NOT give up! Write a personal thank you note and pop it in the mail the next day! Update your CRM to Follow Up Check the box under Visited Completed Add a Future Contact date.

24 Deal did Not Close! DO NOT give up! You now need to make sure that you stay “Front of mind” to the family by CONTINUING TO reach out to them and to be their friend! Remember to relate back to the visit!  Call within 48 hours of the visit to see if they have any questions. “Hello Janet, this is Keri calling from Phoenix Children’s Academy. How is little Kendrik doing? He’s such a cutie! I am just touching base to see if there is anything I can help you with as you make your decision for Kendrik’s child care.”

25  Follow up action DOES work  80% of all sales are after the 5 th contact  Update your CRM along the way  Make notes for each contact you have made  Set yourself a Future Contact Date within a timely matter  Emails should contain website address, telephone number and school address  Follow up should include multiple touches and a variety  Phone Calls  Personalized Emails  Personalized Mail to Parent and Child  Invitations to school events  Monthly Newsletters Keys to Follow Up Success

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